New Book now available…
The Anti-Modernist Reader:
Studies on the New Religion of Vatican II

Volume 1: The Papacy
Edited by Rev. Anthony Cekada
The Anti-Modernist Reader is a multi-volume anthology of articles written by several sedevacantist clerics since the 1990s, many of which have been published at The essays are arranged topically, with each volume being dedicated to a particular topic. This first volume, now published, deals with the divinely-established office of the papacy. Future volumes will include material on the Holy Mass, on the Sacraments, on Sedevacantism, and more.
To give you an introduction to this series and provide some of the background of how the idea for this anthology came about, our friends at Restoration Radio have put together a short broadcast, free of charge, discussing The Anti-Modernist Reader with its editor and co-author: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.… READ MORE