The Fun Church in Poland…

A Biker’s Corpus Christi:
“Eucharistic” Procession with a Quad Bike

For this year’s Corpus Christi celebration, the church of St. Rita in Lusówko, Poland, had a particularly extravagant idea: everyone gets on his bicycle, while the “priest” sits on the back of a quad bike to bless people with what they claim to believe is the Body of Christ in the Monstrance. The result looked like this:

Lusowko, by the way, belongs to the archdiocese of Poznań, where Mr. Stanislaw Gadecki plays Roman Catholic archbishop.

More photos of the event, clearly sacrilegious (although the Novus Ordo ‘Eucharist’ is not valid, of course), can be found on the parish’s Facebook page.… READ MORE