Novus Ordo Watch on ‘Catholic Family Podcast’…

Only ONE Religion Leads to God:
Refuting Francis’ Apostasy in Singapore (Video)

Host Kevin Davis and guests Mario Derksen and Sean D. Wright (not pictured) react to Bergoglio’s latest act of apostasy

This past Friday, Sep. 13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate and pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) told an interreligious group of young people in Singapore that all religions are paths to God and that we should not fight over which religion is true because this leads to ‘destruction’:

Quite obviously, what Francis said is heresy, but even more so, it is apostasy because it implies that Catholicism, Christianity, is altogether false and not from God. In fact, it implies that no religion is true because the only way all religions are equal is if they are all equally false.

In 1846, Pope Pius IX condemned this heresy of Indifferentism in no uncertain terms:

Also perverse is the shocking theory that it makes no difference to which religion one belongs, a theory which is greatly at variance even with reason. By means of this theory, those crafty men remove all distinction between virtue and vice, truth and error, honorable and vile action. They pretend that men can gain eternal salvation by the practice of any religion, as if there could ever be any sharing between justice and iniquity, any collaboration between light and darkness, or any agreement between Christ and Belial.

(Pope Pius IX, Encyclical Qui Pluribus, n. 15)

As Pius IX says, not only is this shocking heresy contrary to divine revelation, it is contrary even to right reason. In other words, it is not necessary to be a Catholic to be able to know how false and dangerous, indeed how absurd it is.

On Sep. 16, Kevin Davis, host of the Catholic Family Podcast, kindly invited yours truly to appear on his show for an extended interview to discuss this latest Bergoglian scandal. Also invited were Fr. Thomas Ojeka (Nigeria), who, unfortunately, was not able to join, and Sean D. Wright from The WM Review, who joined the conversation for a little while.

The entire program — with some unfortunate but amusing camera malfunctions on Kevin’s end — is 2 hours and 11 minutes long and can be watched below (direct link here):

We are confident that viewers will find this episode of the Catholic Family Podcast to be loaded with useful information, important insights, astute analysis, and compelling argumentation using reliable sources. Even people who disagree with our position (Sedevacantism) will find this video to be well worth their time.

The following links are part of the SHOW NOTES for this episode:

We pray and hope that everyone will find this episode of the Catholic Family Podcast edifying and useful. Please spread the word and share it on social media so that more people will be exposed to this important content.

Image source: YouTube (screenshot

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