Panic all over, some in Denial…
Full Coverage: Release of Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Family, Amoris Laetitia, and Chronicling its Aftermath
The big day has come and gone, and it is nothing short of panic and chaos all over! Welcome to our full coverage of the release and presentation of “Pope” Francis’ “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”). Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the official Amoris Laetitia Chaos Watch Headquarters: We are providing you with all the information you need to understand what’s going on with this much-anticipated document. Let’s go!
The Worst and most Explosive Passages:
Amoris Laetitia Highlights
Vatican TV Broadcast Feed
(English audio available – click on “Switch Camera” in embedded Player)
Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia:
Click Player to begin stream
Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: The Actual Text, Official Commentary
- Amoris Laetitia: Full Official Text from Vatican Web Site
- Amoris Laetitia: Highlights of Most Important Passages (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Vatican Press Conference: Comments of “Cardinals” Baldisseri & Schonborn (Italian, English, French)
- Cardinal Schonborn’s Intervention at Presentation of ‘Amoris Laetitia’
- “We Are All Invited to the Lord’s Table” (“Pope” Francis)
- “Be Docile to the Spirit” (“Pope” Francis)
- “Pope” Francis confirms: “YES” to Sacraments for those in “Irregular Situations” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Francis confirms: Permission for Adulterers to receive “Communion” is Only Authentic Interpretation of Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Francis Promulgates Buenos Aires Guidelines Allowing Communion for Some Adulterers in Acta Apostolicae Sedis as his “Authentic Magisterium” (Rorate Caeli)
- Novus Ordos in Shock as Francis declares Permissibility of Communion for Public Adulterers “Authentic Magisterium” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- “Pope clarifies Amoris Laetitia in new book” (Where Peter Is…)
- Francis institutes special Year of the Family to propagate contents of Amoris Laetitia (2021/22) (Vatican News)
- Objectives and Initiatives of ‘Amoris Laetitia Family’ Year (Zenit)
Here is a word cloud we quickly created based on the English version of Amoris Laetitia (courtesy of Word Cloud Generator). It shows the 100 most-frequently-used words in the document. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears. Click the image to enlarge it.
Click to enlarge
Amoris Laetitia: Initial Commentaries & Summaries
(Catholic, Semi-Trad, Novus Ordo, Secular)
- “Amoris Laetitia”, a new “constitution” for the family (Vatican Insider)
- Integration Yes, Communion Who Knows? The Pope’s Sibylline Response (Sandro Magister)
- Top Ten Takeaways from “Amoris Laetitia” (America)
- Remarried Divorcees: Integration and evaluation on a case by case basis (Andrea Tornielli)
- Pope Francis Calls on Church to Be Welcoming and Less Judgmental (New York Times)
- Francis has left Church teaching on Communion for the divorced and remarried absolutely intact (Catholic Herald)
- Pope’s family manifesto offers cautious opening on Communion (Crux)
- Pope Francis in epic bid to save the family, convert the Church (Crux)
- Video: Top 5 Points in Amoris Laetitia (America / “Fr.” James Martin)
- Francis shatters Reformers’ Dreams with ‘Modern Family’ Document (Breitbart)
- Pope Francis urges mercy for all in family document (Catholic Universe)
- “Apostolic” Excrement, indeed (Vox Cantoris)
- «The Joy of Love». The Structure and Meaning of Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation(Antonio Spadaro)
- Pope Francis Departs from Church Teaching in New Exhortation (One Peter Five)
- Papal Document prescribes Pragmatic View of Family (Religion News Service)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’: Pope Francis issues apostolic exhortation on the love of the family (Angelus / Tidings)
- Amoris Laetitia Overview: We Advance Together, Strong Helping the Weak (Aleteia / Ditewig)
- Amoris Laetitia, “The Joy of Love: On Love in the Family” (The Remnant)
- Amoris Laetitia: Pope Francis’ “1968 Moment” (Patheos / Armstrong)
- Beautiful, Moving, and Divisive (Robert Royal)
- No doctrine change from Pope Francis – but a call for better pastoral care (Catholic News Agency)
- Partial papal fig leaf for unmarried couples, divorced Catholics (Deutsche Welle)
- Heresy! Heresy!! Heresy!!! (Mundabor)
- Pope Francis opens door to Communion for ‘remarried’ Catholics in landmark exhortation (LifeSite News)
- First thoughts on the English version of Pope Francis’ Amoris laetitia (Canonist Ed Peters)
- Pope’s Family Document ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Tackles Complex Pastoral Challenges (Edward Pentin)
- A little bit country: Pope looks at the nitty-gritty of family life (Catholic News Service)
- Francis’ Feast – Pope’s Hymn to Family “Is A Matter of Reaching Out to Everyone” (Whispers in the Loggia / Rocco Palmo)
- Robert Royal on ‘Amoris Laetitia’: Beautiful, Moving, and Divisive… Chaos and conflict, not Catholicity (Mr. Zuhlsdorf)
- Amoris Laetitia: The Devil’s in the details (AKA Catholic / Verrecchio)
- Catholics Cannot Accept Elements of Apostolic Exhortation that threaten Faith & Family (Voice of the Family)
- ‘Amoris laetitia’ in conflict with the Catholic Faith (Rorate Caeli)
- More Loophole Theology from Joyful Jorge (The Thinking Housewife)
- The Pope’s New Document on Marriage: 12 Things to Know and Share (Jimmy Akin)
- Pope Francis’ Exhortation on the Family an ‘Organic Development of Doctrine’ (Gerard O’Connell)
- The Headlines Say It All (One Peter Five / Steve Skojec)
- Pope Francis, the Apostolic Exhortation and the Age of Individual Conscience (The Remnant / Ferrara)
- Exhortation: Francis Advances Situation Ethics – Subverts Moral Theology (Catholic Family News / Vennari)
- Interpreting Amoris Laetitia ‘through the lens of Catholic tradition’ (Andrea Gagliarducci)
- The Shameful Document (Creative Minority Report / Patrick Archbold)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’: A Tale of Two Documents (Robert Royal / National Catholic Register)
- Bergoglio blasphemes the Holy Spirit “women’s movement” is God’s doing! (Vox Cantoris)
- Pope Francis’s revolution has been cancelled (The Spectator / Damian Thompson)
- Pope Francis urges compassion for all in landmark statement on family values (The Guardian)
- The Apostolic Exhortation and the Abolishment of the Sin of Presumption (The Remnant / Michael Matt)
- The Bergoglios in Argentina are Celebrating (Call Me Jorge…)
- The situation CANNOT be hyperbolized: When the Levee Breaks edition (Non Veni Pacem)
- Amoris Laetitia: expect a protracted and perhaps bitter debate (Catholic Herald / Rev. Mark Drew)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men: An Overview (Christ or Chaos / Tom Droleskey)
- Francis releases Final Word on Synod, Reaffirms Church teaching on marriage (Church Militant)
- Amoris Laetitia: Five key passages you need to read (Catholic Herald)
- Video: “The Joy of Love” Episode 01: Introduction (Rev. Dan Horan)
- The Pope’s confused message undermines his own pastoral program (Catholic Culture / Phil Lawler)
- Is Francis Catholic? (Veneremur Cernui)
- Pope Francis Didn’t Change Doctrine (and Other True Stories) (One Peter Five / Skojec)
- Amoris Laetitia – Oozing With Heretical Gobblygoop (Restore DC Catholicism)
- Heresy In Amoris Laetitia: 301 (Mundabor)
- On “Dodging Bullets” (Mundabor)
- Who will denounce Amoris Laetitia as heretical? Who will call out Jorge Bergoglio for his crime. Will history now call this the Bergoglian Heresy? (Vox Cantoris)
- Catholics Express Hope and Disappointment Over Pope’s Statement on Families (New York Times)
- Bishop Barron Q&A on “Amoris Laetitia” (The Joy of Love) (Word on Fire)
- Amoris Laetitia – The Postives Ain’t So Positive (Restore DC Catholicism)
- Cardinal Kasper totally in love with new Papal document on marriage (Catholic Conclave)
- The Listening Pope: Surprising Sources of Amoris Laetitia (America)
- Schönborn: Francis goes beyond the artificial division between “regular” and “irregular” (Vatican Insider)
- “Papal” Biographer: Conservative Schism with Benedict XVI as Antipope is Possible (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Council of Trent declares: “Let Francis be anathema!” (AKA Catholic / Verrecchio)
- ‘Discernment charged with merciful love’: Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia, on Love in the Family (Thinking Faith)
- Socci: The Apostolic Exhortation is a turning-point in Catholic Doctrine (Antonio Socci)
- More Musings on #AmorisLaetitiae and a ‘Statement” from great #confccb priests (Mr. Zuhlsdorf)
- This ‘Amoris Laetitia’ cannot be tolerated in silence (From Rome)
- Two views on Pope Francis’ ‘Magna Carta for the family’ (Crux)
- The Dictator of the Vatican (Foreign Policy)
- Pope emphasizes flexibility over rules for modern families (Sacramento Bee)
- Amoris Laetitia: The Monster at the End of This Book (The Remnant / Chris Jackson)
- Heresy In Amoris Laetitia: 302 & 303 (Mundabor)
- Video: Francis’ Rich Church and “Exhortation” Fraud (Catholic Family News / John Vennari)
- Amoris Laetitia and Social Justice: Ten Quotes from Pope Francis’ Exhortation (Millennial)
- US bishops: don’t rush in reading, interpreting Pope’s ‘love letter’ to families (Catholic News Agency)
- Pope: Ease up on Divorced Catholics, but No Same-Sex Marriage (World Net Daily)
- Fr. James Martin, LGBT Groups, Others React to Pope Francis’ “The Joy of Love” (Bondings 2.0)
- Pope softens church stance on divorce, contraception (Associated Press)
- The Pope’s Exhortation – A Parish Priest’s Perspective (Mr. Longenecker)
- The Post-Synod Exhortation, Amoris laetitia: First reflections on a catastrophic document (Roberto de Mattei)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men: Another Brief Overview (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Pope Francis and his Poison (Vox Cantoris)
- Divorced Catholics cheer Pope Francis’ views on modern family (CNN)
- Pope Francis warns against those who ‘judge’ with closed hearts (Vatican Radio)
- Accompanying, Discerning, and Integrating—in the Way of the Master (Catholic World Report)
- Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia and St. John Paul II (Catholic World Report)
- Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) = Progressivism 101 (David L. Gray)
- Amoris Laetitia: Fire to fuse, detonations still to come (AKA Catholic / Verrecchio)
- Voices crying in the wilderness over Pope Francis document (Life Site News)
- The Devil Usually Lurks in the Footnotes: Footnote 351 (American Catholic)
- In Amoris Laetitia, who is admonishing whom? (Catholic World Report)
- Pope Francis Feels He Can Second-Guess Jesus with Exhortation? (Boston Catholic Insider)
- Fancy Footnotes and the Diabolical Inversion of Truth (Non Veni Pacem)
- Jorge the Unabashed Feminist (The Thinking Housewife)
- Cardinal Brandmüller Again Warns About Amoris Laetitia (One Peter Five)
- David and Bathsheba Revisited (The Thinking Housewife)
- Mama, what does pastoral mean? (Dymphna’s Road)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’ and the Constant Teaching and Practice of the Church (“Cardinal” Raymond Burke)
- Francis’ sprawling Exhortation a marriage of profound and muddled (Catholic World Report / Carl Olson)
- The law before ‘Amoris’ is the law after (Canonist Ed Peters)
- Amoris laetitia: a preliminary conclusion (LMS Chairman / Joseph Shaw)
- Pope Francis calls for compassionate Church open to ‘imperfect’ Catholics (Catholic Telegraph)
- The Shape of Repentance: Reflections on Amoris Laetitia (Catholic World Report)
- The New Catholic Truce (New York Times / Douthat)
- The Two Synods and the Exhortation that Followed Them (Catholic World Report)
- Cardinal Burke’s Exhortation Response Leaves Faithful Wanting (One Peter Five)
- There has been a Coup in the Church (Antonio Socci)
- Burke throws his biggest fans under the bus (What’s Up with Francis Church? / Hilary White)
- Cardinal Burke Knocks the Armchair Critics of Amoris Laetitia (Mr. Longenecker)
- Part Two: Fancy Footnotes and the Diabolical Inversion of Truth (Non Veni Pacem)
- More Bishop Barron Q&A on “Amoris Laetitia” (The Joy of Love) (Word on Fire)
- The cowardice and hubris of Pope Francis (The Week / Dougherty)
- CNN Priest: No More “Living in Sin” in FrancisFamilies, Pope Grieves Over Judas (St. Corbinian’s Bear)
- Doctrine by Footnote? (Mirror of Justice)
- Oh, the Joy of Love and of Hell (The Stumbling Block)
- Letter to the Editor: Is the Pope Catholic? (McCook Gazette)
- Four more footnotes to Francis’ family manifesto (Crux / Allen)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’ and Gay Marriage: A Closer Look (America)
- Pope Francis Is Part Of The Catholic Church’s Identity Crisis (The Federalist)
- Francis’ Zombie Apocalypse (Catholic Family News / Vennari)
- Cardinal Burke Spins Amoris Laetitia (St. Corbinian’s Bear)
- Heresy in Amoris Laetitia: 305, Part I (Mundabor)
- Francis and Antonio, a Couple in Excellent “Society” (Chiesa / Magister)
- Top Things Wrong with America’s Top 5 (One Mad Mom)
- Three Tiny Notes on Amoris Laetitia (Rorate Caeli)
- Avoiding the Rupturists Agenda on Amoris laetitia (Fr Ray Blake’s Blog)
- Amoris Laetitia is “non-magisterial”? Not even close (Rorate Caeli)
- Heresy In Amoris Laetitia: Footnote 351 (Mundabor)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 3 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Separating Opinion from Doctrine in Amoris Laetitia (Crisis)
- The Merciful Grace of the Truth (Crisis)
- No, Pope Francis isn’t saying your ‘conscience’ trumps doctrine (Catholic News Agency)
- Sound the Trumpets, Rome has Apostatized (The Heresy Hunter)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia not a reform of rules, but a reform of the Church,’ says Abp. Cupich (Catholic Herald)
- The slow decline of the Ordinary Magisterium (Canonist Ed Peters)
- Pope Francis’ pastoral revolution goes against 2,000 years of tradition (Brian Harrison, O.S.)
- How Pope Francis’ exhortation on love is — and isn’t — changing the Catholic Church (Los Angeles Times)
- AL#301 and the dogma of Immutability (Non Veni Pacem)
- Amoris Laetitia and The Great Façade (Fatima Perspectives / Ferrara)
- Pope Francis ventures into uncharted waters (Catholic Herald / Rev. Mark Drew)
- The Curate’s Egg: A Reflection on Amoris Laetitia (Catholic Citizens of Illinois / Rev. George Rutler)
- Livi: ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Is Vulnerable to ‘Every Malevolent Interpretation’ (National Catholic Register / Ed Pentin)
- Amoris Laetitia: A Hymn to Indissolubility and Fidelity (Catholic Voice / Rev. Nick Donelly)
- “We Are All Invited to the Lord’s Table” (“Pope” Francis)
- The retrograde intransigence of conservative Catholics (The Week / Damon Linker)
- Vatican-approved magazine: Exhortation opens door to Holy Communion for remarried divorcees (Life Site News)
- The beginning of the end for Pope Francis (The Spectator / Thompson)
- The death of mortal sin and the sadness of “The Joy of love” (João)
- Heresy In Amoris Laetitia: 305, Part II & 306 (Mundabor)
- “Be Docile to the Spirit” (“Pope” Francis)
- Amoris Laetitia’s Approach to Same-Sex Unions already Rejected by Synod Fathers (Voice of the Family)
- Pope Francis on love in the family (Archlayman Chaput)
- Heresy In Amoris Laetitia: 291-295 & 297 (Mundabor)
- Kasper says Pope’s synod document “changes everything” (Vatican Insider)
- A few more thoughts on Amoris Laetitia (Veneremur Cernui)
- Moving Vatican II forward (The Catholic Register)
- Lutheran Jorge (The Thinking Housewife)
- “Pope” Francis confirms: “YES” to Sacraments for those in “Irregular Situations” (Catholic News Agency)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 4 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Amoris Laetitia: The Key to the Francis Pontificate (Crisis)
- Amoris Laetitia: Anatomy of a Pontifical Debacle (The Remnant / Ferrara)
- Pope Francis: An Ever-Open Synod (Monday Vatican)
- An Overview of Amoris Laetitia (The Jesuit Post)
- Thoughts On Why Amoris Laetitia Undermines The Faith (Restore DC Catholicism)
- Vatican website misquotes Pope Francis on Communion for the divorced and remarried (Life Site News)
- The Confusion of Conservative Catholics (New York Times)
- No shortcuts on Communion for the divorced and remarried (Crux)
- A Stubborn Givenness (First Things)
- Situation Ethics Enshrined: Francis’ Amoris Laetitia (Catholic Family News / Vennari)
- Amoris Laetitia: a Triumph of Subjectivism (DICI / Society of St. Pius X)
- “Is the Pope Catholic?” suddenly a serious question (Crux)
- Divorced and remarried are now asking for Communion, says senior Milan official (Catholic Herald)
- Put into practice before the ink is dry (DICI / Society of St. Pius X)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 5 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Video: A Critique of Amoris Laetitia (What Catholics Believe / Fr. William Jenkins)
- Indissoluble Marriage? Yes, But For the Chosen Few (Chiesa / Magister)
- The Errors of Amoris Laetitia (Rorate Caeli)
- On Exhortation, Bishop Schneider Says a “Veritatis Laetitia” [“Love of Truth”] is Needed (One Peter Five)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 6 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- “Amoris Laetitia”: a need for clarification in order to avoid a general confusion (Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider)
- The Form of Amoris Laetitia under Analysis (Tradition In Action / Guimaraes)
- Top Vatican cardinals aren’t commenting on pope’s exhortation (Life Site News)
- Podcast: TRADCAST 013 (Special Edition) on Francis’ Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch) ***DYNAMITE!***
- The Content of Amoris Laetitia under Scrutiny (Tradition In Action / Guimaraes)
- The German Option of the Argentine Pope (Chiesa / Magister)
- We Do Not Need Clarifications. Rescind the Document! (One Peter Five)
- Five Serious Problems with Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia (The Catholic World Report)
- Reading the fine print in Amoris Laetitia (Catholic Herald)
- Amoris Laetitia: Foolish Bishops and Bishops Playing Us For Fools (The Remnant / Chris Jackson)
- The Danger of Schism (Inside the Vatican / Moynihan)
- Joyful Jorge’s Sex Bomb (The Thinking Housewife)
- Amoris Laetitia and “Sex Education” (AKA Catholic / Randy Engel)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 7 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Amoris Laetitia and the Coming Schism (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Amoris Laetitia does not allow Communion for remarried, says bishop (Catholic Herald)
- Amoris Laetitia and Cardinal Kasper’s Ordinary Christian Model (Veronica A. Arntz)
- Cardinal Schonborn Gives Clarification on Communion (Patheos / Scott Eric Alt)
- Does Paragraph 298 of Amoris Laetitia Promote Adultery? (One Peter Five / Skojec)
- Cardinal Müller: Communion Remains Off-Limits for “Remarried” (One Peter Five)
- Neo-Catholics Create a Category Five Spin-Vortex Over Amoris Laetitia (The Remnant / Jackson)
- Audio: Dr. Robert Fastiggi praises Amoris Laetitia (Catholic Connection / Ave Maria Radio)
- Instructions For Not Losing the Way in the Labyrinth of “Amoris Lætitia” (Chiesa / Magister)
- Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia cannot be interpreted in a traditional sense (Barthe / de Mattei)
- Declaration of the Society of Saint Pius X Concerning the Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis (DICI / SSPX)
- The Phantasm of Fiat Continuity (Unam Sanctam Catholicam)
- Francis to “Archbishop” Forte: “If we speak explicitly of Communion for Divorced-and-Remarried, we don’t know what a mess will result. So let’s not mention it directly. Make sure the premises are there, and I will draw the conclusions”! (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Because of Its Grave Errors Amoris Laetitia Should Be Rejected (American TFP / Solimeo)
- Reading Exercises: The “Amoris Laetitia” of Cardinal Müller (Chiesa / Magister)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 8 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Cardinal Burke: We must ‘resist’ those in the Church presenting false teaching on marriage, sacraments (Life Site News)
- Cardinal Müller: Pope Offers Hope, Upholds Church Teaching in ‘Amoris Laetitia’ (National Catholic Register)
- A Novus Ordo Dominican Explains Francis’ “Yes, Period” (Chiesa / Magister)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 9 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- Jorge’s Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, Part 10 (Christ or Chaos / Droleskey)
- “Amoris Laetitia” Has a Ghostwriter: His Name Is Víctor Manuel Fernández (Chiesa / Magister)
- The Jorge Whisperer: Key Amoris Laetitia Texts found in 10-Year-Old Articles (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Müller Out, Schönborn In. The Pope Has Changed Doctrine Teachers (Chiesa / Magister)
- Cardinal Caffarra: Amoris Laetitia is ‘objectively unclear’ (LifeSite News)
- The Other Footnote in Amoris Laetitia (First Things)
- Alice in “Amoris Laetitia” Land (Chiesa / Magister)
- In-Depth Critical Review: Amoris Laetitia Chapter 8 (True Restoration / Sanborn & Cekada)
- In-Depth Critical Review: Amoris Laetitia Chapters 1-4 (True Restoration / Sanborn & Desposito)
- In-Depth Critical Review: Amoris Laetitia Chapters 4-7 & 9 (True Restoration / Sanborn & Desposito)
- “Amoris Laetitia.” Basic Tips For Not Losing the Way (Chiesa / Magister)
- Interview with “Cardinal” Schonborn on Amoris Laetitia (La Civilta Cattolica / Spadaro)
- Archbishop Chaput: Amoris Laetitia is traditional! (Catholic News Agency)
- Bishop Tobin: Amoris Laetitia’s ‘intentional ambiguity’ means people will do ‘whatever they want’ (LifeSite News)
- Catholic academics and pastors appeal to the College of Cardinals over Amoris Laetitia (Press Release)
- Catholic Scholars Appeal to Pope Francis to Repudiate ‘Errors’ in Amoris Laetitia (Edward Pentin)
- Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) publishes Critique of Amoris Laetitia (The Wanderer)
- A Non-Synodal Reception for a Post-Synodal Exhortation (Commonweal)
- “Plea to the Pope”: VIPs ask Francis to change course on Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch)
- 45 Catholic academics urge cardinals to ask Pope Francis to fix exhortation’s errors (LifeSite News)
- After criticism, Vatican ramps up Defense of Amoris Laetitia (Associated Press / Winfield)
- Key Doctrinal Errors and Ambiguities of Amoris Laetitia (Voice of the Family)
- Signers of Document critiquing ‘Amoris Laetitia’ revealed (National Catholic Reporter)
- Theological Censures Against Amoris Laetitia Revealed (One Peter Five / Skojec)
- Interview with Randy Engel on Amoris Laetitia and Sex Education (Catholic Family News / Vennari)
- “L’Osservatore” Says What “Amoris Laetitia” Says. But Then It Gets Pelted (Chiesa / Magister)
- The Sacraments Don’t Need Fixing (First Things)
- Amoris Laetitia and the new church of Francis (Rorate Caeli)
- Commentary: 45 Novus Ordo Scholars Condemn Amoris Laetitia as Heretical (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Professor Josef Seifert Now Presents Detailed Critique of Amoris Laetitia – and Calls upon Pope Francis to Rescind Its Heretical Statements (The Wanderer)
- “We accuse Pope Francis”: Semi-Traditionalist Trio publishes Book of Accusation against Jorge Bergoglio (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Some of 45 signatories feeling the heat over letter urging clarification of ‘Amoris Laetitia’ (LifeSite News)
- In Rome Yes, In Florence No. Here’s How “Amoris Laetitia” Is Dividing the Church (Chiesa / Magister)
- Cardinal Kasper: Can the ‘remarried’ now receive communion? ‘Yes. Period.’ (LifeSite News)
- Four “Cardinals”: Francis refuses to answer direct questions on Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Amoris Laetitia Revolution: Pro-Francis “Secret Police” bullying Novus Ordo Academics into Compliance (Novus Ordo Watch)
- “Cardinal” Burke threatens Francis with “Formal Act of Correction” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- On request for clarification of Amoris Laetitia, the Pope’s silence speaks volumes (Catholic Culture)
- “Boiling with Rage”: Francis Reacts to Dubia on Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Prominent Italian philosopher explains his response to doubts surrounding the Amoris Laetitia (Vatican Insider)
- Dean of Roman Rota: “Four Cardinals who have written to Pope could lose their Cardinalate” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Dean of Roman Rota says he did Not issue Threat to Four “Cardinals” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- “Bishop” Schneider on French TV: “Schism already exists in the Church” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Four cardinals have taken the ‘correct road’, says leading German philosopher (Catholic Herald)
- “Bishop” Schneider rocks Rome, accuses Francis of promoting “Joy of Adultery” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Letter in Support of the Four Cardinals from 23 Catholic Academics and Pastors (Rorate Caeli)
- Cardinal Meisner Being Singled Out for Criticism Among the Four Cardinals (One Peter Five)
- Rome in Eye of A Storm: Is there a “Reign Of Terror” Inside the Vatican? (Regina Magazine)
- Church Leaders Respond to the ‘Dubia’ (Edward Pentin)
- An Open Letter to Pope Francis by John Finnis and Germain Grisez (First Things)
- The Silence of the Pope (Inside the Vatican / Robert Moynihan)
- German Cardinal defends four Cardinals over ‘indignant’ Attacks (Life Site)
- Cardinal Burke defends Dubia signers in blockbuster EWTN interview (Life Site)
- Cardinal Burke suggests timeline for ‘formal correction’ of Pope Francis (Life Site)
- Amoris Laetitia and Everything After (New York Times / Douthat)
- A lay meditation on the five questions posted to Pope Francis (Rodrigo Guerra Lopez)
- The Pope Is Not Answering the Four Cardinals. But Few Justify Him (Magister)
- Cardinal Burke: “No, I am not saying that Pope Francis is in heresy” (Catholic World Report)
- “Cardinal” Burke: Francis Not in Heresy, but Heretical Pope would Lose Office automatically (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Interview: Bishop Andreas Laun on Amoris Laetitia and the Four Cardinals’ Dubia (One Peter Five)
- German professors of dogma challenge Pope’s refusal to answer dubia (EWTN News)
- Dubia Cardinal: Anyone who opens Communion to adulterers ‘is a heretic and promotes schism’ (Life Site)
- Cardinal Brandmüller: “Any fraternal correction proposed to the Pope must be presented in camera caritatis” (Vatican Insider)
- Is there Trouble in Dubialand? (AKA Catholic / Verrecchio)
- The Four Cardinals Are Up 14-9. But Leonardo Boff Is in the Game, Too (Sandro Magister)
- The Pastoral and Moral Crises That Lie Ahead (Catholic World Report)
- Considerations on the Dubia of the four Cardinals (John R. Lamont)
- Vatican official close to Pope’s inner circle shares explosive information (Life Site)
- Austrian bishop: ‘Remarried’ Catholics now have ‘blessing of the Pope’ to receive Communion (Life Site)
- Amoris Laetitia and Concrete Cases: Reply to Austen Ivereigh (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Questioning the Dubia (America)
- Card. Müller: “A possible fraternal correction of the Pope seems to me to be very remote” (Mr. Zuhlsdorf)
- Cardinal Napier vs. Francis: With Amoris Laetitia can even polygamists receive the Eucharist? (Rorate Caeli)
- Vatican doctrine czar sees no need for ‘fraternal correction’ of Pope (Crux)
- The opposition to Pope Francis doubles down (National Catholic Reporter)
- Vatican Sources: Francis Not Responding to Dubia “to Prevent Greater Evil”! (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Maltese bishops: Remarried Catholics ‘at peace’ can receive Communion (Crux)
- Amoris Laetitia: L’Osservatore Romano publishes guidelines offered by Maltese bishops (Vatican Insider)
- Cardinal says ‘only blind man’ could deny confusion caused by Pope (Crux)
- A Malta Laetitia (Catholic World Report)
- Cardinal Carlo Caffarra Reverently Breaks His Silence on the Dubia (One Peter Five)
- “Amoris Laetitia”. Malta’s Sailboat Joins the Papal Fleet (Sandro Magister)
- The Maltese directive makes answering the ‘dubia’ urgent (Ed Peters)
- 15 Key Quotes From Cardinal Caffarra’s Interview on the ‘Dubia’ (Edward Pentin)
- Full English Text of Cardinal Caffarra Interview on the Dubia (Catholic World Report)
- Another bishop says chastity key to Communion debate (Crux)
- Kazakhstan Bishops Issue an Appeal to Prayer for Confirmation of Unchanging Church Teaching (One Peter Five)
- “Yes” Or “No” Are All the Same To Me. In Florence “Amoris Laetitia” Works This Way (Magister)
- As recent guidelines show, ‘Amoris’ argument is far from over (Crux)
- Malta archbishop defends Communion for adulterers: We’re just following the Pope (Life Site)
- Malta bishop denies threatening to suspend anti-‘Amoris’ priests (Crux)
- The Creepiest Defense Yet of Amoris Laetitia (Mahound’s Paradise)
- Bergoglian Persecution Begins: Priest is Suspended a divinis in Colombia for criticizing the new papal doctrine on Marriage and the Eucharist (Rorate Caeli)
- The Puzzling Backstory to Controversial Maltese Directive (Edward Pentin)
- Amoris Laetitia: Where Truth and Mercy Embrace (Stephen Walford)
- A Compass in the Chaos of “Amoris Laetitia” (Magister)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia,’ Malta and Conscience (National Catholic Register)
- Amoris Laetitia and the Post-Modern Papacy of Pope Francis (Crisis)
- Cardinal Wuerl: ‘Amoris Laetitia is part of Church’s faithful and living tradition’ (Catholic Herald)
- Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and Amoris Latetitia (Dominus Mihi Adjutor)
- Famed German author insists Catholics have ‘moral right’ to dubia answers from Pope (Life Site)
- Maltese bishops shock as critics warn of ‘meltdown’ over teaching on divorcees (Malta Today)
- Maltese Catholics rebuke ‘abominable’ Communion guidelines in stinging full-page ad (Life Site)
- Germans still jousting over the proper reading of ‘Amoris Laetitia’ (Crux)
- The Pope Is Silent, But Cardinal Müller Speaks. Who Responds To the “Dubia” This Way (Magister)
- ‘Clarification is gravely needed’: international priests’ association gives support to dubia (Catholic Herald)
- Cardinal Müller, German bishops clash on interpretation of Amoris Laetitia (Catholic Culture)
- Colombian bishop reinstates priest suspended for opposing Communion for adulterers (Life Site)
- Catholic psychologist: Divorce victims will lose ‘faith in God’ to see adultererous spouse given Communion (Life Site)
- On Amoris Laetitia: Interview of Vatican Liturgical Consultant and Professor of Theology, Msgr. Nicola Bux (The Remnant)
- What if we’ve been wrong about ‘Amoris’ all along? (Crux)
- Dubia: Are you prepared for the answers? (AKA Catholic)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Chap. 8 explained by Cardinal Coccopalmiero (
- The Vatican Circus (De Omnibus Dubitandum Est)
- Pastoral handbook on ‘Amoris’ says answer is no on Communion (Crux)
- Cardinal Müller: bishops should not give ‘contradictory interpretations’ of doctrine (Catholic Herald)
- The full list of Catholic bishops and cardinals ‘for and against’ the dubia (Life Site News)
- Formal Correction of “Pope” Francis – Not going to happen? (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Vatican newspaper article criticizes dissent from Amoris Laetitia (Catholic Culture)
- The False and Dangerous Coccopalmerio Gambit (The Catholic Thing)
- ‘To hell with accompaniment’: Catholic prof points to damage Pope Francis is causing the Church (Life Site News)
- Archbishop Forte, Professor Melloni and the Undigested “Four Cherries” (Sandro Magister)
- ‘Cardinal Muller told Dubia Cardinals Formal Correction would risk Schism’ (Fra. Cristoforo)
- With Pope Francis, Self-Contradiction is Par for the Course (One Peter Five)
- Unlikely the pope has reversed course (Roma Locuta Est)
- Cardinal Burke Speaks on the “Formal Correction” (One Peter Five)
- Cd. Burke confirms: No correction of Francis forthcoming (AKA Catholic / Verrecchio)
- The Two Faces of Amoris Laetitia (First Things)
- Full Text: “Cardinal” Coccopalmerio’s book defending Amoris Laetitia, Chapter 8 (Rorate Caeli)
- Pope Francis Thanks Maltese Bishops for ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Guidelines (Edward Pentin)
- Cardinal Burke: Another pointless interview (AKA Catholic / Verrecchio)
- Archbishop Gänswein: Benedict XVI Won’t Enter ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Controversy (National Catholic Register)
- ‘Amoris Laetitia’ doesn’t undermine Church teaching on sin (Crux)
- A Handbook for Faithfully Interpreting Amoris Laetitia (Edward Pentin)
- Cardinal Müller on Medjugorje, Amoris Laetitia and Radical Islam (Aleteia)
- A Year After “Amoris Laetitia”. A Timely Word (Anna M. Silvas)
- The Roots of the Present Crisis (Douglas Farrow)
- ‘Real Pastoring Can’t Do Without the Truth’ (Edward Pentin)
- After Four Cardinals, Six Laymen Speak. Who Knows If the Pope May At Least Listen To Them (Sandro Magister)
- Dissenters’ conference on Amoris Laetitia hears call for an answer to the dubia (America)
- Lay Scholars Highlight Problems With ‘Amoris Laetitia’, Crisis in the Church (Edward Pentin)
- TRADCAST EXPRESS 014: Commentary on the Amoris Laetitia Conference in Rome on Apr. 22, 2017 (Novus Ordo Watch)
- The Laity Roar While the Cardinals Meow: The Catastrophe that is Amoris Laetitia (Chris Ferrara)
- Scholar: Confusion caused by Amoris Laetitia is ‘unprecedented,’ even ‘apocalyptic’ (Life Site News)
- German Theologians: Redefining “Intrinsic Evil” As a Way of Justifying Amoris Laetitia (Pewsitter)
- Pope Pius XII destroys Amoris Laetitia and Francis’ False-Mercy Gospel (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Debate continues over Amoris Laetitia (Crisis)
- Interview with “Cardinal” Muller on Amoris Laetitia (EWTN)
- “Cardinal” Cupich claims Francis exercises the Petrine power of binding & loosing in Amoris Laetitia (Rorate Caeli)
- Cardinal Bassetti: ‘Amoris Laetitia Is Presented As It Was Written. It Is Not Debatable, But Magisterium’ (Zenit)
- Argentinian Bishop Organizes Special Mass to Give Communion to Adulterous Couples, Cites Pope Francis (Rorate Caeli)
- Sicilian Bishops’ AL Guidelines Authorize Communion for Adulterous Couples (Rorate Caeli)
- Goodbye, Amoris Laetitia: The REAL Catholic Position on “Irregular Unions” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- ‘Doctrinal Anarchy’ as Bishops’ Conflicting Positions on Amoris Laetitia show (Edward Pentin)
- Sandro Magister publishes “Cardinal” Caffarra’s Letter to Francis requesting Audience (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Open Letter to the Four Dubia Cardinals (Vatican Insider)
- Pope Francis and his ambiguity over the status of separated and divorced Catholics (Spero News)
- A curious attack on the ‘four cardinals’ (LMS Chairman)
- Cardinal Schonborn says all Dubia Questions can be answered “Yes” (Greg Daly)
- The Pope Keeps Quiet and Schönborn Speaks for Him. With Arguments Criticized Here One by One (Magister)
- Vatican archbishop: Pope Francis opened Communion to adulterers (Life Site)
- Amoris Laetitia controversy a good thing, says Archbishop Durocher (The Catholic Register)
- Paglia to Public Adulterers: Go Right Ahead and Receive Holy Communion (Fatima Perspectives / Ferrara)
- “Cardinal” Burke’s Latest on that “Formal Correction” of Francis (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Nigerian cardinal: Amoris Laetitia affirmed traditional Church teaching on receiving Holy Communion (Catholic Culture)
- The Flawed Strategy Behind Amoris Laetitia (Homiletic and Pastoral Review)
- Pope Francis’ Ghostwriter of ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Defends Adultery (Rorate Caeli)
- Fornicating in Self-Defense (Crisis)
- Papal confidante says ‘Amoris’ critics locked in ‘death-trap’ logic (Crux)
- Philosopher: Amoris Laetitia is a ticking ‘atomic bomb’ set to obliterate all Catholic morality (Life Site)
- No End To the Tempest of “Amoris Laetitia.” Francis Doesn’t Like Things Quiet (Sandro Magister)
- On “Cardinal” Burke’s Idea of a Formal Correction of the Pope (Bp. Donald Sanborn)
- Argentine pastoral letter: ‘Accompaniment’ in marriage must be faithful (Catholic News Agency)
- Pope Francis gives private audience to writer who accuses dubia cardinals of ‘satanic abuse’ (Life Site)
- Brazilian bishops claim that sex outside of marriage can sometimes be justified (Life Site)
- Papal Audience: Mr. Walford plays piano as Pope Francis tap dances around the Dubia (Roma Locuta Est)
- “Amoris Laetitia” and the chasm in modern moral theology (Catholic World Report)
- Spanish Archbishop Fires Professor Seifert for Amoris Laetitia Critique (One Peter Five)
- “Dubia Cardinal” Carlo Caffarra dies at 79 (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Exclusive Interview with “Cardinal” Raymond Burke, Part 1 (Katolikus Válasz)
- The refined, problematic casuistry of Abp. Fernández’s defense of chapter 8 of “Amoris Laetitia” (Catholic World Report)
- Francis blesses Adulterous Union of Colombian President (Novus Ordo Watch)
- All the Reasons of Professor Seifert, Fired For Too Much Fidelity to the Church (Sandro Magister)
- Joyful, Fruitful Racism (Catholic Stand)
- Francis creates new Institute for Marriage & Family to ensure faithful Amoris Laetitia application (Catholic Herald)
- Further Dubia for the Confused (Homiletic & Pastoral Review)
- Bergoglio takes a Blow: “Filial Correction” accuses Francis of Heresy (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Cardinal Ouellet warns against “alarmist” interpretations of Amoris Laetitia (The Catholic Register)
- Pastoral Accompaniment of Serial Killers (Zippy Catholic)
- Head of Vatican pro-life academy: John Paul II began ‘revolution’ to give adulterers Communion (Life Site)
- Does Amoris Laetitia 303 really undermine Catholic morality? (Robert Fastiggi)
- Correctio Filialis: Francis weighs in (a little bit)! (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Cardinal Müller Speaks Out on ‘Amoris Laetitia,’ the Dubia and the Vatican (Edward Pentin)
- Amoris Laetitia is ‘ambiguous,’ ‘not a Thomistic document’: Filial Correction signatory (Life Site)
- Correction Reactions: Chronicling the Chaos Following the Correctio Filialis (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Cardinal Brandmüller demands Pope answer Dubia (Catholic Conclave)
- “Cardinal” Brandmuller warns of Schism: “May God prevent it” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Communion to the remarried, Müller, “There can be mitigating factors in guilt” (Vatican Insider)
- “Fr.” Brian Harrison on the Filial Correction Aftermath (Life Site)
- “Cardinal” Muller defends Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Increasing Confusion: Cardinal Müller and Professor Buttiglione (Roberto de Mattei)
- Müller, Buttiglione and the “Confusion” of those criticizing the Pope (Vatican Insider)
- Interview: Josef Seifert on the Amoris Laetitia Debate with Rocco Buttiglione (One Peter Five)
- Pope sends video message to CEI conference on Amoris laetitia (Vatican Radio)
- The Morality of Amoris Laetitia is Not Thomistic (First Things)
- Mons. Fernández: The Pope has changed the discipline on communion for the divorced-and-remarried (Fratres in Unum)
- Müller and Buttiglione, So Near, So Far (Sandro Magister)
- Recent Comments of Pope Francis Should Help to Quiet Papal Critics (Robert Fastiggi)
- Scholars respond to Dr. Robert Fastiggi (One Peter Five)
- Francis Promulgates Buenos Aires Guidelines Allowing Communion for Some Adulterers in Acta Apostolicae Sedis as his “Authentic Magisterium” (Rorate Caeli)
- Novus Ordos in Shock as Francis declares Permissibility of Communion for Public Adulterers “Authentic Magisterium” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Lead Portuguese cardinal: divorced and remarried couples can ‘return to the sacramental life’ (Life Site News)
- Catholics ‘not permitted to adhere to the pope’s novel teaching’: expert (Life Site News)
- Cardinal Kasper: the controversy over Amoris Laetitia is now over (Catholic Herald)
- Buenos Aires Against Rome. With Bergoglio On Both Teams, and As Referee (Sandro Magister)
- Archdiocese of Bombay states that Pope Francis has opened “communion to divorced and remarried Catholics” (Vox Cantoris)
- Müller, “Buttiglione’s book has dispelled the cardinals’ dubia” (Vatican Insider)
- Three bishops call Pope’s reading of Amoris Laetitia ‘alien’ to Catholic faith (Life Site News)
- Five bishops reaffirm traditional teaching on Communion (Catholic Herald)
- The “Profession” of the Kazakhstani Bishops (AKA Catholic)
- The Amoris Laetitia Dissenters (Vatican Insider)
- Interview with Bp. Athanasius Schneider on Kazakh “Profession of Immutable Truths” (Rorate Caeli)
- Five Canadian Bishops defend Amoris Laetitia with Video Series Guide (Catholic News World)
- Five Novus Ordo Bishops yap at Francis over Amoris Laetitia (Novus Ordo Watch)
- The Amoris Laetitia Effect: Novus Ordo Theologian argues Couples may be Required to use Contraception (Novus Ordo Watch)
- “Cardinal” Schönborn: Amoris Laetitia adds what is missing from one-sided Veritatis Splendor (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Cardinal Parolin: Amoris Laetitia is a ‘paradigm shift’ (Catholic Herald)
- How Amoris Laetitia Reduces Moral Culpability for Sin (Crisis)
- Francis contradicts Amoris Laetitia (De Omnibus Dubitandum Est)
- Is it Adultery? In Portugal, YOU decide! (Novus Ordo Watch)
- “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider: ‘Discernment now means to allow to sin’ (Life Site)
- Because Amoris Laetitia: Archdiocese of Turin schedules Lenten Retreat to teach “Fidelity” to Sodomite Couples (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Cardinal Cupich launches Amoris Laetitia seminars for US bishops (Catholic News Agency)
- 47 Bishops to take part in theology seminars on ‘Amoris Laetitia’ (National Catholic Register)
- Conscience, Sin, and a “New Paradigm”: Blase Cupich unloads Bergoglian Bilge at Cambridge (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Development or Corruption? Gerhard Ludwig Muller on Cupich’s “Paradigm Shift” (First Things)
- Amoris Laetitia versus Radio Replies (Tradicat)
- The Meaning of Amoris Laetitia According to Pope Francis (John Lamont)
- That Argentine Babel Which Is Driving the Whole Church into Confusion (Sandro Magister)
- Interview with “Cardinal” Kasper on his new book about Amoris Laetitia (Vatican Media)
- Responding to the Five Dubia from Amoris Laetitia Itself (Robert Fastiggi)
- A History of the Kasper Proposal (Crisis)
- Cardinal Kasper: Homosexual unions are ‘analogous’ to Christian marriage (Life Site)
- Polish Bishops Leaning Towards Allowing Some Remarried Divorcees Holy Communion (Edward Pentin)
- Theologian criticized in Benedict XVI’s letter had ‘seismic’ influence on Amoris Laetitia (Life Site)
- Two years later, the Amoris Laetitia juggernaut rolls on (AKA Catholic)
- An Amoris Laetitia Timeline (Whispers of Restoration)
- Continuity, Pope Francis, and Amoris Laetitia (Vatican Insider)
- Polish bishops sidestep Communion debate in new ‘Amoris Laetitia’ guidelines (Crux)
- How Amoris Laetitia Can Jeopardize the Seal of Confession (Crisis)
- In Interview, Francis claims he first heard about Dubia in Newspapers (Reuters)
- Cardinal Brandmüller Questions Francis’ Claim Not to Have Received the Dubia Before Publication (One Peter Five)
- Burke: Cardinal Caffarra “Personally Delivered” Dubia Letter to Papal Residence (One Peter Five)
- A Monk and Theologian Breaks the Silence on the Church’s Metamorphosis (Sandro Magister)
- Pope personally thanks Portuguese cardinal for Amoris guidelines (Catholic Herald)
- Subjective Morality: The Error of Amoris Laetitia refuted and condemned before Vatican II (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Pope Francis says teachings of ‘Amoris Laetitia’ will mature, no rupture (Catholic Register)
- Cardinal Scola: Communion for the remarried contradicts Church teaching (Catholic Herald)
- There will be no Formal Correction (Roma Locuta Est)
- The Errors of Mr. Walford’s ‘Pope Francis, The Family and Divorce’, Part I (Roma Locuta Est)
- Theologian: ‘Huge dose of hypocrisy’ behind objections to ‘Amoris Laetitia’ (Crux)
- The Errors of Mr. Walford’s ‘Pope Francis, The Family and Divorce’, Part II (Roma Locuta Est)
- The Errors of Mr. Walford’s ‘Pope Francis, The Family and Divorce’, Part III (Roma Locuta Est)
- Cardinal Farrell says Amoris Laetitia is being welcomed by Catholics and opposition is “ideological” (Vatican Insider)
- Adultery as a Venial Sin? Amoris Laetitia and Mitigating Circumstances (Novus Ordo Watch)
- “Amoris Laetitia”—Trojan Horse for Gay Fascism, Part I (New Walden)
- “Amoris Laetitia”—Trojan Horse for Gay Fascism, Part II (New Walden)
- “Amoris Laetitia”—Trojan Horse for Gay Fascism, Part III (New Walden)
- Vatican Doctrine Office explains Amoris Laetitia: Adultery can be a Venial Sin only! (Novus Ordo Watch)
- No ‘Amoris Laetitia’ Here: A Priest in 1957 Explains What Catholics in an Invalid Marriage Ought to Do (Novus Ordo Watch)
- The Doctrinal Implications of Amoris Laetitia’s Chapter Eight (Catholic World Report)
If you’ve had it with the Modernist Novus Ordo religion, we invite you to become a real Catholic at this time when the true Catholic Church is suffering her Mystical Passion:
Blogs/Sites To Watch:
- Rorate Caeli
- Jimmy Akin (Alternatively at NC Register)
- Mr. Zuhlsdorf / Fr. Z’s Blog
- Whispers in the Loggia / Rocco Palmo
- Chiesa / Sandro Magister
- Settimo Cielo / Sandro Magister
- Lo Straniero / Antonio Socci
- Vatican Insider / Andrea Tornielli
- Crux News / John Allen
- CyberTeologia / Antonio Spadaro
- Catholic Herald
- John Vennari / Catholic Family News
- The Wanderer
- The Remnant
- Patrick Archbold / Creative Minority Report
- Steve Skojec / One Peter Five
- Louie Verrecchio / AKA Catholic
- Vox Cantoris
- Mahound’s Paradise
- Hilary White / What’s Up with Francis-Church?
- LifeSite News
- Mundabor
- Abyssus Abyssum Invocat / Deep Calls to Deep
- Deus Ex Machina
- In the Light of the Law / Canonist Ed Peters
- The Thinking Housewife
- Monday Vatican
- From Rome
Novus Ordo/Religious News Sites:
- Vatican News
- Catholic News Service
- Catholic News Agency
- National Catholic Register / EWTN
- National Catholic Reporter
- America
- Zenit
- Religion News Service
Some Background:
- Who is “Cardinal” Christoph Schonborn? Start Here
- The Day Before: Apprehension about Amoris Laetitia
- Vatican: Bishops to “Prepare All the Faithful for Reception of the Post-Synodal Exhortation”
- Francis in October 2015: “All the Divorced who ask will be admitted [to Communion]”
- “Archbishop” Fernandez: Francis’ Ghostwriter wrote Book on “Art of Kissing”
- How Long until Schism? The Vatican II Sect on the Brink of Chaos
- Benedict XVI in 1972: Communion for “Divorced-and-Remarried” is Possible
- Pope Pius VI condemns use of ambiguous language to camouflage heresy (1794)
A Review of the Synods on the Family (2014/15):
- A Nod to Sin at the Synod: First Document causes Chaos (2014)
- The Day After (2014)
- Oh, the Drama! The Synod is Over (2014)
- What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander: 2014 Synod refutes Vatican II Ecclesiology
- Francis stacks the Deck for the Synod (2015)
- Showdown in Rome: Complete 2015 Synod Coverage
- The Synod’s Grand Finale: All Doors are Open (2015)
Image source:
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
This video claims Spadero was Amoris Lætitia‘s ghostwriter, but I thought it was Victor Manuel Fernández (or was his the “recyclical”‘s ghostwriter?).
Sometimes you read what you want to read: “Pope Paul VI condemns use of ambiguous language to camouflage heresy (1974)” Great! I didn’t now he came around at the end…
But no, it was:
“Pope Pius VI condemns use of ambiguous language to camouflage heresy (1794)”