Not an April Fool’s Joke:

Austrian Novus Ordos Seek Rehabilitation of Judas Iscariot

This says a lot about the spiritual state of souls in the Novus Ordo Church: They want to rehabilitate the “Son of Perdition”, Judas Iscariot. Have a look:

Yes, in Austria, the country that gave the world Adolf Hitler, some Novus Ordos, with the blessing of their diocesan “bishop”, seek the rehabilitation of Judas, who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ and died in despair by committing suicide, thus ensuring his own damnation. Our Lord called him a “devil” (Jn 6:71) and said of him, “Those whom thou gavest me have I kept; and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition, that the scripture may be fulfilled” (Jn 17:12).… READ MORE

Put on your Surprise Face…

Jesuit Novus Ordo High School Allows Male Homosexual Couple to Attend Dance

It’s time to act surprised. A Novus Ordo high school has permitted a sodomite couple to attend a school dance together. The homosexual publication Advocate has a story on it here:

The high school is Jesuit, of course. It figures. But at the root of the problem here is the Novus Ordo Church’s ambiguous moral theology, which only condemns some (explicitly sexual) actions but leaves the Gaystapo’s foundational principle in place, which is the idea that some people are heterosexual and some are homosexual, and that’s just how it is, by nature.… READ MORE