Says rumor is “pretty darn certain”…

Bp. Williamson: Two New SSPX Bishops to be consecrated on April 28 — with Mandate from Francis

In a video-recorded sermon given on Quinquagesima Sunday, Mar. 3, 2019, the former SSPX bishop Richard Williamson announced that the Society of St. Pius X will consecrate two new bishops on the First Sunday after Easter, Apr. 28. He identifies one of the new bishops-to-be as Fr. Christian Bouchacourt and notes that the main consecrator will be “Bp.” Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland, who is expected to have his resignation approved by “Pope” Francis by Apr. 21, when he turns 77.… READ MORE

The answer may surprise you…

Do Catholics have to Assent to Non-Infallible Church Teaching?

On Dec. 31, 1930, Pope Pius XI issued his landmark encyclical Casti Connubii on Christian marriage. In it, the Holy Father reminded Catholics that it is not permissible to prefer one’s own judgment over that of the Church on matters of Faith and morals. A Catholic is not allowed to accept from the Church only what seems correct to him, nor can he decide to withhold his assent from teaching that is not presented infallibly:

Wherefore, let the faithful also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that false autonomy of human reason.