Acts 19:19 Alert…
Vatican II in “Light of Tradition”:

Catholic Priest Burns Vatican II Documents
On August 9, 2007, a sedevacantist priest published online a letter he had written to the neo-catholic The Wanderer newspaper in response to an article by James K. Fitzpatrick about the demise of seminary high schools after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). The letter ends with the following memorable sentence:
If we wish to restore the Catholic priesthood, the only “light” in which we should “interpret” the Vatican II documents should be that of a bonfire — in which we burn every single copy.
(Rev. Anthony Cekada, “Seminary High Schools after Vatican II”, Quidlibet Blog, Aug. 9, 2007)
What’s even better is that a few years later, another Catholic priest actually did it: On March 15, 2010, in Treviso, Italy, after offering Holy Mass, Fr. Floriano Abrahamowicz solemnly burned the documents of that Modernist robber synod known as Vatican II. He simply took a paper copy of the texts and consigned it to the flames. A video of the occasion is, unfortunately, no longer available.
For years, Austrian-born Fr. Abrahamowicz held the position of District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X in Northern Italy. He was expelled from the SSPX in 2009 and is now a quasi-Sedevacantist. The following links about this priest may be of interest:
- Interview with Fr. Abrahamowicz (2009)
- Fr. Abrahamowicz’s Web Site
- Agere Contra – Site affiliated with Fr. Abrahamowicz
For more information on the Second Vatican Council and its lethal errors, please see these links:
- The Modernist Errors of Vatican II (Sermon Series)
- 50 Years of Vatican II: A Review of the Conciliar Errors (3-Hour Radio Program)
- Did Vatican II Teach Heresy? The Ecclesiology Debate (Video)
- Religious Liberty: John Courtney Murray’s Condemned Error became Doctrine at Vatican II
- For the Record: “Pope” Paul VI’s Masonic Closing Speech at Vatican II (Dec. 7, 1965)
- 1963/64 Testimony by Karl Rahner on Vatican II highlights Theological Bloodbath
- “Pope” Francis Endorses Vatican II, Bashes Traditionalists
- Nostra Aetate Part 2: The Church’s Relationship to Satan (Parody)
- Why Sedevacantism? A Priest Explains (Video)
- The “Rad Trads” Respond to Catholic Answers
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