Episode 008 Now Available
The Traditional Catholic Podcast
In TRADCAST 008, released on September 16, 2015, we present you with two fun, solid, information-packed segments on various hot-button issues: In the first segment, we evaluate how Francis’ recent decision to grant simpler and speedier marriage annulments effectively creates “Catholic divorce”, all the while the same “Pope” sheds crocodile tears “lamenting” that the family is under attack. We also analyze Francis’ curious move of giving faculties to the priests and bishops of the Society of St. Pius X during the “Jubilee Year of Mercy” so they can confer valid and licit absolution in confession.
In the second portion of our podcast, we turn to the recent controversy surrounding Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis’ courageous refusal to sign a marriage license for a homosexual “couple”, and we explain how the religious liberty argument will never work and is the wrong way to go about opposing unnatural “marriage”. We then share a clip of a Q&A with Dr. Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation to show how to refute the argument that opposing “gay marriage” is discrimination, and we explain how the only way to soundly refute gay marriage is to appeal to the natural law, the only non-arbitrary standard of right and wrong that imposes itself on all human beings equally, regardless of religion or political ideology.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking the YouTube video above, or you can go to our TRADCAST 008 page, where you will find all the information you need for this show, including links to articles, blog posts, news stories, etc., mentioned in the podcast, and where you will also find ways to download this episode to your computer and sign up to be notified of new episodes by email.
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