Interview on French TV

SSPX Superior Bishop Fellay and the Vatican’s “Stamp of Approval” (now with full English Translation)

On Jan. 29, 2017, the internet-based French television station TV Libertés broadcast an interview with the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay. The interview, which is roughly 17 minutes in length, was part of the program Terres de Mission and can be watched here:

This video has English subtitles, and a complete English transcript is posted further below.

Bp. Fellay has essentially communicated that de facto relations between the Vatican and the SSPX are already normal, and it is not necessary to wait until everything is “totally satisfactory”. … READ MORE

Off the cliff at full throttle…

Bp. Fellay, “Bp.” Schneider, and Chaos Frank:
A Commentary on Recent Developments

Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X

As far back as April 3, 2013, a mere 21 days after his election, we predicted that Francis would eventually be known as the “Chaos Pope”; from this we derived his moniker “Chaos Frank”. After almost four years of the blasphemous-heretical buffoon at the helm of the Vatican II Sect, most people would agree. In fact, even the Novus Ordo press is finally starting to wake up to the real Francis, the one about whom we’ve been reporting accurately and realistically since day one, when everyone else was still lauding him for his great “humility” and “Marian piety of the most traditional sort”.… READ MORE

First in a series of falling dominoes?

Louie Verrecchio has had enough:
“Francis is an Antipope”

Deo gratias! Another Semi-Traditionalist has finally had enough and publicly confessed the truth that is plain for all to see who are courageous enough to look: Francis is not the Pope of the Catholic Church. Mr. Louie Verrecchio, formerly a star pundit of the conservative wing of the Novus Ordo Sect who came to embrace a recognize-but-resist type of traditionalism, has just made the following declaration on his blog, AKA Catholic: “Francis has judged himself a formal heretic. He is, therefore, an antipope” (source).… READ MORE

Aug. 24 Update on SSPX-Rome Relations

Fellay Tales: “Pope Francis does not think that Canonizations are infallible” & other curious Anecdotes

On August 24, 2016, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bp. Bernard Fellay, offered more of his usual “Fellay Tales” to his adherents, that intriguing mix of the mysterious, the incredible, and the laughable with regard to the SSPX and its relations with the Vatican, which have as their (no doubt intended) effect the continual pacification and confirmation of Lefebvrists in their current position as adherents to Bp. Fellay and the theological “recognize-but-resist” schizophrenia that characterises the Society.… READ MORE

SSPX deal on the home stretch…

Vatican “Abp.” Pozzo:

Bp. Fellay has Accepted Personal Prelature Proposal for SSPX, Details being Worked Out

[UPDATE 29-JUL-16 19:01 UTC: Society of St. Pius X (SSPX): What is and what is not negotiable for reconciliation with the Catholic Church? (Vatican Insider)]

The head of the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo, has revealed in an interview with the German Christ & Welt that Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has agreed to canonical regularization under a personal prelature solution, although details are still being worked out.… READ MORE

Dedication scheduled for July 25

House of Horrors:
Hideous New SSPX Church in Madrid

In Madrid, the capital of Spain, the Society of St. Pius X spent the last few years building a new church. The building has now been completed, and the solemn dedication ceremony is scheduled for this coming Monday, July 25, which coincides with the parish’s titular feast, for the church is dedicated to St. James the Greater, Apostle.

Normally, none of this would be news, for the SSPX builds new parish churches around the globe all the time. The case of St. James the Apostle Church in Madrid, however, is different, because the exterior of the now-completed building is so hideous that it might as well be a Novus Ordo church.… READ MORE

It’s time for a reckoning…

Comments on the Latest Bp. Fellay Interview — and on the June 29 Press Release

On June 22, 2016, we were the first English-speaking web site to break the news about Bp. Bernard Fellay’s new interview, published on June 21, on the relations between the Society of St. Pius X and the Vatican. What is puzzling is that virtually no one has picked up on the news since, even though the SSPX Superior General made not a few statements that should raise the eyebrows of anyone who considers himself a real Catholic. Here is our original post on the interview:

New Interview with SSPX Superior

Bishop Fellay:

“We’ve never wanted to be separated from Rome”; “Vatican never called us Schismatic”; “Rome tacitly approves of our Ordinations”

As things deteriorate rapidly in the Vatican II Sect under Francis, the Society of St. Pius X is more eager than ever to obtain regularization and full recognition by Rome. On Tuesday, June 21, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, gave an interview to Josef Bruckmoser of the Austrian paper Salzburger Nachrichten.

The one-page interview is now available online, and we have translated it from the original German into English (Bp.… READ MORE

That sums it up…

SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis considers us Catholics — Doctrine is not that important to him

Almost there: Bp. Fellay was interviewed on Reconciliation with Rome
by Edward Pentin on May 13, 2016

The Society of St. Pius X’s Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay was back in his comfort zone when Novus Ordo journalist Edward Pentin questioned him on May 13 in a new exclusive interview for the National Catholic Register published on May 18. It was friendly fire only, and this is how he likes it, quite in contrast to his epic fail when interrogated by Tim Sebastian on the aptly-named Conflict Zone program in February — a performance so embarrassing that the SSPX never alerted its adherents to the interview’s existence.… READ MORE

For Heaven’s sake, wake up!

An Update: Francis and the Society of St. Pius X

The Society of St. Pius X, since 1994 headed by the intrepid Bp. Bernard Fellay, who considers himself the leader of Traditional Catholicism yet without even so much as a single significant theological contribution to back him up, has now released a statement on Jorge Bergoglio’s infernal exhortation Amoris Laetitia:

The Society’s reaction is entitled, “Enough to make one weep” — which about sums up all the SSPX has left at this point to put up against Francis’ in-your-face apostasy: tears, sobbing, and hand-wringing.… READ MORE

Leaked Internal Paper…

SSPX’s Fr. Schmidberger makes Case for Union with Rome


Former SSPX Superior General, Fr. Schmidberger, with the current one, Bp. Fellay

The Spanish-speaking “Resistance-SSPX” web site Non Possumus has published an internal letter of Fr. Franz Schmidberger, formerly the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (1982-94) and currently the head of the SSPX seminary in Zaitzkofen (Germany), in which he lays out the case for full canonical recognition by Modernist Rome under “Pope” Francis and responds to various objections.

The three-page letter, dated February 19, 2016, is entitled Überlegungen zur Kirche und der Stellung der Priesterbruderschaft St.


Like clockwork…

SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis extends Faculties for Confession beyond ‘Year of Mercy’

Embed from Getty Images

Looks like everything is going according to plan. Just as we predicted, as Francis opens a huge door for the “divorced-and-remarried” — unfortunately, it’s the door to hell — he is likewise being very “merciful” to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X. Gotta keep those traditionalists happy in the face of such a big whopper as the “Apostolic Exhortation” just released.

On April 10, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, announced during a sermon (full audio here) in Puy-en-Velay (France) that “Pope” Francis had told him at a recent meeting in the Vatican that he would extend the faculties he had given the SSPX to hear confessions validly, beyond the “Jubilee Year of Mercy”, which ends on November 20 of this year.… READ MORE

Vatican confirms April 2 meeting

“Pope” Francis meets with SSPX Superior General, Bishop Fellay

The Press Office of the “Holy See” has confirmed a newspaper report of an unannounced meeting that took place between “Pope Francis” and the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, on Saturday, April 2, at Vatican City. The Italian paper Il Foglio broke the story, quoting sources who said the meeting “was positive” and “understanding is good” between Fellay and Francis, whom Fellay had called “a genuine Modernist” in 2013.

According to Il Foglio, the discussions between the “Pope” and the Lefebvrian SSPX are moving towards a personal prelature model similar to that under which Opus Dei operates.


Simply luminous!

Public Relations Disaster for SSPX:
Bishop Fellay’s Epic Interview Fail


Tim Sebastian grills Bishop Fellay on “Conflict Zone”

There is no other way to say it: It’s an unmitigated disaster of colossal proportions for the Society of Saint Pius X.

In an interview for the aptly-named “Conflict Zone” program of the international German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, aggressive secular journalist Tim Sebastian sat down with SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, to grill him on various issues from the accusation of anti-semitism to the Society’s bizarre understanding of papal authority. The result was as embarrassing as it was revealing, both about the SSPX in general and His Excellency in particular.… READ MORE

Not everyone is as gung-ho as Bp. Fellay…

SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta Warns of Agreement with Rome

On Sunday, January 17, 2016, Bp. Alfonso de Galarreta of the Society of St. Pius X gave a conference at the St. Vincent de Paul priory in Bailly, France. A short summary of the talk has been posted at the French news portal Médias-Presse-Info. We are happy to provide an exclusive English translation:

For Bishop de Galarreta, it is not to be desired that an agreement between Rome and the SSPX should happen

By Christian Lassale

Summary of the Conference of Bishop de Galarreta in Bailly (78) on January 17, 2016

I—The Atmosphere in Rome

We are witnessing an upsurge of modernism in Rome with Pope Francis.