The sacred and the profane…
“Easter Harlem Shake” Video Shows Dancing Novus Ordo Presbyter & Altar Boys Mocking the Sacred
“Father” John J. Hollowell & Co.
Sacrilege complete with burping / grunting!
And you thought you’d seen it all. If you dare, watch the video above.
To clarify: We consider the altar boys as victims of this impious buffoonery. This is “church” as they’ve learned it, straight from the sacrilege-creator-in-chief, the Novus Ordo religion. The real culprit is the “priest”, Mr. John J. Hollowell, of the “Archdiocese” of Indianapolis, Indiana. Not to mention the “bishop”, who would have to condemn this sacrilege and discipline the presbyter.
The good thing is that due to the invalidity of Novus Ordo “ordinations”, the water used was most likely not real holy water; though, of course, the sin of sacrilge is in the will more than in the act, and any display of silliness with such holy things as the Sign of the Cross, liturgical items and vestments, etc., is necessarily sinful.
In the Novus Ordo, there is no such thing as the sin of “sacrilege.” They have long done away with the concept of holiness, both in people (as in “How can you judge??” or “Everyone is holy!”) and in things (for example, chalices replaced by simple cups, and worse). “Pope” Francis himself leads the way, as we saw at World Youth Day and the day he returned.
So, now that you’re shocked once more… would it surprise you any to learn that this Irreverend John Hollowell says the 1962 Indult/Motu version of the Traditional Latin Mass? Come on now! If this shocks you, you clearly haven’t spent enough time on our web site.
Don’t let yourself be fooled by “Oh, look, they’re bringing back the Traditional Mass!” Folks, during the days of Pope Pius XII, all modernists (then mostly secret) were saying the true Mass – and what difference did it make in the end? As we can see here, Mr. Zuhlsdorf’s naive optimism regarding Mr. Hollowell’s introduction of the “Traditional Latin Mass” was unfounded. It’s not the Mass that matters; it’s ultimately the Faith. As one priest once said, “You can be saved without the Traditional Latin Mass, but you cannot be saved without the Traditional Catholic Faith.”
That’s why Novus Ordo Watch is dedicated, not to a return of reverence to the Novus Ordo Church, nor to making people believe that “all will be well” if we just become “conservative” (as Michael Voris wants you to believe), but to exposing the Novus Ordo Church for the False Church that it is, the “Church of Darkness”, which, according to the Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, we must pray “will leave Rome”.
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