Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 10, 2015
I can’t believe it’s not Catholic: The “SoulCore” Rosary Exercise Program!
Find out what the Blessed Virgin forgot to give St. Dominic!
- Bet you didn’t know: “In a way, the Quran is a Sacrament”, says Vatican “Archbishop” Michael Fitzgerald — As an added bonus, this same Archapostate now teaches Islam at John Carroll University
- Perfect for next time someone tells you, “You Sedevacantists are just a bunch of Protestants!”: Francis Meets Again with his Pentecostal “Brothers in the Faith”
- Francis’ Latest New Fan: Communist Dictator Raul Castro — Note to Mark Shea: No, this doesn’t mean that Castro is genuinely interested in Catholicism because of Francis’ “witnessing”, this means that Castro realizes that “the Pope” has changed so much that “the Church” has practically come over to his side and so opposition is now pointless! Another recent example: Climate Swindler Al Gore!
- Happy Mother’s Day: Pope Pius XII on Woman and the Home
- No one would ever have imagined just 50 years ago what kind of drivel would ever come from the supposed “Vicar of Christ”: Bergoglio: “Do not be afraid of the God of Surprises”
- Mr. Longenecker has some smart-alecky advice for you: You’re worse than Darth Vader!
- The Novus Ordo Antichrist Religion in full view: St. Mark’s Basilica “temporarily” converted into Mosque
- Prematurely reported as dead by some, “Apostolic Commissioner” Fidenzio Volpi (the tyrant over the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate) hospitalized and in serious condition after suffering stroke
- Help get the theological writings of the Doctor of the Papacy translated into English: Contribute to the St. Robert Bellarmine Translation Project
- Perfectly represents the Meaninglessness of the Novus Ordo Religion: If you’re a student at the “Catholic” Academy of Hamburg, Germany, you now have this inspiring little “Devotional Room” to experience
- There’s a reason we call them Church Disneyland: Michael Voris blasts Blase Cupich for allowing Non-Catholic Governor to receive Novus Ordo Communion, even though Joseph Ratzinger did the same with Non-Catholic Roger Schutz at the Funeral of John Paul II and with Public Adulterer Horst Seehofer, Minister-President of Bavaria — Furthermore, Voris misrepresents Novus Ordo Canon Law as allowing “Communion” for Non-Catholics “usually” only “in danger of death” — that would be bad enough but not even that is true: SEE HERE
- Face-Palm Alert: Not only do we have the Council of the Media vs. the “Real” Council, we now also have Francis’ “Papacy of the Media” vs. the “Real Papacy”! — Just wait till someone discovers the “Fidel Castro of the Media” vs. the… well, you get the point!
- Antonio Socci slams Francis for not kneeling before the “Eucharist” while telling his followers to kneel before the poor! (More on that HERE)
- Tom Droleskey on the sudden end to the Vatican Crackdown on the American New Age Nuns: Just A Hypocritical Farce From Beginning to End
- That figures: Vatican to honor Heretic John Hus on 600th Anniversary of his Execution — “Saint” John Paul II’s disapproval of the execution of Hus is of course contrary to the teaching of Pope Leo X, who condemned the claim, “that heretics be burned is against the will of the Spirit”, as an error in his Bull Exsurge Domine (Error no. 33)
- Excellent Sermon: Why Pope Pius XII instituted the Feast of St. Joseph the Workman on May 1
- More from the god of surprises: Irish Novus Ordo priest claims God supports Same-Sex “Marriage”
- Francis: “The Masterpiece of Society is the Family” — Umm…. Bergoglio has it backwards, as usual: Society doesn’t create families; it is families that make up society. No, Jorge, it does not take a village!
- John Vennari blasts “Cardinal” Kasper for outright Heresy — OK, Mr. Vennari, what follows from this? You’re talking about Francis’ favorite theologian here… Can we please finally just draw the logical conclusion, even if we don’t like it?!
- Burke, Schneider & Co.: On the Usefulness of the False Right
- Brought to you by the god of surprises: The New Evangelization of the Hip Church of What’s Happening Now!
- Francis to
Paul NicholsonNewly-Ordained “Priests”: Don’t be a Peacock! - And now, the 484th “Open Letter to Pope Francis”: This time, on Climate Change!
- Novus Ordo Author Michael Coren got it right: Might as well become an Anglican — The difference between Anglicanism and the Novus Ordo Religion is that Anglicanism goes back 500 years, Novus Ordoism only 55 years…
- Bergoglio & Friends: Another week, another Rabbi visit in the Vatican
- An Eye-Opening Speech from a time when Catholics were Catholics: Mgr. Jouin’s “The Papacy and Freemasonry” (1930)
- There’s a new one: “Pope tells Benin Bishops to promote Interreligious Dialogue” — Hey, it hasn’t worked in 50 years, so it can only get better, right?
- “No Rupture with the Past” Update: Check out this Novus Ordo Jubilee Church in Rome (Video) — Photos here!
- After 50 years, the disease is still being touted as the cure: “Cardinal to Religious: Those who abandon Vatican II are ‘killing themselves’”
- Know your enemy: New Francis Biography is out: Pope Francis, Life and Revolution: A Biography of Jorge Bergoglio by Elisabetta Pique
- No point to confessing if the absolution is invalid: German Novus Ordo Priests say they confess once a year, if at all
- FranciSchism Update: “We will not comply” beginning to be heard by some clerics about a potential admission of public sinners to the Novus Ordo sacraments
- More subjectivist, phenomenological Vatican II Speak: Francis says “Our Faith is about an Encounter with Jesus” — Let’s see how he’s been doing on helping those away from Christ to “encounter” Him: Yeah, not so good…
- Beer Pressure: Antipope Emeritus Benedict XVI enjoys some German Beer on his Birthday (Video)
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