We Had Been Warned:
Catholic Prophecies & Predictions of our Dark Times
In all the frightening confusion, difficulties, and distress we have to endure in the face of the eclipse of the holy Catholic Church by the Modernist Vatican II Sect, it is good to call to mind now and again that what has happened since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 is something that has, in one way or another, been predicted and foretold in Holy Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and approved private revelations.
The following list consists of links to posts and pages on this web site that mention, directly or indirectly, various predictions of the ecclesiastical catastrophe that has befallen the Catholic world since Vatican II, or that prescribe remedies to certain evils which, if not applied, will lead to precisely the sort of situation we find ourselves in at this time. We must remember that this terrible affliction for Holy Mother Church was foreknown and preordained by God from all eternity. Just as Our Lord’s Sacred Passion was not a defeat of His Mission but its very essence, so this “Mystical” Passion of the Church is likewise part of the divine plan. Let us remain faithful, then, to the true Church as to the true Messiah, who will restore His Mystical Body no less miraculously than He restored His own Body at the Resurrection.
- “Rome will be without a Shepherd”: Virgin Mary to Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840s
- A Conspiracy against the Catholic Church? The True Popes Speak
- A Prophecy from 1869: “Satan is going to wage the Fiercest Attacks to try to Annihilate the Church”
- Curial Prelate Warns in 1872: Freemasonic Conspiracy Will Shake Church to Its Foundations
- Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism (Fatima Conference 2021)
- Endorsed by St. Pius X: ‘The Anti-Christian Conspiracy’ by Mgr. Henri Delassus Now in English
- Fr. Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 1): Satan will Attack the Papacy
- Fr. Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 2): A False Church to imitate the True Church
- Fr. Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 3): A False Pope and a Vacant Holy See
- Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed? The Papacy and Sedevacantism
- How Long Until Schism? Vatican II Church on the Brink of Chaos
- How we got to this point: Bishop Sanborn explains the History of Christendom
- Like Sheep without a Shepherd: 60 Years of Sede Vacante
- Pre-Vatican II Theologian: Catholicity of Church “Very Restricted” during Great Apostasy
- Priest in 1955: Apocalypse indicates False Prophet will be Fake Pope while Papal Chair is Vacant and Church Appears Destroyed
- Priest in 1955: Apocalypse indicates Satan may try to impede Papal Election to cause Long-Term Vacancy
- Saint Augustine: “The Church Will Not Appear” during Great Tribulation before Christ’s Return
- Sermon Series: “Satan Will Try to Deceive Even the Elect” – Part 1
- Sermon Series: “Satan Will Try to Deceive Even the Elect” – Part 2
- Sermon Series: “Satan Will Try to Deceive Even the Elect” – Part 3
- St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy about a False “Destroyer” Pope
- The Catholic Church is a Social Miracle
- The End of the World and the Antichrist
- The Mystical Passion of the Church: Dreadful Reality vs. Delusive Counterfeit
- The Papacy & the Passion of the Church
- The Persecution and ‘Death’ of the Church: The Testimony of Scripture and Tradition
- The Pope and the Antichrist: The Great Apostasy Foretold
- What will make the Antichrist so Deceptive?
- Year of Condemnation 01: Pope Pius XI’s Legislation regarding Modesty in Dress
- Year of Condemnation 02: Fulton Sheen’s Plea for Intolerance
- Year of Condemnation 03: The Syllabus of Modernist Errors (1907)
- Year of Condemnation 05: Cardinal Siri’s Pastoral Letter concerning Women wearing Men’s Clothing
- Year of Condemnation 11: Papal Condemnations of Freemasonry
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