Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 6, 2016
Umm… “Pentecost” at Nativity of Mary Novus Ordo parish in Aschaffenburg, Germany
- You can’t make this stuff up: Francis says Beauty Vlogs help combat Aggression
- Francis’ new Motu Proprio cracks down on “Bishops” who are negligent… in implementing Amoris Laetitia?
- Francis’ Heresy No. 282: Content-Free Catholicism: “Being a Christian does not mean primarily … adhering to a certain Doctrine” — Reality Check from 2 John 9: “Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.”
- Surprise Face, please: Numerous USCCB Employees support Sodomite Agenda!
- A new month, a new video: In latest “Pope Video”, Francis pushes more Freemasonic Humanism
- More Encounter-ology! Francis promotes “Scholas Occurrentes” Pedagogical Revolution
- The “Great Renewal” in Belgium: Catholic church turned into Luxury Boutique
- Watch at your own risk: Charismatic Frenzy at St. John Lateran in Rome
- Beyond Parody: Obama appoints “Catholic” Transgender Freak Show to Faith Advisory Council — The world we live in has become absurd: men are women, humans are animals, animals are humans, and apostates are “popes”!
- In new interview with French La Croix paper, Francis cheers Islamization of Europe: “Pope Francis hails election of Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London” — Sedevacantist Fr. Jenkins blasts Francis for New Interview
- From our “Truth in Advertising” Files: Francis puts on Communist Decoration
- The worship of God has long been replaced by the worship of man in the New Church: For Corpus Christi, Cologne’s “Cardinal” Woelki sets up “Refugee Boat Altar” — Hey now, copycat, FRANCIS WAS FIRST!
- He must have been reading Novus Ordo Watch: Vatican’s Tom Rosica warns Catholic blogs create ‘cesspool of Hatred’! — Of course, criticism of him and his Modernism is “Hatred”! (Reality Check on True Charity here)
- Yes, we’re getting noticed: Novus Ordo Watch gets Prime Mention on Patheos!
- SSPX 2016 Reality Check: Bishop Fellay suspends Law of Non-Contradiction
- In full communion with the Modernist Sect: German Jesuit says Church must change “Deficient Mindset” on Homosexuality
- The False Gospel according to Jorge: Francis insinuates Jesus tolerated Divorce for the sake of “Mercy”
- Good Modernist, Bad Modernist: “Cardinal” Muller disagrees with Francis, says SSPX must accept Vatican II in full — would be good if these guys could agree on what they actually want… or is this contradiction part of the plan?
- The future ain’t looking too bright, folks: Irrefutable Proof for why you should not send your children to a Jesuit College
- Female-to-Male Transsexual Teacher at All Girls’ High School? No Problem for San Francisco “Catholic Nuns”!
- The Amoris Laetitia Effect in Canada: Marital Fidelity is out, now it’s just “Luv” and all are welcome!
- This is the absurdity to which refusing Sedevacantism leads: More and more people believe that a true Pope can be deposed… REALITY CHECK: The Impossibility of Judging or Deposing a true Pope
- Funny, no denunciation of Idolatry here! Francis meets with Jains to promote healing and caring for Earth and Humanity — While he continually condemns figurative “idolatries” like the “idolatry” of money, of immanence, etc., never once does he say anything to those who practice actual, literal idolatry by worshipping the creature rather than the Creator! So much for “Preach-the-Gospel-Always” Frank!
- More proof that the “New Mass” did not come from a true Pope or the true Catholic Church — Unfortunately, the blind at Rorate Caeli will not draw the necessary conclusion because they do not like it
- The Novus Ordo circus comes to Circus Vargas — Great chasuble, “Father”!
- Francis the Omniscient: He knows all migrants, declares none of them are dangerous!
- The Vatican’s theological freak show is in full force: “Cardinal” Koch says Novus Ordos must convert Muslims, but not Jews! Spokesman “Fr.” Lombardi “clarifies”: No, don’t convert Muslims either!
- Best place for immodest dancing? The sanctuary of Holy Cross Cathedral in Forli, Italy, duh!
- Yes, he was still living: “Pope” John XXIII’s Private Secretary dies at Age 100
- The Father of the “Sexual Revolution” was a Pedophile Pervert & Sex Criminal, harmed Infants: The Truth about Alfred Kinsey — Spread this far and wide!
- Everybody Loves Francis: A Round-up of Recent Guests at the Vatican
- That’s it! Amoris Laetitia is a development of the teaching of Saint Pius X!
- Competition for “Fr.” Longenecker: Another “Catholic Priest” with Wife installed in Washington State
- It was dead on arrival, but it took some people 50 years to notice: Vatican II’s Project of Inculturation
- We had been warned: The Attacks on the Papacy were prophesied — once again, the Pope is the victim, not the perpetrator of the persecution!
- And now… A Pop Quiz for Semi-Traditionalists!
- Sedevacantist Fr. Stephen McKenna gives advice: How to Live and Work with Non-Catholics (listen free!)
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