One more day till release…

The Day Before:
Novus Ordo Adherents Apprehensive about Post-Synodal “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia

Don’t worry, buddy, Jimmy Akin’s got this!

What, oh what will Francis do?

Nothing shows trust and confidence in the Petrine office as the guarantee of orthodoxy and sound morals better than hysterically anticipating the theological equivalent of a nuclear detonation because “the Pope” will make a decision about whether publicly unrepentant adulterers can receive “Holy Communion”. In the Catholic Church, there would be nothing to decide on this topic. If a document were to be issued on it, it would contain one word: “No!”… READ MORE

Francis drops bombshell in interview with Eugenio Scalfari

Francis: “All the Divorced who ask will be admitted [to Communion]” — Vatican (as expected) disputes

photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) “Pope Francis” via photopin (license)

Please see the end of this post for an important update.

The following report comes from the semi-traditionalist but reliable Rorate Caeli blog:


Yes, he said it over the phone to his favorite journalist, Italian editor Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica (the Pope’s daily and favorite newspaper), in a conversation on October 28, revealed by the latter in an editorial published this Sunday.


It’s been 730 days…

A New Interview


Marking a milestone of two years “in office”, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Vatican’s Apostate-in-Chief who goes by the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, has granted yet another interview to the press, this time to Valentina Alazraki of the Mexico-based Noticieros Televisa. Vatican Radio has just released a full translation, so we are posting links to both the original and the translation:


  • Why Novus Ordos in Mexico are becoming Protestants: “Clericalism”, “distance”, and “disastrous homilies” that are “lessons in theology”!
He’s baack!…

Silent No More: Benedict XVI Joins Debate over Communion for Adulterers

[UPDATE 03-DEC-2014Ratzinger’s revised text now available online (click here)]

Approximately four weeks after the close of part one of the infamous Synod on the Family, the retired “Pope” Benedict XVI now adds some fuel to the inferno. Though he once promised to withdraw completely from ecclesiastical affairs, he somehow always manages to make himself heard whenever he so chooses, even if usually in an indirect or even cryptic way.

This time, Joseph Ratzinger has chosen to weigh in on the debate over whether public adulterers (the “divorced-and-remarried”) should be allowed to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments, which is one of the core issues currently under discussion in the Novus Ordo Sect’s ongoing synod of bishops, part two of which is scheduled to take place in October 2015.