Says rumor is “pretty darn certain”…

Bp. Williamson: Two New SSPX Bishops to be consecrated on April 28 — with Mandate from Francis

In a video-recorded sermon given on Quinquagesima Sunday, Mar. 3, 2019, the former SSPX bishop Richard Williamson announced that the Society of St. Pius X will consecrate two new bishops on the First Sunday after Easter, Apr. 28. He identifies one of the new bishops-to-be as Fr. Christian Bouchacourt and notes that the main consecrator will be “Bp.” Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland, who is expected to have his resignation approved by “Pope” Francis by Apr. 21, when he turns 77.… READ MORE

The answer may surprise you…

Do Catholics have to Assent to Non-Infallible Church Teaching?

On Dec. 31, 1930, Pope Pius XI issued his landmark encyclical Casti Connubii on Christian marriage. In it, the Holy Father reminded Catholics that it is not permissible to prefer one’s own judgment over that of the Church on matters of Faith and morals. A Catholic is not allowed to accept from the Church only what seems correct to him, nor can he decide to withhold his assent from teaching that is not presented infallibly:

Wherefore, let the faithful also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that false autonomy of human reason.


Real Catholic teaching vs. semi-trad sophistry…

Would God permit a Non-Catholic Pope?
Response to Peter Kwasniewski

As we’ve pointed out before, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, a former college theology professor now working as a freelance writer and lecturer, has become one of the preferred go-to guys for the semi-trads and conservative Novus Ordos when it comes to making the case for accepting Francis as Pope but refusing to accept practically anything he believes or teaches. Never mind supplying evidence for such a silly and absurd position — what counts is only the reiteration of the desired pre-conceived conclusion that it be so.… READ MORE

Truth does not exist in elements…

Dissecting a Misleading Expression:
The Catholic Church and the “Fullness of Truth”

You’ve heard it numerous times: “The Catholic Church has the fullness of truth.” It is a very popular slogan among “conservative” Novus Ordo adherents, and even many Traditional Catholics unwittingly use it. Yet, this adage, though not incorrect if interpreted strictly, is actually favorable to heresy, specifically the heresy of Modernism. This explains why it is an expression that only began to be used with the advent of the Modernist Vatican II religion and was virtually unknown among Catholics before the 1960s.

So, what is the problem?… READ MORE

Scicluna fumbles, Gisotti to the rescue…

Courageous Reporter asks Vatican Press Panel about Francis’ Cover-Up of Zanchetta Case

Inés San Martín questions “Abp.” Charles Scicluna on Feb. 24, 2019

Some light fireworks could be seen today at the final press conference wrapping up the sex abuse summit in the Vatican that had begun on Feb. 21.

As is customary, the press panel took questions from journalists in the audience after its presentations, and the last one came from Inés San Martín, who is the Rome Bureau Chief for the mainstream Novus Ordo news site Crux. Herself from Buenos Aires, Argentina, San Martin is for that reason somewhat connected to the current pretend-pope, but this did not keep her from asking the following explosive question, clearly embarrassing to Francis and to the other Vatican authorities.… READ MORE

“Abp.” Scicluna at press conference…

Comedy Hour at Vatican Abuse Summit: Homosexuality isn’t “Something that really Predisposes to Sin”

The Vatican is currently in the midst of a turbulent four-day summit on sexual abuse. The conference gathers the highest-ranking prelates from every nation to try to find some kind of a solution to its ongoing scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors. Although there has also been abuse of so-called “vulnerable adults”, especially seminarians, the Vatican has seen fit not to address that at the current time, contrary to its original announcement.

Yesterday, Feb. 21, “Pope” Francis opened the conference with a list of 21 points for “reflection”.… READ MORE

“Saint” Paul VI’s gift that keeps on (not) giving…

They Are Really Not Bishops: A Response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke on Novus Ordo Episcopal Consecrations


(continued from Part 2 and Part 1)

Response to “Are They Really Bishops? (3)”:
The Cardinal Gasparri Argument

Finally, we come to the third and last installment of the Rev. John Hunwicke’s argumentation on the 1968 rite of episcopal ordination. There the formerly Anglican Englishman delivers what he must believe to be the deathblow to our position, the coup de grâce that represents the culmination of all the theological prowess he has deigned to share with us unworthy ones on this topic.… READ MORE

Heretic approves heretic…

“Cardinal” Müller in new Interview:
“This Pope is Orthodox”

Bad news for those who have been putting all their hopes in “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller and saw in his recent Manifesto of Faith a covert accusation of heresy against “Pope” Francis. In a new interview released in the German secular magazine Der Spiegel last week, Muller was asked point-blank whether he believes Francis is a heretic. His answer was not really surprising.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the text:

Spiegel: Is Pope Francis a heretic, a denier of dogma, as some few princes of the Church insinuate?


Francis laicizes ‘Uncle Ted’…

Mister McCarrick:
Former Novus Ordo Cardinal returned to Lay State

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This hasn’t happened to the former “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick since the 1950’s: His official address is now Mister again. Ordained a priest on May 31, 1958, the disgraced sex abuser Theodore McCarrick will remain “a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedech” (Ps 109:4); however, the Novus Ordo authorities are no longer allowing him to exercise this priesthood that was indelibly imprinted on his soul on the day of his ordination. For all intents and purposes, therefore, he is a layman again.… READ MORE

Perfect reading material ahead of sex abuse summit…

Moral Advice from “Pope” Francis:
“The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh”

On Sep. 6, 2017, the French sociologist Dominique Wolton, himself an agnostic, released an interview book with “Pope” Francis entitled Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). It is in this book that Francis revealed for the first time that he used to get treated by a Jewish psychoanalyst in Argentina. We reported on the matter here.

The book has since been translated into English and is now available as A Future of Faith: The Path of Change in Politics and Society.… READ MORE

We had been warned…

A Prophecy from 1869: “Satan is going to wage the Fiercest Attacks to try to Annihilate the Church”

It behooves Catholics to beware of private revelations: certainly of those that have not been approved by the Church, which must be avoided, but even of those that have been approved. Although the latter are judged by the Church to be free from error in Faith or morals and therefore safe to familiarize oneself with, it is important not to get attached to this kind of revelation because it is not necessary for our salvation and is given only to specific people, at a specific point in time, for a specific purpose.… READ MORE

A theological ship of fools…

Ark of Apostasy:
Why Francis’ Interreligious Fraternity Document does Not Admit of an Orthodox Interpretation

The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio — more commonly known by his stage name “Pope Francis” — caused a ruckus last week when he co-signed a document on “human fraternity” with Sunni Muslim Imam Ahamad Al-Tayyib declaring that God wills there to be a plurality and diversity of religions. We covered this in our post “Apostasy in Abu Dhabi: Francis says God wills Diversity of Religions”.

Just before the signing of the joint declaration, Francis gave a lengthy speech in which he called all participants of the interreligious conference he was attending to “enter together as one family into an ark which can sail the stormy seas of the world: the ark of fraternity.”… READ MORE

Don’t worry, nothing else is changing…

A New Logo for Novus Ordo Watch

No doubt you’ve noticed it: Novus Ordo Watch has begun using a new logo, displayed above.

Many people will be asking themselves: why? Was the old logo — the sede vacante coat of arms — not good enough? Was it not, in fact, the best possible emblem to use for a sedevacantist apostolate?

Quite simply, there were two main problems with the old logo.

First, it wasn’t our own creation but the work of an artist who licensed his work under a creative commons license and later released it into the public domain.… READ MORE

Modernist Muller plays Catholic for a while…

“Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller issues “Manifesto of Faith” in apparent Swipe at Francis

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The former Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith (2012-2017), “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, has released a four-page document entitled Manifesto of Faith: “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled!” (Jn 14:1), dated Feb. 10, 2019. The document has been published in as many as seven languages:

The National Catholic Register and Life Site broke the story late on Friday, Feb.… READ MORE

Eternal Life is overrated…

No Ark of Salvation:
A Critical Look at Francis’ “Ark of Fraternity” Speech

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In addition to joining his imam friend Ahamad Al-Tayyib to sign an outrageous document that blatantly promotes apostasy, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) also gave a speech at the so-called Global Conference of Human Fraternity in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on Feb. 4.

Here is the full video of the talks given by all the speakers and the document signing at the end:

We will go ahead now and examine some of the nonsense Francis put forward in his speech:

The logo of this journey depicts a dove with an olive branch.