Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 20, 2016
Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore – Example No. 827
- The Smoke of Satan was yesterday, now it’s a Conflagration!
- Dynamite! Bishop Donald Sanborn dismantles Amoris Laetitia on True Restoration’s Flagship Show — For members only, but different subscription options available
- Oh, you didn’t mean to fund the Black Panthers? How CCHD Dollars are spent in the “Archdiocese” of Cincinnati
- Brave New Church: Pervert Couple with Child bring Offertory Gifts at “Archbishop” Gomez’s Closing Liturgy of Los Angeles Re-Education Congress
- Desperation: Conservative Novus Ordos & Semi-Trads petition Modernist “Cardinals” to throw out Modernist “Pope”
- The “Great Renewal” continues: More Liturgical Animation by Women in France
- Modernist Vatican buys .catholic Domain — What a shame! .novusordo would have been better!
- Not to mention entire countries! Pope Leo XIII: People have No Right to Invade Private Property
- Australian Modernist “Archbishop”: Why Social Media will shape ‘Vatican III’ — Don’t worry, Novus Ordo Watch will be there throwing a monkey wrench into the thing…
- Traditional Catholicism vs. the New Church of Fake Mercy: Francis’ Curious Sympathy for Judas Iscariot
- Sweet little girl who is going blind goes to see “Pope” — Unlike the media reports, Francis did not bless her, he only put his hands over her eyes and made little crosses, withholding from her his putative Papal Benediction
- They’re coming for our children! New Documentary exposes Global Threat to Children from “Comprehensive Sex Education”
- Insanity would be a step up: The 11th Station of the Cross for today’s “Catholics”
- Man in place of God (cf. 2 Thess 2:3-4): Imposing the Cult of Man in the Stations of the Cross
- Francis is clearly Joe Biden’s theological mentor: Biden at Easter Breakfast: ‘We All Practice the Same Basic Faith’
- Francis’ Silent Revolution: A Look at His Appointments
- In the natural order, this is perhaps the Most Dangerous Man in the World — Oh, you’ve never heard of him? That is partly what makes him so dangerous!
- We knew it was a Zoo, but this is even worse: Occult Messages in Vatican Light Show
- One of the biggest Vatican II celebrities refuted: Fr. Louis Bouyer, Enemy of Traditional Catholic Theology
- Poor guys, they’re still trying after 50+ years: The latest “Interpretation” of Vatican II’s Teaching on Religious Liberty — Quick reminder: The Novus Ordo Magisterium has long given an interpretation, and it isn’t compatible with what was taught before Vatican II, so it really doesn’t matter what Thomas Pink may now come up with!
- A Cure worse than the Disease: Since today’s “Catholics” don’t know their faith, the Talmudic Jews are more than happy to help explain it to them…
- Parents beware! Is John Paul II’s Nasty Sexology (“Theology of the Body”) coming to a “Catholic” school near you? (See also: Randy Engel destroys Wojtyla’s “Theology of the Body”)
- Who said they don’t have use for our churches anymore?! Climate Change Conference comes to Ireland’s Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Knock
- SSPX Bp. Bernard Fellay: “Francis alarms us enormously … and yet we like him” — Who in the world made this man the Superior General for over 20 years?!
- Getting Back to Basics: Recognize-and-Resist vs. Sedevacantism
- Problems in Resistance Land: Once you have decided the Pope is not to be followed but still Pope, who gets to decide who is resisting “correctly”?
- How Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas influenced John Paul II and Francis: The Hermeneutics of Talmudic Alchemical Continuity
- Free Advice from us to Diocesan Presbyter: If Francis is the Vicar of Anti-Christ, he’s probably not also the Vicar of Christ! — If he sounds like the Vicar of Anti-Christ, acts like the Vicar of Anti-Christ… come on, it ain’t that difficult!
- Video: Francis wonders what else he can do to convince people he’s not the Pope…
- Keeping a count is difficult: Francis’ “Saint” Factory continues to grow…
- Some sobering thoughts for the “Remarried” and the Novus Ordo Annulment Factory: Divorced from God
- Reading Francis through Muller: The Vatican’s CDF Head tries to spin Francis into a conservative Novus Ordo
- You know you want to see this: The “Great Renewal” in Motion
- For April prayer intentions, Francis stands up for Small Farmers!
- But still standing on his head: “Fr.” Longenecker apologizes, retracts accusation against The Remnant
- The Swiss have always been innovative: No “priest” available for Easter Sunday? No problem, let a woman lead a prayer service…
- New Documentary: “Francis, the People’s Pope” — We prefer God’s Pope, thank you…
- Two Peas in a Pod: “Pope” Francis meets Fellow-Socialist Bernie Sanders at Vatican Guest House — Bernie was in town to speak before the “Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences”
- Fun and Games! CNN asks: Who said it? Bernie Sanders or “Pope” Francis?
- Landmark Vatican Conference rejects Just War, asks for Encyclical on Nonviolence — Our suggestion for that encyclical title: Pacis Gaudium!
- Interview with Randy Engel on her new book, Marrano: Faith, Mystery, Murder and Mayhem at the Vatican
- Novus Ordo Watch in French! La bataille continue… VRAI OU FAUX PAPE?
- The Gloves are off: ETWN’s Raymond Arroyo & Guests Not Pleased with Francis’ Amoris Laetitia
- Droleskey slams Francis: The Conciliar Chair of Disunity and Division
- When all else fails, use Epithets: “Do we not say well that thou art a Sedevacantist?”
- Finally, Vol. 2 released: St. Robert Bellarmine’s On the Roman Pontiff in English (Books 3-5)
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