CAUTION! Francis teaches…

Francis: “It’s not Christian to walk looking down, as Pigs do”

Today it was time for another General Audience, and Francis, pleased to be in the limelight once again, happily used the opportunity to instruct the world once more about what “isn’t Christian”. While in the past we had heard him clarify that it is “not Christian” to exclude, to take an either/or approach to anything, or to attempt to convert non-Catholics, today his hapless listeners were being warned not to have their eyes on the ground like pigs:

It’s not Christian to walk looking down — as pigs do: they always go like this — without raising our eyes to the horizon, as if all our journey ended here, in the span of a few meters of travel; as if there were no aim in our life and no landing, and we were constrained to an eternal wandering, without any reason for our many toils.


Another trip, another logo…

A Soiled Cross: Official Logo for Francis’ Chile Trip released

Another trip, another logo: After releasing the official logo for “Pope” Francis’ trip to Peru earlier this month, the Vatican has now unveiled the logo and motto for Jorge Bergoglio’s trip to Chile. You can see it above (click the image for a larger view).

This time, we really can’t accuse the designers of not adding a big-enough cross. A cross is indeed plenty visible. How it is displayed, however, is another matter: The cross itself looks unappealing, and its contours are deliberately fuzzy.

Not enough, on the Cross itself is superimposed a map of the country of Chile, which has the effect of making the Cross appear soiled or stained.… READ MORE