Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 14, 2015
Beat Climate Change! Get your “Solar Pope Francis” now!
- No Mercy: “Cardinal” Wuerl has Journalist George Neumayr ejected from Washington Basilica
- Hot Air from Francis: World “Close to Suicide” because of… Climate Change!
- Flashback 1993: “Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger says Protestants have a “Salvation-Granting Presence of the Lord” in their “Communion” Meals…
- In promo for his “Year of Mercy”, Francis offers more drivel about “treating the wounded” and not following a “hard line” which the Church is sometimes “tempted” to take… Our Cure: The YEAR OF CONDEMNATION!
- Francis’ Comprehensive Vision to guarantee a Catholic-Free Future: “Catholicism Can and Must change”
- Another Trip! Official Schedule released for Francis’ Visit to Mexico in February 2016 — The best part will be the interview on the way back!
- CAUTION! VERY VILE & LEWD CONTENT: Emails to “Cardinal” Dolan detail Novus Ordo Priest’s alleged ‘Pee-Drinking’ Homo-Sex Romps — This is nothing short of Satanic…
- Francis Fatigue: No one cares to show up for the Francis Show anymore…
- How to ensure no girl will ever want to be a Nun: Dancing for Vocations
- Happy Noahide Holidays! An Infidel and an Apostate sing interreligious “Hanukkah Carol”
- How the New Church combats Terrorism: “Fr.” Damian sings Michael Jackson’s “We are the World” in St. Peter’s Square
- No one hates Catholicism as much as Bergoglio: Francis suggests “Catholic Fundamentalists” are just like Islamist Mass Murderers — By the way: Just who are those terrible “Catholic Fundamentalists” that Francis sees all over his church?!
- A Night at the Movies: Francis invites 7,000 Homeless and Poor to special Screening of a Movie about… Himself!
- Put on your Surprise Face: “Catholics” lead in Acceptance of Homosexuality among those professing to be Christians
- Straight from the Modernist Manual: “Bishop” Robert Barron and the “Evolution of Christ’s Consciousness”
- Who’s he to judge? Vatican Meets with U.S. State Department’s Gay and Lesbian Envoy
- Equally invalid, they might as well administer their pseudo-sacraments together: “Cardinal” Barbarin’s Ecumenical Confirmation in Lyon
- Magister warns: The Real Francis Revolution marches to the beat of Appointments
- Flip-Flop Francis is back to flopping after a lot of flipping: “Conversion is for Believers and Non-Believers alike” — Just not for the Jews, eh?
- Gearing up for celebrating 500 Years of Protestantism: “Papal” Preacher praises “Theological and Spiritual Enrichment” of the Reformation
- A Reality Check: Bishop Williamson and “Eucharistic Miracles” in the Novus Ordo
- “Cardinal” Gracias demands Acceptance, not just Toleration, of Sodomites — Wouldn’t want to “exclude” anyone now, would we?
- “Our Bread is meant to be Shared with All”: Francis hints at “Communion” Free-for-All
- Rainbow colors included: Get your official “Year of Mercy” Chasuble here!
- Archlayman Cupich leads by example: YES to “Holy Communion” for practicing Sodomites!
- “Cardinal” Turkson’s Solution to Climate Change? Why, BIRTH CONTROL!
- Watch at your own Risk: The “Joyful” Church Unleashed!
- Magister: Next Synod already in the Works — on Married Priests!
- Baltimore Parish Openly Facilitates Sodomy — So, what else is new?
- Historical Reality Check: So you thought Alexander VI was one of the worst Popes in history… but was he?
- Ballerinas for Bergoglio: Francis enjoys Ballet Performance at Vatican — CAUTION! Immodesty
- And now… Buddhist “Mass”! — Brought to you by your friendly local New Age “nuns”…
- She’s back with more Profaning of the Sacred! Suor Cristina Scuccia returns with Sister Act
- Lights and Action! They obviously don’t need the churches for their original purpose anymore…
- Thank you, Vatican II: How to get from “Partial Communion” to Intercommunion!
- The Blind Leading the Blind: Desperate Remnant issues Open Letter & Petition to Francis to become a Catholic or else Resign! — Let us know how it works out, folks…
- His Religion is pointless, for sure: “Archbishop” of Dublin says Parents who don’t want their Kids to do Religion have a point
- With “Priests” like these…: “Pope Francis the Reason I’m still in the Priesthood”
- Vatican Response to Paris Terror Attacks: More sucking up to Muslims!
- Francis in Kenya: Watch the “Altar March”!
- Soldiers of Christ No More: The Novus Ordo Rite of Confirmation
- Okay, Jorge, let’s start with you: Church must first Evangelize Itself, says “Pope”
- It was about time: Orlando’s Pseudo-Bishop gets a Spanking
- The Talmud, Masonry, and Environmentalism: Is Francis’ Rabbi Buddy a Freemason?
- In case you missed it: Shocking Sign at Novus Ordo Church in Buffalo, New York
- Vatican Insider reveals: Francis’ Post-Synodal Exhortation has been ready since before the Synod
- No wonder Francis promoted him: The Many Errors of “Bishop” Robert Barron
- If you’ve given money to the so-called Catholic League, you may be interested to find out that you are funding Bill Donohue’s generous $400K+ Salary…
- What you didn’t see on Michael Voris’ Church Disneyland channel: Fun Videos of Francis’ Mosque Visit in Africa
- The Novus Ordo Sect is now sufficiently schismatic and heretical: Francis tells Eastern Orthodox Patriarch No Major Impediments Remain to Full Communion
- Heretics Anonymous: A Brief Look at Karl Rahner, one of the Masterminds of Vatican II
- An important and sobering Advent Reflection, especially for those obsessed with End Times prophecy: Have much more concern for your own Death than the End of the World
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