Vatican Allows Blessings of ‘Irregular’ Couples:
An Initial Commentary and Analysis

The Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith’s declaration Fiducia Supplicans, officially approved by ‘Pope’ Francis and published on Dec. 18, 2023, has hit the Novus Ordo Church like a nuclear bomb:

At the moment, ‘Catholic’ experts (and wannabe experts) are busy discussing what the document means, but not only that. As usual, there is disagreement even on what the document says. No one causes chaos like Chaos Frank — and just before Christmas, to boot!

Although we are still working on a substantial analysis of Fiducia Supplicans for our readers, for the moment we can at least present a brief and somewhat cursory commentary as we try to juggle all of the following at the same time: (a) stay on top of the latest developments; (b) collect and parse the major reactions that have been flooding in; (c) analyze the content of the document; (d) compile an intelligent, documented commentary on it.… READ MORE