“Hermeneutic of continuity” check…
Before and After Vatican II:
What is the Essential Purpose of Holy Matrimony?

The chief mission of this web site is to demonstrate how the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, whose last known Pope was Pius XII (d. 1958), differ in essence from those of the Novus Ordo religion, whose doctrinal mother lode is the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). This infernal assembly was called and opened by Antipope John XXIII (1958-63) and promulgated and concluded by Antipope Paul VI (1963-78), both of whom, naturally, have officially been declared “saints” by the Novus Ordo Church since.… READ MORE
“Fr.” Sean Kilcawley invited to speak…
The Danger Lurking Offline: SSPX Conference to feature Novus Ordo ‘Theology of the Body’ Expert

The semi-traditionalist Society of St. Pius X is once again bending over backwards to demonstrate just how much it desires to be integrated into the Novus Ordo mainstream.
In the United States, its Angelus Press Conference is scheduled to take place from Oct. 4-6 this year, and it includes as a featured speaker the Rev. Sean Kilcawley, a Novus Ordo priest who teaches John Paul II’s so-called “Theology of the Body”. This should do more than just raise Lefebvrist eyebrows, especially since the main theme of the conference is, “Defense of the Family: Fortifying Catholic Marriage.” … READ MORE
A ‘phenomenal’ argument goes up in smoke…
On Francis’ Denial of Transubstantiation:
A Rejoinder to Dave Armstrong

When he’s not promoting the “wisdom” of Methodist founder John Wesley or the “glorious sounds” of rock bands like The Beatles, Novus Ordo apologist Dave Armstrong carries the water for another beacon of faith and virtue: the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, who has been starring as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing theological comedy act that is the Vatican II religion.
Apparently our post exposing the false pope’s denial of dogma on the Feast of Corpus Christi caused enough of a ruckus for Armstrong to take notice.… READ MORE
Demystifying an overrated figure…
The Errors of Dietrich von Hildebrand

One of the big names that is sometimes brought up in connection with traditionalist Catholic issues is that of Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977). Propped up by the thoroughly-discredited Michael Davies as an ultra-Catholic superhero who opposed many of the changes of Vatican II, von Hildebrand’s name has long been a favorite among Novus Ordo conservatives and traditionalists of a more intellectual bent.
Whether it be Michael Voris, Catholic Answers, The Wanderer, The Remnant, Keep the Faith, or EWTN, somehow everyone likes to have this thinker in their camp, if not for his critique of the post-conciliar debacle, then for his phenomenological and personalist philosophy, which is a big hit in the Novus Ordo Church and was promoted heavily by “Pope” John Paul II. … READ MORE
The Phenomenon of Dietrich von Hildebrand
by John S. Daly
Taken from Chapter 1 of
Michael Davies – An Evaluation
New Edition (2015)
used with permission
Excerpt from Chapter One: Davies’s Attitude to Authority
Instances of Hero Worship
One of the writers whom [Michael] Davies most frequently quotes is Dietrich von Hildebrand, an American layman whose name would probably be mentioned in a footnote or appendix to a reasonably comprehensive history of twentieth century philosophy – a man who had no significant theological status and simply wrote his opinions on Vatican II and its revolution as a private individual just as Davies does and just as the present writer is doing.… READ MORE