Diocese of Augsburg, Germany…

Novus Ordo ‘Bicycle Mass’ Entertains Young and Old

Ridin’ high at the Novus Ordo ‘Bike Mass’ on July 13, 2024

Aichach is a small town in Germany about 30 miles northwest of Munich. Its main Novus Ordo church is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary (Mariä Himmelfahrt) and is also known as the Stadtpfarrkirche (city parish church). It is a gorgeous building in the style of a late-Gothic basilica.

Chances are you would have never heard of the town or the church in your life — were it not for the creativity of the ‘Catholic priest’ there and our efforts at continually ‘watching’ the Novus Ordo circus. 😉

On July 13, 2024, the parish held a Saturday ‘Vigil Mass’ of a special kind: People were encouraged to bring their bikes for a ‘Bicycle Mass’ (Fahrradgottesdienst).

There was a blessing of bikes outside the church, which is a perfectly good and legitimate Catholic practice. Inside the church, however, madness reigned during the liturgical service.

Here is a video clip that was uploaded to the parish’s Facebook page, a copy of which we put on YouTube:

In case the video won’t play, the 18-second clip can be accessed directly on YouTube here.

The man playing ‘Catholic priest’ in the midst of all this, by the way, is the Rev. Herbert Gugler, the pastor. The diocese in which this is taking place is that of Augsburg. The Modernist presenting himself as the ‘Catholic bishop’ there is the Least Rev. Bertram Meier (b. 1960).

Bicycle stunts weren’t the only thing, though, that went on inside the sacred edifice that was once built exclusively for the worship of the Most Holy Trinity. Some children also gave a presentation of a different kind:

On Facebook, the post describing this photo says:

In our church, there are different oils that help [us] to master life’s challenges. This was vividly illustrated with the oiling of a suspension [and with] the bicycle chain [mentioned] in the sermon. Many thanks to everyone for taking part.

(our translation)

The oils in question were, of course, the sacramentals known as the Holy Oils, specifically the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Infirm, and Sacred Chrism.

While one can certainly, in preaching or in teaching, draw analogies from daily life to illustrate a more abstract truth, it does not give anyone license to commit sacrilege or turn the church into an entertainment venue or a bike workshop.

What this liturgical bike madness in Aichach demonstrates is not that these are all evil people who enjoy profaning the sacred — not at all. Rather, it demonstrates how far from true Catholicism and a genuine Catholic sense the Vatican II Church in Germany has removed itself. The average people in the pew have been so misled for so long that they see nothing wrong with this whatsoever. On the contrary, they would surely say that they were edified by all this and that they are happy to see children take such active part in church activities. Any sense of the sacred, of the spiritual, of the supernatural — it’s gone. Naturalism has done a number on them all.

Let us not rashly condemn these people. They too are victims of the apostasy of the last 60 years. The true perpetrators are the false hierarchs who have knowingly and gleefully enabled and facilitated this apostasy: “An enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28).

In Novus Ordo Land, at least in Germany, such liturgical craziness is really not extraordinary anymore. It’s pretty much business as usual, at least in some parishes. And so the mayhem will continue until the whole thing collapses, the victim of its own success.

By the way… did you hear about the parish’s ‘Funfair Mass’ (Volksfestmesse) the following day?

Good thing ‘Fr.’ Gugler didn’t ‘go rogue’ and offer the Traditional Latin Mass instead….

Image sources: Facebook
Licenses: fair use

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