Accompanying sinners straight to hell…

Archdiocese of Turin Organizes Lenten Retreat
to Teach “Fidelity” to Sodomite Couples

“Fr.” Gianluca Carrega

[UPDATE 06-FEB-2018 15:59 UTC: Diocese issues official statement, says retreat is in line with Amoris Laetitia but will be suspended for the time being]

Just as “Cardinal” Reinhard Marx of Munich, Germany, has gone on record advocating for a “blessing” ceremony for homosexual couples on a case-by-case basis, to be determined by the “priest or pastoral worker”, news is reaching us that the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Turin, Italy, is organizing a Lenten retreat to teach “fidelity” to homosexual couples!

The French semi-trad news site has the story:

Below you will find an English translation of the most relevant part of the article:

Archdiocese of Turin Organizes Retreat to Teach Fidelity to Homosexual Couples

“Gays also deserve fidelity,” claims the Archdiocese of Turin! The recognition of homosexual couples as a family unit worthy of respect is advancing quickly in the Conciliar Church.

Fr. Gianluca Carrega, in charge of pastoral work to homosexuals in the Archdiocese of Turin, wants to offer “lessons in fidelity” to sodomites because they, too, “deserve” it. He explains that his initiative, under the charge of the archdiocese’s Archbishop Cesare Nosigilia [appointed by Benedict XVI –N.O.W.], comes from his personal experience: last year he was invited to only one marriage that would be characterized as “traditional,” that of a hetero couple, and to three “civil unions” of homosexual couples.

“They were beautiful, a celebration each time. This law [permitting same-sex civil unions in Italy] has born numerous fruits—I have seen them and I recognize them.”

But the law on civil unions had a lacuna, so to speak, a compromise, according to Fr. Carrega: this law, at the end of the day, did not stipulate, among the rights and duties of the couple, the obligation to fidelity. Thus, the Archdiocese of Turin is dedicating a Lenten retreat on this theme for homosexual couples titled “Worthy of Fidelity.”

It will be held this February 24-25 in a convent of religious sisters, the Daughters of Wisdom, and is intended for both individuals and couples. As to the question of whether there will be double bedrooms, Fr. Gianluca Carrega remains unclear, explains Vatican Insider: “We have not yet asked ourselves the question. Since it is a monastery, we will try to give each person an individual cell.”

The goal of this retreat intended for self-proclaimed homosexuals is to give added attention to their spiritual, and more broadly, social and life conditions.

“The law cannot provide for the obligation to fidelity”, the diocesan representative explains, “but in reflecting on the affectivity of gays, we can say that each one deserves a sole and exclusive love. The law can decide what the minimum requirements are, but we, we want to speak about the quality of the relationship.”

In the course of the retreat, Jesuit priest Fr. Pino Piva will discuss “the value of fidelity and love in the light of the biblical message.”

“Regarding this theme,” Fr. Gianluca Carrega continues, “we must remain beside the couples more than direct them. Besides, [to do differently] would not be honest for someone, like me, who is hetero and single.”

Fr. Carrega does not hesitate to speak of “misinterpretations” in the Church’s traditional teaching regarding homosexuality, so powerful does his official “pastoral mission” make him. According to him, the fact that a homosexual person who has occasional relationships can, after confession, receive communion whereas a person in a stable homosexual union would be excluded from it is an error:

“We thus risk doing much harm, encouraging among the faithful clandestinity and the taking away of the sense of responsibility.”

“A believing couple that contracts a civil union will have to bring their religious faith into the cohabitation.” The Church must then “have a reflection on the value of homosexual affectivity.” Because, “as the Bishop of Nanterre, Gérard Daucourt, states, certain homosexuals who decide to live as couples find in this a greater serenity and seek to be faithful. And we, we must value what is beautiful in their life.”

(Francesca de Villasmundo, “Le diocèse de Turin organise une retraite pour apprendre la fidélité aux couples homosexuels”,, Feb. 4, 2018; our translation.)

This is so incredibly immoral and absurd, it defies belief! They are openly speaking of genuine “love” between homos, when in fact it is an “abomination” (Lev 18:22), an intrinsically disordered lust deserving of eternal punishment: “And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error” (Rom 1:27). Such people “defile themselves with mankind” (1 Tim 1:10). So much for the “value of homosexual affectivity”. There is nothing “beautiful” about this.

As Turin’s homo-helper-in-chief, “Fr.” Carrega is actively lobbying sodomites to be “faithful” to one particular partner and to live in a “stable union” with him, rather than having “occasional relationships”. By doing this, he is actually driving the unnatural sinner to become ever more attached to his sin, because it is easier to give up a vice when there is little to no emotional or social attachment involved. A “stable union”, on the other hand, will make it even more difficult for sodomites to repent and amend their lives.

But Carrega is not alone in this. Back in 2014, the notorious “Archbishop” of Vienna, Christoph Schonborn, had already expressed his support for the idea of “lifelong fidelity and mutual caring” between perverts:

Francis himself, the head of the apostate Vatican establishment, cannot possibly disagree. It is he himself who introduced the notion of “fidelity” among habitual fornicators not only as a virtue but as turning the unlawful union ipso facto into a real marriage: “I’ve seen a lot of fidelity in these cohabitations, and I am sure that this is a real marriage, they have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity…” the Jesuit antipope stated in a candid moment on June 16, 2016.

And so we see that in the Vatican II Church, the mortal sin of fornication becomes a grace-filled sacrament as long as one engages in it again and again with the same person. But then eventually someone figures out that if one mortal sin can be looked upon as holy, then there is really no reason why another mortal sin couldn’t get the same distinction. Hence we now need blessings and retreats to promote and sanction what a short time ago had to be mentioned in confession as a mortal sin under pain of eternal damnation. If only the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah had known that! The world could have been spared a lot of carbon emissions from the fire and brimstone that rained down upon the cities due to a lack of retreat centers and ritual blessings (cf. Gen 19:24).

Clearly, in the Novus Ordo Sect, doctrine develops faster than you can say “time is greater than space.”

What is happening here is clear: Homosexuality is being introduced as a completely normal, sane, and healthy way of life that is perhaps a bit different from but certainly not unequal to Holy Matrimony. This is being done through the back door, so to speak, utilizing the concept of “accompaniment” slyly introduced by Francis in Amoris Laetitia in 2016. This way, the Novus Ordo Modernists can officially maintain that no doctrine is being changed while still achieving the same result that an open doctrinal change would have in the minds of the people. And thus they are gradually turning a sin crying to Heaven for vengeance into a virtuous lifestyle that merits diocesan retreats to help it grow and is deserving of an ecclesiastical rite of blessing — at least on a case-by-case basis, according to “Cardinal” Marx.

Believe it or not, all of this goes back to Vatican II. Just as the council discovered “elements” of “sanctification and truth” in other religions (see Lumen Gentium, n. 8; Nostra Aetate, n. 2), so the pseudo-Magisterium of “Pope” Francis now finds “elements of goodness” in unlawful relationships, whether these be fornication, adultery, or sodomy. In short: There’s a little bit of virtue in every vice!

It was at the infamous “Synod on the Family” in 2014 that it was first suggested that the principle underlying the “ecclesial elements” theory be applied to moral theology, so that “the Church [now] turns respectfully to those who participate in her life in an incomplete and imperfect way, appreciating the positive values they contain rather than their limitations and shortcomings” (Relatio Post Disceptationem, in “Family synod: full text of the mid-term report”Catholic Herald, Oct. 13, 2014). How this application to morality actually helps refute the whole concept to begin with, is explained in the following post:

Once the “elements” principle is admitted, why stop at ecclesiology and moral theology? Perhaps we can apply the concept also to mathematics so that what is a wrong answer would then become partially correct. Thus a student who puts 42 as the answer for 22 + 34 would get more points than a student who puts 18. After all, is 42 not closer to 56 than 18 is? This is what Francis doctrine looks like when it’s applied to mathematics. Instead of maintaining an “all or nothing logic”, we give credit even for trying!

And yet, would anyone wish to enter a building that was designed by an architect who used that kind of “mathematics”? Why, then, would anyone want to face the Divine Judge at the Last Judgment with that kind of “morality”? “Watch ye therefore, because you know not the day nor the hour” (Mt 25:13).

The truth is that the whole “elements” approach to morality is flawed in principle. This is because in order for something to be truly good, it must be good in every respect, whereas in order for something to be bad, it suffices that it be bad in any respect. Fr. Francis Connell explains:

To be truly good, an action must be good in object, circumstances, and end. The theological axiom expressing this is Bonum ex integra causa, malum ex quocumque defectu (“Good is from the entire cause, evil is from any defect”). The reason is that moral goodness consists in conformity to a certain measure or norm, and conformity demands that a thing meet the standards of the norm in all respects. E.g., a beam to be used in constructing a house is no good for the purpose if even one measurement is defective, even though the other measurements are correct. So, too, all the factors of a human act must be good if the act is to be accounted as morally good. This is the reason why a good end does not justify a bad means.

(Rev. Francis J. Connell, Outlines of Moral Theology, 2nd ed. [Milwaukee, WI: Bruce Publishing, 1958], p. 21; some italics added.)

This is Catholic teaching on morality.

As far as fidelity goes, neither fornicators nor sodomites can possibly practice it because fidelity (“faithfulness”) refers to the marriage vow — you know, that little bit of text you said on your wedding day when you promised fidelity to your spouse “until death do us part”. What makes fornicators into fornicators is the fact that they engage in the marital act precisely without making that vow of fidelity first; and in the case of sodomites, of course, such a vow is rendered impossible per se as they are not capable of procreating even in principle, yet procreation is the primary end of marriage.

By the way: Back in 2015, “Cardinal” Marx had publicly declared that a blessing for homosexual couples is “not reconcilable with Catholic doctrine or tradition” (source). But that was then, and a lot of words have proceeded from the Bergoglian mouth since then. In 2016, Francis went ahead and fixed the problem: He published Amoris Laetitia, and now it is reconcilable with “Catholic” doctrine and tradition. This is Bergoglio’s “accompaniment” doctrine in action.

Amoris Laetitia is a Pandora’s box of moral arbitrariness; it is Francis’ gift that keeps on giving. And the way things look right now, it will continue to give for years to come.

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13 Responses to “Archdiocese of Turin Organizes Lenten Retreat to Teach “Fidelity” to Sodomite Couples”

  1. Lee

    “Having determined to do away with everything that may in some way offend the Divine Majesty, we resolve to punish, above all and without indulgence, those things which, by the authority of the Sacred Scriptures or by most grievous examples, are more repugnant to God than any others and raise His wrath: that is, negligence in divine worship, ruinous simony, the crime of blasphemy, and the execrable libidinous vice against nature. For such faults peoples and nations are scourged by God Who, according to His just condemnation, sends catastrophes, wars, famine, and pestilence …

    If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature that caused divine wrath to be unleashed against the children of iniquity, he will be given over to the secular arm for punishment [of death]; and if he is a cleric, he will be subject to the same punishment after having been stripped of all his degrees [of ecclesiastical dignity].”

    St. Pius V, Constitution Cum primum, April 1, 1566, in Bullarium Romanum

    It’s nice to hear what a real pope used to say about sodomy instead of the phony sitting there now making statements like “Who am I to judge.”

  2. Susan Lauren

    Another day, another heresy, another blasphemy and another sacrilege. What I expect from my “Catholic” friends are comments along the lines of “the Lord just wants them to be happy” and “if that were my son (or daughter), I would want the Church to bless their union.”

    I think it can’t get any worse, and it does. I am beginning to ask myself, “why do I care?” I will not step foot in a “Catholic” Church. Which is the graver sin? The sin that cries out for God’s vengeance? Or the sin of the “clergy” in celebrating and praising this evil? Or are they equally from the very pit of hell?

  3. jay

    the Vatican II cult is blatantly showing her whore of Babylon colors. What liar can call her Catholic. This recent abomination of the cult is no surprise to Catholics . How much evidence is needed for the cult members to flee. It is rumored that Bergoglio will be allowing his Communist brothers in China to pick their own Vatican II cardinals in a betrayal of Christ not heard since the collusion of Roncalli with the communist eastern bloc party. Only bad will keeps the goats believing they belong to the Holy Catholic Church as they meander into their Masonic halls on a Sunday afternoon in their Jogging suits.

  4. Daniel

    The Novus Ordo ‘blessing’ of sodomy far surpasses the evil of sanctioning adultery. The modernists try to find a little virtue in every vice as Novus Ordo Watch commented. They see virtue in the false ‘fidelity’ of sodomites, fornicators and adulterers. Fornication and adultery are natural vices so the modernists can twist them into virtue easily but how can they reconcile the unnatural vice of sodomy? The ‘fidelity’ deception just doesn’t work.

    I intend to pass this post on to my Novus Ordo relatives to see how they respond. My guess is they will simply brush it off as ‘just abuses’ or ‘he’s just a bad Pope’, or ‘just a bad priest’, etc. They will continue to support their Novus Ordo ‘church’ with their time, talent, and treasure, hoping for a ‘restoration’.

    At what point does it finally become irreconcilable abandonment of Catholic Church teaching and practices? At what point is it unrecoverable? When will it become clear and undeniable apostasy in their minds? God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in fire and brimstone except for a handful, he destroyed the entire world except for a handful in the great deluge. Only a very few souls were spared, the corruption was so complete. How many of the original Israelite’s who fled Egypt with Moses actually entered the promised land? We should take a lesson from history.

    I fear that the longer my Novus Ordo relatives continue to deny the obvious the less likely they are to ever wake up. One cannot ‘dialog’ with evil forever. Catholics are taught to avoid bad companions, the near occasion of sin, and bad moral influences otherwise they will inevitably succumb to it.

    Hasn’t the Novus Ordo ‘Church’ become just that, a near occasion of sin, something to be avoided?
    Sodomites are not being told to convert, they are being aided and abetted in their grave sinfulness. Ecumenism is the same, it denies the need to convert but it does this very deceptively pointing to the ‘good’ of other religions. What ‘good’ is there in sodomy? It is an intrinsic moral evil of the worst kind because it is unnatural. I hesitate to try to imagine what is going to come next after this evil has been fully accepted and integrated into the Novus Ordo ‘Church’.

    Does anyone doubt the full acceptance of sodomite unions is going to happen given the reality of the homosexual colonization of the Novus Ordo ‘Church’?

    Fr. Jenkins of the SSPV made the comment that modernism leads to absolute debauchery. We are witnessing that today.

    Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us, Our Lady Destroyer of Heresies pray for us.

    • BurningEagle

      Yes, the Novus Ordo Church is something to be avoided at all costs. It is not the same religion as was practiced from Pius XII to St. Peter. It is different (substantially).

      • BurningEagle

        You would never see this kind of stuff going on in the Catholic Church (Pius XII back to St. Peter).

        It has EVERYTHING to do with the Novus Ordo RELIGION, the “Cult of Man,” the Conciliar Church.

  5. bartmaeus

    Sodomites to learn fidelity in the convent of the Daughters of Wisdom:
    The old Theatre of the Absurd just got a new lease of life.

  6. Neil Rangel

    While I am not a sedevacantist; what’s happening is frightening and embarrassing. Many lay persons would easily be influenced. To lose one’s own soul is one thing- to do something or say something that can cause others to lose their souls is the worst- more so if coming from the clergy. Wonder if Pope Francis actually knows or understands what is really happening and what he himself says.

    • BurningEagle

      Neil: Jorge knows what he is doing, and understands what he is doing. Ditto for Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, and Ratzinger.
      As modernists, they hate the rigidity of the Catholic Church. They hate the idea of the One True God revealing His One True Religion to men. They hate objective truth.
      They love the idea that God is in every man and reveals himself (differently) to every man. They love the evolution of dogma. They love ecumenism. They love Religious Liberty.
      I am not trying to make you angry or upset, but these monsters (Roncalli through Jorge) were/are perfidious apostates. The more you read about all of them, the more certain it becomes.

      And, if you read Amoris Laetitia, you will find that the wording allows not only for adulterers, but also for those in un-natural vices.

      I am sure you are aware of Jorge welcoming a sodomitical couple, AS A COUPLE, and hugging and kissing them. That would have been a mortal sin with a heterosexual couple. A fortiori, it is even a more heinous mortal sin with a sodomitical couple.

      You may want to start studying what the Vatican II “popes” have been saying and doing since October of 1958. You can start with the false popes tab at the top of the page. May God bless you.

      • samton909

        Do you name your own saints? Are you your own church now? Are you the head of this church, if not you, who is? I want to talk to him.

        • BurningEagle

          I adhere to the Catholic Church which has a “hermeneutic of continuity” from St. Peter through Pope Pius XII. The new “Cult of Man” from Vatican II is 180 degrees out of phase with the Catholic Church.

          I do not name my own saints. I have a relative who was beatified by Pope Pius VII, but “canonized” by Wojtyla. I still refer to him as “Blessed.” Wojtyla was a usurper of the throne.

          But the Novus Ordo “Cult of Man,” to quote Montini, makes their own saints. I stake the eternal salvation of my own soul on the utter invalidity of Jorge’s “canonizations” of Wojtyla, and Roncalli (as well as Mother Theresa). The upcoming “canonization” of Montini will be just another proof that the Novus Ordo RELIGION is a false religion. If these people were saints, then I do not want to be a saint.

          I suppose you are willing to stake your salvation on the validity of these preposterous apostates, Roncalli through Jorge, and their insane (and protestant) worship services, their evil laws and disciplines, their heretical teachings of religious liberty, ecumenism, collegiality, homo-eroticism etc. You must love Amoris Laetitia.

          Enjoy yourself. Get a beach ball and take some tango lessons. You will need them at upcoming seder suppers in your hellhole of a church. Make sure you give a hug to the divorced and remarried couples (whether straight or unnatural) sitting beside you at the “kiss of peace.”

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