Bergoglian Naturalism at full throttle…

In Year-End Homily read by “Cardinal” Re, Francis repudiates Supernatural Purpose to Suffering and Death

As the year 2020 came to a close, it was a given that one man in particular would have something to say: Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known by his stage name, “Pope Francis.”

Although not physically present himself due to a painful flare-up of sciatica, the scheduled Bergoglian message still reverberated in St. Peter’s Basilica as it was read by “Cardinal” Giovanni Battista Re (pictured above) at the Vespers ceremony on Dec. 31.

In his sermon, not only did Francis put forward his typical Naturalism, which was to be expected; he explicitly disavowed any supernatural purpose to the Coronavirus pandemic (whether it ever was a genuine pandemic is another question that is not of interest here).… READ MORE