Now being published in English!

Endorsed by Pope Pius X:
The Anti-Christian Conspiracy (1910)
by Mgr. Henri Delassus

Monsignor Henri Delassus (1836-1921) was an esteemed French Catholic priest, author, and editor. Pope St. Pius X conferred on him the title of ‘Monsignor’, making him a Domestic Prelate in 1904 and a Protonotary Apostolic in 1911. More information here:

In 1910, Msgr. Delassus published a monumental 3-volume work entitled La Conjuration Antichrétienne, which translates as The Anti-Christian Conspiracy. It traces the breakdown of, and revolt against, Christian civilization from the late Middle Ages and Renaissance via the Reformation to the French Revolution and beyond, down to the early 20th century.

It is fascinating to begin to understand that the great disorder which we are living through — both in the Church and in the world — is not some inexplicable accident but the calculated result of organized forces scheming against Christ and His Church for hundreds of years. Ever since Adam and Eve, the devil has been at war with humanity; and, subsequently, especially with humanity’s Redeemer. Delassus’ The Anti-Christian Conspiracy is basically a handbook for understanding where we are, how we got there, and to what we must return.

The tome comes with the highest endorsement. Not only does it bear the required nihil obstat and imprimatur, it comes with an official letter of approbation from the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, on behalf of Pope Pius X. Dated Oct. 23, 1910, the brief letter is included in the beginning of the book.

Unfortunately, this important work was never made available in English — until now. Due to the magnitude of the work and the cost and time associated with making it available in English, the translator is publishing a pre-release version in installments. This helps fund the translation project and also makes reading the entire work a lot easier, as each published installment is only roughly 100 pages.

All together, there will be ten parts, with a new installment being released every two months. So far, two installments have been published:

The translator from the original French is Tristan Berthelot, and the publisher is Shield of Faith Press in Overland Park, Kansas.

Bishop Donald J. Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Reading, Pennsylvania, discusses the first two published parts with Stephen Heiner in the following videos:

In case the above video won’t display, you can access it on YouTube here

In case the above video won’t display, you can access it on YouTube here

For those who may be allergic to the term ‘conspiracy’, it is important to keep in mind that conspiracy is a perfectly normal concept in American jurisprudence and is in fact part of the United States Penal Code. Title 18 of the U.S. Code, Part I, Chapter 19 speaks about conspiracy to commit offenses, among other things.

In the American legal system, a conspiracy is defined as follows:

An agreement by two or more people to commit an illegal act or to commit a legal act using illegal means. Proving conspiracy requires evidence that the parties agreed to the plan before taking action. Proving criminal conspiracy usually requires evidence that some overt action occurred in furtherance of the plan. Some conspiracies may give rise to both criminal and civil charges. For example, a scheme by a group of salesmen to sell used automobiles as new, could be the basis for two actions: criminal prosecution for fraud and conspiracy; and a civil action by victims of the scheme for damages for the fraud and conspiracy.

(Nolo’s Free Dictionary Of Law Terms and Legal Definitions)

At the end of the day, a conspiracy — from the Latin conspirare, meaning ‘to breathe together’ — is nothing more than two or more people making a plan to do something, typically something illegal or immoral.

The word ‘conspiracy’ has gotten a bad rap since the CIA introduced to the term ‘conspiracy theory’ to discredit alternative theories to the ‘lone gunman’ narrative they were pushing in connection with the Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. In reality, conspiracies take place all the time. That is not to say, of course, that every conspiracy theory should be accepted as true — far from it. But the idea that because many conspiracy theories are without foundation, therefore there are no conspiracies, is silly, does not follow, and is easily refuted by the facts.

In fact, by God’s holy Providence, the very Redemption of the world was not to come about without a conspiracy. After our Blessed Lord Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, the chief priests and the Pharisees conspired to have Him arrested and killed: “From that day therefore they devised to put him to death” (Jn 11:53).

Saint Paul, too, was the object of a plot: “And when day was come, some of the Jews gathered together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying, that they would neither eat, nor drink, till they killed Paul. And they were more than forty men that had made this conspiracy” (Acts 23:13).

It is not surprising, therefore, that the very anti-Christian forces which persecuted the Messiah and His Apostles 2000 years ago should also do all in their power to conspire against His Mystical Body in our day.

In his magnificent work The New Montinian Church, first published in 1971, the Mexican Catholic priest Fr. Joaquin Sáenz Arriaga (1899-1976) summarized the matter thus:

God, in His infinite mercy, in the way He always offers us the inexhaustible help of His divine grace to attain our everlasting salvation, also gives us enough light so that we are not deceived by the enemy or, due to the shrewdness of the Tempter, lose the safe way of our salvation. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the high Pontiffs, in an uninterrupted way, warned us about the most grave prelude to the indescribable tragedy we are beholding, whose origins go back to past centuries. Many Popes had sounded the alarm and pointed to the appropriate means of defending ourselves from the Hidden Power: Pius VI, in his allocution on the martyrdom of Louis XVI, Gregory XVI, in his frequent and most grave admonitions; Pius IX, in the encyclical Quanta Cura and his Syllabus; Leo XIII in his most wise encyclicals, especially Humanum Genus; Pius X, in the Pascendi, his new Syllabus, and in his condemnation of Le Sillón, founded by Marc Sagnier; and Pius XII, in his encyclical Humani Generis and on his brilliant instructions of May 31 and November 2, 1954 to the bishops of the whole world.

Following the Pontifical teaching, prominent prelates such as Msgr. Delassus and Msgr. Jouin, as well as brave writers such as Leon de Poncins, Pierre Virion, and Maurice Pinay, had exposed the tremendous reality of a Luciferian project for world domination by the counter-Church. Satan’s agents, who already considered themselves victorious, did not hesitate to print such expositions and issue statements referring to them. Let us mention Stanislas de Guaita, the former Canon [Paul] Roca, Saint Yves d’Alveydre, and the Synarchy. …

Unfortunately, admonitions, condemnations, and revealing denunciations were not adequately heeded by the ecclesiastics or the laity, who did not pay attention to them or, with unbelievable levity, denied their authenticity. We are beholding the storm and the wreckage, but neverthless, we keep on disbelieving the existence of that infernal Jewish-Masonic conspiracy, which is beginning to clamorously celebrate its success. Because the Pontifical teachings were not followed and the theologians and historians who announced the danger were not believed, the Church is now undergoing the most grave crisis in its history. To find out the causes of this crisis we must remember the program of the Luciferian Hidden Power and the lodges’ secret instructions. The Holy See got to know about these instructions and had them published by Crétineau-Joly in his works, The Roman Church in Face of the Revolution and The Jewish-Masonic Plot Against the Church.

(Rev. Joaquin Saenz y Arriaga, The New Post-Conciliar or Montinian Church, trans. Edgar A. Lucidi [La Habra, CA: Edgar A. Lucidi, M.D., 1985], pp. 392-393; bold print and underlining added, italics given. #CommissionLink)

Mgr. Delassus did the Catholic world a tremendous favor by warning it of the infernal plot against the Church and the Pope, laying it all out in this impressive work, The Anti-Christian Conspiracy, 115 years ago.

It is to us that it has been granted to witness the gradual unfolding of this “mystery of iniquity” (2 Thess 2:7) in the Vatican II Counter-Church.

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