Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 22, 2015
More Pop Music from more Bogus Ordo Sisters
—for real Catholic nuns singing, CLICK HERE
- He turns everything upside down: Francis says Church Hierarchy is an Inverted Pyramid
- Italian Paper claims Francis has benign Brain Tumor — Vatican denies, but Paper sticks by its Story — Could it be Francis himself is the source of this “leak”, hoping to gain sympathy for his revolution?
- What do you know: World Youth Day “Priest” in Poland Sacked After Fathering Child… with Woman he Met at Youth Meetings — Maybe they can start selling T shirts with the message, “I lost my Innocence at World Youth Day” — would probably be a hot seller!
- No comment: Novus Ordo Priest suspended after defending Pedophilia on Italian TV
- Francis’ Favorite Painting, the blasphemous “White Crucifixion” by Chagall, arrives in Italy — maybe Francis can go see it and crack some more of his crucifixion jokes while he’s there…
- No wonder he got promoted: 1986 Article in Canadian Windsor Star shows Heretical Depravity of “Fr.” (then “Deacon”) Thomas Rosica — This is the man who runs Salt + Light and gets to sit next to “Fr.” Federico Lombardi at Vatican press conferences these days… In 2013, Rosica publicly uttered the Eastern-Orthodox heresy that the Pope is the “first among equals” (primus inter pares)
- With both barrels: Chicago’s Archmodernist Dirtbag talks tough on Gun Control — If only they aborted children with guns rather than vacuums and scissors, maybe Mr. Cupich would speak up…
- Way beyond simply “intrinsically disordered”: Pope St. Pius V Demands Rigorous Punishment of Homosexual Clergy
- Up next: Africa! Schedule for Francis’ Africa Trip released
- Now it’s getting pornographic: The so-called “Latin Mass Society” of the United States and Canada is perverse, founder Anthony Perlas now shooting nude pictures — The disingenuous excuse that “the body isn’t evil” is bogus, because although not evil, the nude human body is a near occasion of sin for all, as we are afflicted with concupiscence and lust is immediately stirred up…
- The Sacred and the Profane: Photos: Afghan Asylum seekers occupy Church in Belgium with Permission of Pastor
- SSPX 3.0? The Latest from Pfeifferville (Boston, KY): Pablo the Mexican Lay “Exorcist” gives a Homily on Charity
- Next step in the “Mgr.” Charamsa Saga: Polish Novus Ordo Bishop suspends his Vatican Cleric that came out as homosexual & proud
- Now that’s he’s gone… The Aftermath of “Pope” Francis’ Visit to the United States and Cuba
- Finally, a photo appears: Francis’ Private Audience for Sex-Changed Woman posing as Man – and her “Fiancee” — For the background story, see our post here
- If you’re a fan of “TradCatKnight” Eric Gajewski, it’s time you disassociated yourself from him: The TradCatKnight Deception Cult Exposed (Caution: Video produced by Baptism of Desire/Blood Deniers)
- A pseudo-theological train-wreck, as usual, with lots of dangerous half-truths: Francis: ‘Beware of those who limit the gratuity of salvation’ — Novus Ordo Watch Advice: Beware of Modernists preaching at the Casa Santa Marta
- “New Springtime” Update: More Trashing of Catholic Church Buildings on the Pretext of “Art”
- No Drive-Thru Annulments here: Pope Leo XIII decries the pernicious impact of Civil Divorce
- That’s it: People want Francis because “they want Jesus Christ” — [Quick time-out for a face-palm…]
- Not that anyone cares anymore, but there’s been another Interview with “Pope” Francis
- The Real Francis Effect: The Papacy has become a Laughing Stock
- Far removed from Catholicism: The Novus Ordo Sect’s “Youth Apostolate” in Tucumán, Argentina — CAUTION: some immodesty in photos
- While he may be talking tough about how wonderful the Family is, don’t forget Francis’ scandalous Support for Homosexual Unions
- Bad Reporting indeed! In a piece of unrivaled hypocrisy, Michael Voris denounces agenda-driven reporting! — File this one under “Do as I say, not as I do…”
- Laudato Si was just the beginning: The Vatican’s Unholy Alliance with the UN Global Warming Agenda
- Please, please, no more stories about the “Enigma” of Paul VI! He was no enigma, he just wasn’t a Catholic. He sought to destroy as much of the Church as he possibly could, and that explains everything about this man!
- The results are in: Guess who won the “Joke with the Pope” contest…
- You may have noticed already, but not everything that claims to be traditional Catholic actually is: Beware the Bizarre
- Another step in a gradual and informal regularization? Italian Novus Ordo bishop invites SSPX to offer Mass in diocesan parish
- Sedevacantism Rising: New real Catholic parish church dedicated in Oakland, Maine
- We were warned: Freemasons threatened Catholics in 1917: “Satan Must Reign in the Vatican, the Pope Will Be His Slave” —Except that it wouldn’t be the Pope but a mere pseudo-Pope, for the Pope is untouchable and cannot be under the control of Satan, as he possesses the protection in Faith and morals from God Himself, whose promise is valid in perpetuity (cf. Mt 16:18-19).
- Back in print! Revised & expanded edition: Immodesty: Satan’s Virtue returns, pre-order now!
- Flashback 2005: Father Martin Stepanich responds to “Father” Nicholas Gruner’s Anti-Sedevacantism
- Hard-hitting Sermon by Bp. Donald Sanborn: “Modern Heresy” (free audio)
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