Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 6, 2016
“Pope is Pop”! Flash Mob for Francis at Italian Prison
- Thou SHALT commit Adultery! Francis’ buddy “Fr.” Spadaro says Adultery could be Moral Duty — White is black, up is down, wrong is right… But Francis has Spadaro’s back, because this is actually the teaching of Amoris Laetitia, as we showed in TRADCAST 013…
- The whole thing is finally falling apart: The Dangerous Road of “Papal” Silence on the Dubia leads to an Intra-NovusOrdo Schism!
- Actually preaching the Gospel is now a sin: Francis denounces Catholic “Proselytism” as the action of “a Football Team in Search of Fans” — We contrast this with the case of St. Francis Xavier, Catholic “Fundamentalist”
- Heresy: Francis says Eternal Damnation is Not a Torture Chamber — Reality Check: “the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 13:50); “the pool of fire and brimstone, where both the beast and the false prophet shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever” (Apoc 20:9-10; cf. Apoc 21:8)
- Speaking of heresy… Bet you didn’t know: “In God’s heart there are no enemies. God only has sons and daughters”! Reality Check: “Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God” (James 4:4) — Francis’ words here are a direct denial of original sin and its consequences.
- The price for getting a Novus Ordo Bishop to agree Abortion is reprehensible: Gotta say Climate Change is no less evil! — With “Cardinal” Cupich leading the way, of course…
- Heartbreaking and infuriating: Victim Advocates claim “Pope” Francis knew about Cleric accused of sexually abusing Deaf Children in Argentina
- Devastating Study by Randy Engel: The Sex Abuse Case against Fr. Anthony J. Cipolla
- Who can out-Francis Francis? Chilean “Cardinal” in Lutheran Temple to celebrate Reformation
- American Novus Ordo Bishops elect “Cardinal” DiNardo their new Leader — That’s the guy who in 2013 permitted his own Cathedral to be used by Methodists for the “Ordination” of a woman! But now for the best part: DiNardo is considered a “conservative”!
- In the Novus Ordo, everyone who dies is an instant saint: Column talks about praying to Mother Angelica rather than for her
- Apostasy Reloaded: Fr. Bob Maguire’s “Christmas Eve” with Jews, Muslims, and Aborigines
- On World AIDS Day, Francis has some highly ambiguous advice: “I appeal to all to act in a responsible way in order to prevent the further spread of this disease”! — Gee, what might he mean? The ambiguity is by design, of course, and it will allow people on all sides to claim it means anything from “Stop practicing sexual immorality” to “use a condom”! Hey, why be clear if you can be confusing?!
- Where is your money going? American Novus Ordo Bishops Give $70,000 to Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual Group
- It’s a tried-and-true Communist tactic: Francis questions his Opponents’ Mental State, Motives, and Credibility, rather than dealing with their Arguments
- The Our Father is soo pre-Vatican II: Dutch & Belgian “Bishops” decide to “update” the Lord’s Prayer to bring it in line with Amoris Laetitia, change “Lead us not into Temptation” into “Lead us not into Trial”… — Since Francis has gotten rid of sin, it makes no sense to still retain “temptation” as a concept… Call it “development of doctrine”!
- Dear Novus Ordo priests, watch out: Confessions are going to get a lot more… uh… interesting!
- Hobnobbing with the rich and famous: Francis meets with blasphemous film director Martin Scorsese — But no time for Asia Bibi’s family…
- Gotta keep up with the times and build them bridges: “Pontifical” Academy for Life opens Door to Transgender Paradigm
- Novus Ordo Sect in Norway accused of Membership Inflation — What? Did they up it from 122 to 186?
- This guy is beyond parody: After stubborn refusal to answer “Cardinals'” Doubts on Amoris Laetitia, Francis says answering Doubts and Questions is important for Faith — Beyond the amusing irony, Francis’ errors here are dead serious: Doubt is the opposite of Faith and essentially different from a mere difficulty, the resolution to which can lead one to a greater Faith. And doubts certainly are not conquered by a “feeling” of the presence of God! These are nothing but feel-good words meant to appeal to emotion that are intellectually a recipe for disaster and shipwreck in the faith!
- Francis’ Envoy to Mexicans: Stop marching against Gay ‘Marriage’ and ‘Practice Dialog’ instead! — Yeah, let’s just talk them out of it!
- Former SSPX Bp. Williamson comes out in favor of the Novus Ordo “Mass” again — in triplicate! — Remember his theological fiasco in the summer of 2015? “Bishop Williamson: OK to go to the Novus Ordo ‘Mass’ if it ‘Nourishes your Faith'”
- San Diego “Bishop” to his clerics: Embrace ‘LGBT families’, give Communion to ‘Remarried’! — The best part: This is the “bishop” of the diocese in which Catholic Answers operates…
- It took over 45 years after the imposition of the Novus Ordo Missae, but it’s finally here: “Coffee Mass”!
- Did you know? It’s okay to be “Rigid” to Save the Planet, but not to Save Souls! — This is why he deplores politicians being distracted from fighting climate change!
- Put on your Surprise Face: In Buenos Aires, “Archbishop” Bergoglio hired Evangelical Protestant as Biblical Consultor
- Another conservative Novus Ordo concedes: Dr. Jeffrey Mirus will no longer defend Francis — Just remember, folks, we told you from the beginning about the real Francis, and that all the Novus Ordo excuse-making was a bunch of hogwash!
- Broken Record no. 428: Francis says “Faith is not a philosophy, but an encounter with Jesus Christ” — There we go with the endless “encounter” twaddle again… Actually, Faith is not an encounter because Faith is not an experience. Faith is the firm assent of the mind, assisted by grace, to what God has revealed because He has revealed it, who cannot lie or be mistaken. That’s why the Act of Faith doesn’t mention experience or encounter at all… Bummer! Besides, Vatican I declared: “If anyone shall have said that divine revelation cannot be made credible by external signs, and for this reason men ought to be moved to faith by the internal experience alone of each one, or by private inspiration: let him be anathema” (Denz. 1812).
- To ensure they really do get his message about “building bridges” and “tearing down walls”, Francis addresses American Novus Ordo Bishops by video in English! — But, as William Kilpatrick notes, sometimes Walls are more merciful than Bridges!
- Communist Tyrant Fidel Castro is finally dead, but Francis grieves for his Fellow “Infidel”
- A great symbol for the mountain of theological garbage the Vatican has produced since John XXIII: Vatican now has “Eco Island” for Optimum Waste Disposal
- In a new morality of “discernment” where anything goes, “Pope” Francis discovers one last (alleged!) Moral Obligation: Save the Planet!
- Long after the Energizer Bunny is dead, Bergoglio keeps on talking: In yet another one of countless interviews, Francis says he is “allergic to Flatterers” and declares that “God’s greatest Enemy is Money”!
- Novus Ordo Nonsense vs. Catholic Truth about the Role of Conscience: A Matter of Conscience
- He’s on it, no doubt: The aptly-named Benedictine Abbot Notker Wolf plays “Highway to Hell” with Rock Band
- Former longtime leader of Novus Ordo Jesuits, Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, has died — He is reported to have opposed Jorge Bergoglio’s nomination as “Bishop” in famous “Kolvenbach Report”, which has gone missing since Bergoglio became “Pope” Francis in 2013
- New Documentary on Jorge Bergoglio premieres at Vatican: Pope Francis in his own Words
- Wait till religious-liberty-adoring Francis finds out: Polish President and Novus Ordo Bishops declare Christ King of Poland
- Hosted at Vatican, Francis addresses Conference of Leftist Popular Movements — Birds of a feather flock together!
- That figures: Belgium “Bishop” co-authors book in support of Fornication & Sodomy — But he’s not in trouble with Francis… it’s not like he published a set of dubia or anything…
- CAUTION! Indult institute posing as Traditional Catholic College starts operating …in Teilhardian “Bishop” John Noonan’s diocese! Smart move, guys!
- Being a full-time Antipope is tough business. No wonder Francis can’t even keep track of his own heresies anymore!
- Oh, if only it were funny! Flashback Francis July 2013: “It is true that I do not give interviews…”!
- Making America great again: The Real Catholic position (sermon by sedevacantist Fr. Eldracher)
- Finally back in print and shipping now: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue by Rita Davidson
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” The law of Thelema attributed to Aleister Crowley, occultist. But one can easily hear these same words spewing from Jorge’s mouth. Adultery? No problem. Sodomy? No problem. Abortion? No problem. Be flexible! Live your “real” life on the boundary of the periphery. Have doubts because, after all, doubts are the key to a life of faith. What’s that, not sure if you love Jesus Christ? No problem because Jorge isn’t sure he does either. Do what thou wilt, he’s got your back!
““Faith is not a philosophy, but an encounter with Jesus Christ”… um … which Jesus would that be? As St Paul warned us about other ‘Christs’ – those fabricated by men and women who didn’t want the real One. This is Protestantism. They fear the True Christ, the True God; they hail the rejection of Apostolic Succession by rejecting the Eternal Order of Melchisedech – repealing and replacing it with ‘elders’ which they interpret as non priestly ‘ancients’, rejecting the heirarchy of Church vouchsafed by Our dear Lord Jesus Christ, to keep His Real Presence with His Church – a Truth decried as ‘heresy’ by most Protestants, especially those closest to the Hebrew ‘church’, which is expanding.
Buckle up. Truth has so many enemies, and Protestants are the most ‘self-assured’ and Truth immune.