The Last Dominican Bishop has died

+Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P.
July 8, 1927 – Dec. 16, 2015
Requiescat In Pace
Some very sad news has reached us: His Excellency, Bp. Robert Fidelis McKenna, O.P., passed away today at the age of 88 in the United States. He was the world’s last Dominican Catholic bishop.
In 1958, McKenna was ordained a priest for the Dominican order by Cardinal Amleto Cicognani (1883-1973); he was consecrated a bishop on August 22, 1986, by Bp. Michel-Louis Guerard des Lauriers, O.P. (1898-1988), the theologian who wrote the so-called Ottaviani Intervention against Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae in 1969.