“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”
Carnival Liturgy!
We’ve all seen video clips of some of the most ridiculous liturgies the Novus Ordo Sect has to offer, but this Carnival Liturgy below deserves special mention. Perpetrated in Mombach, Germany, on January 11, 2014 at Sacred Heart of Jesus church, this pseudo-liturgical spectacle carried the official title of Narrenlob, or “Fools’ Praise Liturgy.” Foolish those indeed who would attend such an idiotic event, or consider this religion to be Roman Catholicism!
The officiating presbyter was Mr. Gottfried Keindl.
Fools’ Liturgy – Part 1
Fools’ Liturgy – Part 2
“But”, many will say, “if we just notify the bishop of the diocese about this, then he will forbid this from ever happening again and discipline the people who allowed this to happen.… READ MORE