Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 20, 2015
CAUTION: It’s “Christmas Mass” in the Novus Ordo Religion!
- He’s figured him out: Obama invites Pro-Abort Nun, Gay Episcopal Bishop, “Catholic” LGBT Activists for Francis Visit — The Vatican has reportedly “objected” but you can bet your bottom dollar that Francis himself is probably thrilled! Let’s see if Voris’ ChurchDisneyland enterprise will argue that “the Pope has been set up”… even though the “set up” is known ahead of time!
- What a Party of Indifferentism it will be: Francis to Share Stage with Leaders of Many Faiths in NYC Visit
- Imagine the “Pope” is coming and nobody cares: Philadelphia Hotels Slashing Prices for Francis Visit due to Lack of Interest — It’s not surprising: Most people have had enough of Francis’ sentimental Chicken Soup for the Soul Theology and empty Greeting Card Spirituality
- The “Elder Brothers” strike again: Blasphemies in Bergoglio’s book Rome and Jerusalem: Rabbi Talks with Pope
- Surely you’re not “closed in Convictions” now, are you?!