Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 15, 2015
“Father Pontifex” has a song for you…
- Who is he to judge?! Francis to meet with “married” Gay Activist on trip to Paraguay
- Francis to Atheist Reporters: “Send Me Good Vibrations!”
- FrancisChurch is here: Homeless Sleep, Snore inside San Francisco Church during “Mass”
- One Mouth, Two Sides: Francis denounces Gender Ideology while privately receiving Sex-Changed Woman & her Girlfriend
- Out of Control: Ferrara slams Francis for latest Chaos, conveniently uses False Translation of Heresy Comment — We’ve said it before: If you are willing to accept a heretic as Pope, don’t complain if you get one…
- Jeff Mirus has it figured out: Francis is just so much more Catholic than all of us simpletons! — Yeah, that’s it…
- Ferrara denounces “The Pope as Plaything” — Yet Ferrara, too, believes in a Pope as Plaything – because his “Pope” is for Display Purposes only
- Analyzing Bergoglio’s Betrayal of the Cubans: Francis, the Nuncio & the Tyrant
- A Regurgitating of Bergoglio’s False Gospel: Off-the-Cuff Q&A with Francis
- The Novus Ordo Double Standard: “Proselytism is Solemn Nonsense”, unless, of course, it’s about the Holocaust!
- Take a look, but do so at your own risk: Who is inspiring Francis on Ecology?
- Synod Update: Rome has Spoken, the Case is Open
- Aww, how cute: Bp. Fellay’s Heart melts as “Pope” Francis assures him he’ll never hurt the SSPX — Unlike the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, eh?
- Francis on the Holy Trinity: “We are not called to live without the other, above or against the other, but with the other, for the other and in the other” — Ooh-kay…
- The Battle for Rome: German Magazine discloses internal Vatican Unease, Exasperation with Francis
- Guess what: Francis appoints participant of secret Shadow Synod as “Archbishop” of Berlin
- The Future is Now: Welcome to the Modern Church
- Actions speak louder than Words: Pro-Lifers protest in St. Peter’s Square as Francis receives Abortion FemiNazi President of Chile
- Do you notice a pattern yet? Vatican Official to Pro-Life Leader: “You and your cohort [are] out in the cold”
- The Name of the Rose: Two French Botanists have cultivated a new variety of Roses, named after “Pope” Francis — You can’t make this stuff up!
- It sure ain’t the Catholic Church! “Cardinal” Walter Kasper explains what kind of church Francis wants
- Surprise Face, please: Anglicans “One Generation away from Extinction” — Hmm, they must not have had that “Culture of Encounter and Witnessing” that Francis knows will grow the church!
- Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and ‘Father’ Z: Rev. John Zuhlsdorf blasts hippie movie but tries to make a buck on it anyway
- Francis Worship for Philadelphia: Get your “Pope Francis” Doll here!
- Photos of the Novus Horror Missae: Entertainment Liturgy in German Diocese of Trier
- No Way! Put on your Surprise Face: Exhibit and Sponsor Manager for “Catholic” World Meeting Of Families is LGBT Activist
- Four years to learn all the wrong things: Enroll your child in “Pope Francis High School” before it’s too late!
- The Novus Ordo Sect is full of Namby-Pambies like this: Irish Church Leader distances himself from “Offensive” Language
- How appropriate: “Martin-Luther-Square” to be built in Rome (German)
- It’s official: The Vatican has a Substitute Teacher!
- The New Church began with Vatican II, but at least some are noticing now: Der Spiegel’s Interview with Author Martin Mosebach on Francis Unleashed
- SSPX Update: Vatican confirms: Bp. Fellay is “working for us”
- Francis slams the Blessed Mother Co-Redemptrix, scandalizes disabled children telling them to ask God “Why?” — when he also tells them, untruthfully, that there is no answer
- The Wedding Singer Reloaded: ‘Don’ Bruno does it again (CAUTION! Immodesty)
- Proclaim it from the Housetops: Confidential Meeting Seeks to Sway Synod to Accept Same-Sex Unions (Who attended? Here’s the list!)
- In case you needed a reminder: Here’s Why You’re Not Novus Ordo Anymore
- Mr. Maradiaga has more talents than just spouting Modernism: Saxophone Show with the “Vice Pope”
- We weren’t the only ones to notice: Francis’ deafening Silence was most decisive factor for Same-Sex “Marriage” Victory in Ireland
- “Great Renewal” Update from Holland: What to do with all these empty churches no one needs anymore?!
- Thanks a lot: Obama: Without Catholic Nuns We Would Not Have Gotten Obamacare Done
- The Vatican II Revolution at 50: “Cardinal” Dolan celebrates 50 Years of the Noahide Church
- The Wait is over! “Bowling with Bishops” — and other things to expect at the World Meeting of Families
- For next time some Novus Ordo loudmouth apologist tells you that Sedevacantism is just Protestantism: Francis Receives “Blessings” from Protestant Ministers
- Francis’ Gospel of Man continues: Interreligious Dialogue brings about a Noahide “Peace” in Bosnia & Herzegovina — Mr. Bergoglio would do well to reflect on Jeremias 6:14: “And they healed the breach of the daughter of my people disgracefully, saying: Peace, peace: and there was no peace”
- Francis expands his Definition of “Anti-Semite” to now include Pope Saint Pius X, who told Theodore Herzl to his face that Catholics cannot condone a state of Israel
- Will they react? Don’t hold your breath: Dutch Novus Ordo Bishops’ Aid Group funding Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes
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