FranciSchism Watch…

Athanasius Schneider on French TV:
“A certain kind of Schism already exists in the Church”



On Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016, the internet-based French television station TV Libertés aired an installment of its program Terres de Mission. One of its guests was Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, who was interviewed about the fallout from the dubia submitted to “Pope” Francis to receive clarification on certain points contained in the “Apostolic” exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The entire program can be watched in the original French here.

We have taken the portion of the broadcast that contains the interview with Mr.… READ MORE

News Digest December 6, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 6, 2016

“Pope is Pop”! Flash Mob for Francis at Italian Prison


Brave New Mercy…

Vatican “Archbishop” Paglia: Francis might abolish Automatic Excommunication for Abortion

Embed from Getty Images

It’s time to catch up on some important news from a few days ago that didn’t make it onto this blog yet.

When Francis published his “Apostolic” Letter Misericordia et Misera two weeks ago to extend indefinitely certain provisions of the Year of Mercy that had just been concluded, one of the provisions concerned the faculties given to all Novus Ordo confessors to absolve from the excommunication latae sententiae incurred automatically by anyone participating in an abortion (whether receiving, performing, or assisting at one).… READ MORE

Genuine Misquote or Damage Control Effort?

Dean Pinto of Roman Rota says he did Not issue Threat to Four “Cardinals”

Come on, would this face lie to you? (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca)

An interesting development has occurred, and it’s one that will probably make you chuckle.

On Nov. 29, the Spanish web site Religion Confidencial published a report according to which the dean of the Novus Ordo Sect’s Roman Rota — the Vatican’s highest appeals court — had issued a threat against the four “dubia cardinals” Burke, Brandmuller, Meisner, and Caffarra, basically for challenging Francis in public to either fish or cut bait, as it were, regarding “Holy Communion” for adulterers and other more basic moral issues in the “papal” exhortation Amoris Laetitia.… READ MORE

As in, “Whatever”…

CDF Head “Cardinal” Müller on the Dubia:
“Cannot get involved in the Dispute”

image: dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

In an interview published on Dec. 1, 2016, by the German Dom Radio, the head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, has weighed in on the ongoing controversy over Amoris Laetitia, specifically the five “doubts” (dubia) submitted by “Cardinals” Burke, Caffarra, Brandmuller, and Meisner.

Due to time constraints we are not able to translate the entire interview, but we will give you the most important parts:


This letter [of the dubia submitted by the four “cardinals”] was addressed to the Pope himself and contained questions regarding the correct interpretation of Amoris Laetitia.