Cleaning up Francis’ latest mess…

Bergoglio and the Ten Suggestions
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Restoration Radio returns from its summer break with another episode of the “Francis Watch” series, a monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.
In this month’s episode, guest host Stephen Heiner discusses two main topics with Bp. Donald Sanborn:
- Francis’ embarrassing “10 Tips for Happiness,” in which he does not mention Jesus Christ or God at all
- Francis’ friendship with the recently-deceased Anglican-Pentecostal “Bishop” Tony Palmer, whom, when he expressed a desire to become Catholic, Francis told not to convert to Catholicism, lest he hurt ecumenical relations; nevertheless Francis ordered him buried as a “Catholic bishop”!
Other subjects discussed include the situation in the Ukraine, whether the Catholic Church ever has anything to apologize for, the Catholic understanding of suicide (in the wake of Robin Williams’ recent death), and more.
Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the sponsor of this Francis Watch season on Restoration Radio.
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