Novus Ordo priest punished for “heresy and schism”…

Francis Critic “Fr.” Alessandro Minutella declared Excommunicated

The Archlayman of Palermo has announced that one of the Novus Ordo priests in his diocese, the 45-year-old “Fr.” Alessandro Minutella, has excommunicated himself for the crimes of heresy and schism. The statement put out by the Archdiocese of Palermo to that effect was quickly reported on Vatican News and in English reads as follows:

On November 13, 2018, Father Alessandro Maria Minutella was notified of the Decree of August 15, 2018 (Prot. No. 046/18) by which the Archbishop Corrado Lorefice DECLARES the excommunications latae sententiae, which the same priest has incurred for the crime of heresy and for the crime of schism, as required by canon law (cf.