Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 19, 2017

Please help yourself: “Cafeteria Catholicism” in the Philippines

And one for the road…

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3 Responses to “News Digest March 19, 2017”

  1. turn2

    Today’s Modernist Outrage is Brought to You Commercial-Free by Vatican II, the Bad Tree that Keeps on Giving…Bad Fruit!

    Francis getting an honorary Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Salerno is as much an affront to Faith and reason as when Notre Dame gave Obama one in law. Both of them are public enemies of Catholic moral teachings, pretty much across the board, though Francis has more to answer for, given his false claim as the shepherd of souls.

    Bergoglio is the last person to be honored in the field of medicine, as he is has shown himself to be anything but a friend to the unborn. He notoriously chided Catholics for “obsessing” about abortion, has cheerfully welcomed to Rome such unrepentant pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians as Joe Biden and John Kerry, and last November, topped if off by meeting with Emma Bonino, an abortionist who has boasted about how her group murdered over 10,000 unborn children.

    Bonino belongs to Italian Radical Party, which has positions on social issues that are nearly 100% in opposition to Catholic moral teachings, and is on the Global Board of the Open Society Foundations of radical billionaire George Soros, which is promoting the New World Order agenda.

    Video: “George Soros: The One-Man Illuminati Machine” (Viewer advisory: brief immodesty)

  2. Pedro

    The Devil’s playground, the world is in these days. Shaking my head after reading just the summaries of the latest diabolic effluvium from around the Novus Ordo world. My God, the stench.

  3. Greg C

    This is so sickening, I don’t even want to think about what a few years down the road will look like at this rate. St. Michael defend us!

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