Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 15, 2013
- Doctrinal Orthodoxy? No Big Deal for “Pope” Francis – Uh, readers of Novus Ordo Watch knew that one from day one…
- Opening the Doors to Ridicule – Not everyone who believes Francis is Pope is thrilled with his degradation of the papal office, nor with the neo-conservative, semi-traditionalist Zuhlsdorf-Voris-Gruner spin machine.
- Same Old Meaningless ’60s Junk: Francis says True Progress is “Trusting the Spirit” – As usual, of course, he stays conveniently vague – gives absolutely no direction as to what this means and how it could be discerned; and in the meantime, he implicitly bashes the Catholic Church until 1958 as being “immature”, fearful, and not trusting in the Holy Ghost. It’s the age-old song of the conciliar modernists who are perpetually stuck in their 1960’s hippie theology.
- Dialogue as a Lifestyle: Francis attended 4-Day Seminar on Christian-Jewish dialogue organized by the Focolare Movement – No doubt he did so only to try to convert the Jews to Catholicism…
- On Heaven and Earth? Bp. Donald Sanborn blasts Bergoglio for theological howlers contained in book co-authored with Jewish rabbi [PDF]
- New Evidence emerges: Montini/Paul VI’s Betrayal of Catholics & Involvement with the Communists
- Pope St. Pius V’s Quo Primum – Could a true Pope change it? Important facts to counter an error spread by resistance-traditionalists (as opposed to sedevacantists)
- Francis receives Anglican Archlayman of Canterbury at the Vatican, claims that Anglicans have a mission to teach the Gospel
- The Spine of a Jellyfish: Francis condemns “homophobic behavior”, exercises “diplomacy” in opposing sodomite “marriage“

In the Novus Ordo Church, this is what a “papal Mass” looks like.
You can call it “noble simplicity”, but it’s still the same Modernist junk.
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