Response to a piece of sophistry…

Ferrara’s Fatal Flaw on Sedevacantism

Even in the 21st century, basic English reading comprehension still seems to be a challenge for some.

In installment no. 1248 of his Fatima Perspectives column, self-appointed “papal” corrector and professional rhetorician Christopher A. Ferrara says that sedevacantists “never seem to notice the fatal flaw in their argument.” Quoting from a sede source he leaves curiously unidentified — this one –, the retired lawyer goes on to explain:

Let this quotation from a “popular” sedevacantist website suffice for a demonstration:

“By saying Francis is Pope but then refusing his magisterium, the would-be traditionalists in the Vatican II Church are doing untold damage to the traditional Catholic doctrine of the Papacy because the papal office was instituted as the sure norm of orthodoxy at every point in time in Church history, guaranteed by Christ Himself.