Worshipping the Golden Calf of diversity…

Diocese Offers Blessing Ceremony for Gender Transitions and other ‘Queer-Sensitive’ Pastoral Care

Not an ounce of Catholicism in him: ‘Bishop’ Heiner Wilmer of Hildesheim

When it comes to the apostate German Novus Ordo bishops, some names and faces are quite familiar: Walter Kasper, Reinhard Marx, Georg Bätzing, Stephan Ackermann, Peter Kohlgraf, Franz-Josef Bode. There is, however, another ‘Catholic bishop’ in the land of Luther who is no less apostate and no less dangerous, but whose name and face have not gotten too much exposure just yet.

He is Heiner Wilmer, SCJ (b. 1961), pictured in title image above. A member of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart since 1982, he became their Superior General in 2015. His current assignment is that of playing Catholic bishop of the diocese of Hildesheim. He was appointed to the post by ‘Pope’ Francis on Apr. 6, 2018.

In late 2022 and early ’23, there was a rumor that Francis was going to pick Wilmer to become the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. Conservatives and traditionalists alike were alarmed at the prospect of Wilmer succeeding ‘Cardinal’ Luis Ladaria at the former Holy Office:

The position ultimately went to then-‘Archbishop’ Victor Manuel Fernandez, and of course the rest is history.

As for Wilmer, he is still causing mischief in Hildesheim, of which we can report the following latest.

On Sep. 2, 2024, the diocese published a report announcing three new diocesan points of contact for “queer-sensitive pastoral care”: one Michael Hasenauer, one Manuel Rios Juarez, and one Linda Menniger.

For those wondering what one might wish to contact any of these staff members for, the news article lists as examples “when a lesbian couple registers their child for baptism, a trans person wants to celebrate their transition with a blessing ceremony, or parents of a non-binary child seek pastoral accompaniment” (our translation).

Ugh. Did you get that? In this ‘Catholic’ diocese, lesbian “couples” can register “their child” for baptism; a “trans person” can get a “blessing” for their decision to deny the sex God gave them (what happened to “born this way”?), which may even include surgical genital mutilation; and parents can have a “non-binary” child.

Let’s be clear about something: No child has two mothers; there are no “trans people”, there are no “non-binary” children (nor adults, for that matter); and any kind of “gender transition” should get an exorcism, not a blessing.

The diocesan news report explains further that the creation of such “queer-sensitive” pastoral care…

will broaden the focus on dealing with gender diversity, in particular transgender and intersex people. The commissioning is also the continuation of a central demand from the Hildesheim Declaration “Blessing for this world” from March 2021: “People are an equal part of the church regardless of their sexual identity. God’s blessing is for them and their relationships as partners – because it is for all loving relationships without exception.”

(“Neue Ansprechpersonen für queersensible Seelsorge”, Bistum Hildesheim, Sep. 2, 2024; our translation.)

So that is where the German branch of the Novus Ordo Sect has arrived at now, at least in Hildesheim, though we should not suppose that it is uniquely worse than the other dioceses there.

Under Wilmer’s watch, the ‘Catholic Church’ in Hildesheim accepts “gender diversity” and believes in “transgender people” as well as “intersex people”. They accept “sexual identity” and claim that relationships that are diametrically opposed to the natural law and God’s own revelation can nevertheless be genuinely “loving” and as such deserve God’s blessing. (How much God actually ‘blesses’ such things can be seen, for example, in Gen 19:1-29, Rom 1:24-32, and Jude 7.)

If God blesses “all loving relationships without exception”, as Wilmer’s Modernist club insists, will Hildesheim churches soon offer blessings for incestuous couples, throuples, polygamous romances, pedophilic relationships, unnatural unions between man and beast, etc.? Or perhaps ‘love’ between people who identify as non-binary unicorns? Don’t say it can’t happen! Not long ago anyone claiming there were more than two genders would have been locked up in an insane asylum, and look at how fast things have changed in just a few years!

Hildesheim wants to be a “safe space” for the sexually confused, the article notes further. To be clear: There are a number of (usually quite young) people who are truly confused regarding their bodies and their God-given sexuality — the documentary Dysconnected tells the story — due to all kinds of factors stemming from their childhood, family situation, education, exposure to pornography and the occult, etc. Of course such people are victims and need spiritual and psychological help; they are certainly deserving of genuine Catholic charity. We are not condemning those who are sincerely struggling and wish to be normal. We are condemning those who declare wrong to be right; evil to be good; delusion to be sobriety; disorder to be sanity; and disease to be soundness, and want to celebrate this insanity.

Further on in the report, Mr. Hasenauer remarks: “As a church, we want to be a place where all people are welcome.” No, they actually don’t. They have no interest, for example, in welcoming people who oppose their diversity madness, people they would describe as closed-minded, intolerant, discriminatory, rigid, regressive, hateful, homophobic, etc. It really isn’t about welcoming everyone, which is an impossibility anyway, it’s simply about swapping one set of dogmas for another.

If there is one place in existence that all are welcome to join, it is hell. The road that leads to it is incredibly broad and very comfortable: “…for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat” (Mt 7:13). For those in the state of mortal sin, there are no requirements for admission: “Come as you are and stay forever” is the motto there. There is a reason why the Apostles preached repentance and acceptance of the Gospel (see Acts 2:22-42) and not simply unconditional welcome. In this they imitated Our Lord, of course (see Mk 1:15).

By the way: In a 2018 interview he gave to Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, ‘Bp.’ Wilmer maintained that “abuse of power is part of the Church’s DNA” and said this needed to have consequences for theology. He went on to praise as a “prophet of our time” the German Über-Modernist Fr. Eugene Drewerman, who like Fr. Hans Küng (1928-2021) is so obvious an apostate that in the early 1990s even the Vatican II Church saw the need to revoke his faculties to teach and act as a priest.

There is nothing Catholic left in Wilmer’s diocese, and that may just get him the cardinal’s red hat in the near future. After all, he is simply taking Amoris Laetitia and Fiducia Supplicans to the next level and is only doing what ‘Pope’ Francis has already called for himself: confirming ‘queer people’ in their ‘identity’ and ensuring that the aberrosexual agenda finds acceptance in the church in practice, which is where it will chiefly matter. Besides, once accepted in the practical order, the theoretial order — the philosophy and theology — will eventually follow.

For the Jesuit antipope, we must remember, “realities are greater than ideas” (Evangelii Gaudium, n. 231); and so there is no question he will be very pleased with the new “queer-sensitive” pastoral care approach of Heiner Wilmer.

Image source: composite with elements from Instagram (screenshot)
Licenses: fair use

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