Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 15, 2016
Ecumenist Indifferentism in Action:
Eastern Orthodox allowed to have Mass at “Roman Catholic” Parish in Utah
- Francis rails against “Clericalism” and “Intellectuals of Religion” that his church is obviously infested with! — And to score his points, he appeals to “poor Judas, a traitor and repentant, [who] was not welcomed by the pastors”! No, he was not repentant in the sense of being contrite, for he died in despair and so went to hell! (Cf. Mt 27:5; Jn 17:12; Mt 26:24)
- In Brazil, affiliate of abortion provider Planned Parenthood advertises using Francis — While it’s true that they are misrepresenting him, this is simply what happens when all you ever talk about is “mercy” and say that, basically, abortion is on a par with failure to recycle… How come no one was ever able to misrepresent Pope St. Pius X?
- “Cardinal” Napier has figured out the real problem: What’s worse than “Divorce/Remarriage” for the children? Calling it “Adultery”, of course! — That’s how the New Morality works: Calling sin “sin” is the sin! You can’t make it up…
- Not enough ecumenism yet! “Cardinal” Kasper wants Francis to allow more “Intercommunion” with Protestants next…
- Tom “What Pope Francis Really Said” Hoopes has moved into the position of top Francis Explainer — knocking off Jimmy Akin — and continues to jump through the same to justify the impossible: “I spent a year reading Pope Francis, and it was the hardest year of my life…. I don’t want to have to defend this guy…. If you can’t exactly embrace what the pope says, at least decline to publicly undermine the things he says.” — Meanwhile, we’re still waiting on Mr. Hoopes to tell us “what Pope Francis really said” about feces…. — Oh, but he prays the Rosary daily! Yeah, that changes everything… the Pharisees didn’t pray, you know…
- Climate Change in the Vatican: Journalist Edward Pentin has explosive inside information about “Reign of Terror” under Francis
- There’s never been a blasphemy he didn’t like: Francis receives in private audience Martin Scorsese, director of blasphemous The Last Temptation of Christ — On this occasion, Francis’ theological twin, “Fr.” Anthony Spadaro, conducted an interview with Scorsese about his new movie, Silence
- Francis blasphemes Christ, says “Jesus sort of plays the Retard”
- Another day, another Francis homily, another (intended) jab at traditional Catholic Priests — from the man who won’t judge!
- Like Francis, Irish “Archbishop” Diarmuid Martin believes marriages can “fail” and “begin anew” — If only St. John the Baptist had known that! He didn’t need to confront King Herod with those unrealistic black-and-white ideals that don’t take “reality” into account! He would have saved himself an entire head! (Cf. Mk 6:21-29)
- The same “Archbishop” Martin, by the way, says there is no clear or easy way to define “Family” — These are the people claiming to be Roman Catholic bishops?!
- The Novus Ordo Future is bright: New “Priests” will be eco-sensitive!
- By their Fruits you shall know them: The Muslim European Invasion meets the Culture of Encounter
- Distorting the Gospel to promote Pacifism: Francis releases Message for World Day of Peace — to read a real papal message for peace, to see how striking the contrast is, see Pope Benedict XV, Encyclical Pacem Dei Munus, and Pope Pius XI, Encyclicals Ubi Arcano and Quas Primas
- Pope-Liberius-bashing “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider sticks up for the Society of St. Pius X in new interview
- Same thing, slightly different flavor: Still the same old, same old “news” in Bp. Fellay October Conference at SSPX Meeting
- Would you like a “sacrament” to accompany your suicide? Eastern Canadian “Bishops” approve administering Anointing of the Sick before Suicide by Euthanasia!
- They’re so traditional! The Vatican’s Nostalgia for the Beatles
- The Erosion of Dogma continues: “Catholic Bishops” in Germany issue new Bible Translation that sows doubt and confusion about Blessed Mother’s Virginity… Next stop: Arianism!
- People are talking about it more and more: Is there a “Submerged Schism” in the Novus Ordo Church?
- And another schism just in China? As Vatican kisses up to Chinese Communists, some “Underground Bishops” go rogue…
- No end in sight to daily Francis blather: “The Law is about Moving Forward” — And “docility to the Holy Spirit” of course means simply accepting whatever Francis dreams up from day to day! St. Paul had a rather rigid view about that: “If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema” (Gal 1:9).
- “Archbishop” of Brisbane warns against “False Clarity” concerning Adultery — As in: “He whom thou now hast, is not thy husband” (Jn 4:18)!
- Straight from the Pit of Hell: The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement — Indeed, it is NOT a Joke!
- If you thought Francis wasn’t going to find a way to make Christmas about “migrants”, you were wrong! Vatican Nativity Scene includes Refugee Boat as Francis talks about how Baby Jesus reminds us of Migrants
- The Novus Ordo Sect’s Chief Narcissist warns Seminarians against Narcissism, wants them to promote “Belonging”
- Chicken Soup for the Novus Ordo Soul: Never forget to smile, even when life is hard, says Francis
- Welcoming the Pervert Alphabet Soup: San Diego “Bishop” praises pro-gay parish as model for welcoming ‘LGBT worshippers’ — Here’s some info on the LGBT Lies
- Can’t make it up: Vatican reiterates that Homo-Perverts shouldn’t be Priests, but “transitory” Homosexuality is okay!
- Fighting Error with Error: The Strange Ideas of Fr. Leonard Feeney
- Debunking the Debunkers: A Closer Look at Snopes
- For your Advent alms this year, please don’t forget our piggy bank — thank you!
The pre-“Vatican II” NOW website was much better. Just to load this page, my browser counted 69 requests that downloaded a total of 4.1 MB and 27s to completely load. (My internet connection is faster than >95% of other users’, so the issue isn’t on my end.) Plus, the old one supported the secure HTTPS protocol.
We all have our crosses. 😉
It takes longer to load because there is more content to donwload. However, let me check into that more… I’m sure we can streamline a few things still, and I’ll also look into the secure HTTP protocol.
Ad blockers and script-disabling plugins certainly make them lighter. ☺
It seems improved now, although I did install NoScript, and that speeds up many sites.
This website is way better than before, a fantastic upgrade and loads faster than ever. I have a 2004 (yes, 2004, old) Core 2 Quad CPU and this website loads in a trice, is a fantastic upgrade and do I ever like the ease the site offers now. Just my two cents for balance.
Thank you! 🙂
What’s your setup? Browser? OS? etc.
I did notice it’s faster now.
Powerful CPU, lots of free space: (system and graphics memory), and I eschewed
OS upgrades:
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz
Memory (RAM) 2.00 GB
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS (Microsoft Corporation – WDDM v1.1
Primary hard disk 8GB Free (40GB Total)
Windows 7 Ultimate
Regarding the latest reports, the father of lies obviously likes to delegate. A N.O. ‘Archbishop’, who probably hasnt adressed Catholic reality since childhood, is basically advocating ‘shades of grey’ (how topical – makes one wonder what his bedtime reading material is), and the ‘messy’ as giving ‘clarity’, since Catholic doctrine and dogma, clean, clear, plain yes or no, he deems ‘false’ because of Its clarity.
From the current feigning Nope – more offensives against Our Lord and King with the Nope’s blasphemies and false Novus Ordo antichrist fascism (every communist is a fascist at heart).
Across the Novus Ordo continuum, foxes, wolves, and haters of Truth strut upon the stage of life seemingly oblivious to the truth that noboday gets out alive.
‘Oh Lord, let us not be made the portion of foxes.’
About the New Order religion’s encounter with its New Order Scene… which will be embraced by the Novus Ordoites… and they will adjust appropriately! As retail Christmas tree lots carry replicas of various sized boats (and pronto, China first no doubt), can you see the Novusordo Noahide Nutters all rushing out, buying a boat and sticking it in their living rooms? Decorating it with rocks and seaweed, barnacles and drift wood? A real New Order pagan symbol for them to contemplate. A boat. Boatmass.