Yes, Hinduism is that far gone already…

Hindu Eco-Activist: Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical reads like Sacred Text of Hinduism

We are indebted to Dr. Jules Gomes for alerting us to this find.

Chances are you haven’t heard of Vandana Shiva, and that’s probably a good thing. The 68-year old Indian woman is a “physicist, ecofeminist, philosopher, activist, and author”, according to the United Nations Environment Programme.

With that kind of résumé, it is no wonder that “Pope” Francis thought she would make for a good addition to his much-advertised Economy of Francesco conference, a three-day “make the world a better place” event that was originally going to be held in Assisi, Italy, in March of this year, but that now took place online Nov. 19-21. Its official goal was advertised as initiating “a process of global change so that the economy of today and tomorrow is more just, fraternally inclusive, and sustainable, leaving no one behind.”

To know the direction of this “process of global change”, we need but look at the list of featured speakers, which include pro-abortion globalist Jeffrey Sachs and the Marxist liberation theologian Leonardo Boff. Predictably, Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did not get much attention:

In the Bergoglian ideology, the Savior of the world is a side note. The false pope’s chief concern lies in the here-and-now, after all, not in eternity. He is one of those “enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is destruction; …who mind earthly things” (Phil 3:18-19).

In any case, “Vandana Shiva is one of the most eagerly awaited personalities at the event ‘The Economy of Francesco’…”, the Vatican’s official newspaper, Osservatore Romano, excitedly wrote in its Nov. 19 edition, followed by an interview with the Indian eco-feminist philosopher. Asked by the interviewer what she thought of Francis’ 2015 environmentalist encyclical Laudato Si’, Shiva responded:

Not only did I read the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato si’, but I participated in the dialogue in the Vatican on how to redefine the economy and go beyond the economy of indifference. When I read Laudato si’ I felt like I was reading our ancient Vedic texts, especially Atharvaveda, about our duty to have respect for the Earth and all its creatures.

(Vandana Shiva, in Marco Bellizi, “Così l’uomo è diventato una tecnologia obsoleta”, Osservatore Romano, Nov. 19, 2020; translation by

Now that is quite a sentiment she shares there. Of course we can’t say whether she is justified in saying that reading Laudato Si’ is like reading Hindu scriptures, since we haven’t read Hindu scriptures. However, we can say that it isn’t like reading a Catholic papal document, and that’s all one needs to know about the Bergoglian text.

Once we dig a bit into what the “sacred” Hindu scriptures (called Vedas) contain, however, and specifically the one Shiva called out by name, we can see why there would be a certain harmony between the Atharvaveda and Francis’ Laudato Si’:

The Atharvaveda is sometimes called the “Veda of magical formulas”, an epithet declared to be incorrect by other scholars. The Samhita layer of the text likely represents a developing 2nd millennium BCE tradition of magico-religious rites to address superstitious anxiety, spells to remove maladies believed to be caused by demons, and herbs- and nature-derived potions as medicine. Many books of the Atharvaveda Samhita are dedicated to rituals without magic and to theosophy. The text, states Kenneth Zysk, is one of oldest surviving record of the evolutionary practices in religious medicine and reveals the “earliest forms of folk healing of Indo-European antiquity”.

The Atharvaveda Samhita contains hymns many of which were charms, magic spells and incantations meant to be pronounced by the person who seeks some benefit, or more often by a sorcerer who would say it on his or her behalf. The most frequent goal of these hymns charms and spells were long life of a loved one or recovery from some illness. In these cases, the affected would be given substances such as a plant (leaf, seed, root) and an amulet. Some magic spells were for soldiers going to war with the goal of defeating the enemy, others for anxious lovers seeking to remove rivals or to attract the lover who is less than interested, some for success at a sporting event, in economic activity, for bounty of cattle and crops, or removal of petty pest bothering a household. Some hymns were not about magic spells and charms, but prayer qua prayer and philosophical speculations.

(Wikipedia, s.v. “Atharvaveda”)

Yep, that definitely sounds like something “Pope” Bergoglio wouldn’t have much of a problem with. Think we’re being to hard on the poor fellow? Here is a sobering reality check:

You really couldn’t make it up if you tried.

Shiva’s presentation at the Economy of Francesco was brief, roughly 11 minutes long, plus some more time for questions and answers. All of it can be viewed here:

In her talk, Shiva babbles about a “sacred relationship” humanity supposedly has with food (beginning at 12:04 min mark) and asserts: “It’s not an accident that every religion has the sacred sacrament of food, of bread” (12:10). She urges people to “reclaim our deep humanity, oneness with the planet, oneness with each other” (14:31).

We may surmise that Francis would agree, for he believes that the Holy Eucharist “embraces and penetrates all creation” (Encyclical Laudato Si’, n. 236) and asserts that “the Risen Lord who permeates all things … is present in a glorious and mysterious way in the river, the trees, the fish and the wind, as the Lord who reigns in creation without ever losing his transfigured wounds, while in the Eucharist he takes up the elements of this world and confers on all things the meaning of the paschal gift” (Exhortation Querida Amazonia, n. 74).

Of course, it would be foolish to think that everything Vandana Shiva says in her presentation is wrong or objectionable. She is certainly justified, for instance, in criticizing globalist and corporal greed, the exploitation of natural resources, putting patents on seeds, and the production of genetically-modified food. There is no question that modern man is trying to play God. Her denunciation of the idolatry of money (at 5:47) is likewise a noble thing (cf. Eph 5:5; Col 3:5; 1 Tim 6:10); it is just a bit ironic, considering she is an adherent of the Hindu religion, which engages in the literal worship of countless idols.

As we know, Francis does not mind Hindus worshipping idols. In fact, he encourages it and hopes that it will bring them joy, prosperity, light, peace, and happiness:

What a stark contrast there is between the interreligious claptrap of the Modernist Vatican and the true Gospel, preached so powerfully by St. Paul to the Thessalonians, who because of his evangelization “turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God” (1 Th 1:9)!

At the conclusion of the Economy of Francesco conference, the papal impostor of course had to chime in with his own obligatory video message, and he even managed to include a fleeting reference to the Savior of the world. He did so by issuing to the participants the incredibly meaningful exhortation to “get involved and touch the soul of your cities with the gaze of Jesus”.

No doubt, Vandana Shiva will lead the way.

Image source: composite with modified elements from Wikimedia Commons (Augustus Binu) and
Licenses: CC BY-SA 3.0 and paid

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