Who is Franics to judge?!
Open Homosexual Mo Rocca is Lector at Francis’ “Papal Mass” in New York City
It was to be expected that there would be some fireworks coming from Antipope Francis’ “Apostolic Journey” to the United States of America, a country whose Supreme Court has just decided that the definition of what a marriage is can be changed at will, not even at the decision of an absolute majority of voters, which would have been bad enough, but even by the mere decision of an unelected panel of five judges who feel like it.
While our full commentary on Francis’ entire U.S. trip is still forthcoming, we could not help but share with you this outrageous news that just reached us: At the “Papal Mass” in Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York, on September 25, 2015, the man who participated as the official lector was Maurice “Mo” Rocca, an American television personality who is openly homosexual.
Below you can view the clip of the Modernist worship service, with Rocca stepping up to do his duty at the 28:04 min mark:
Sodomite Mo Rocca’s appearance as lector begins at the 28:04 min mark
In 2009, the very same Mo Rocca participated in the filthy Broadway Bares, a “burlesque show fundraiser [in which] Broadway dancers and actors perform striptease dances for the audience at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City” (see Wikipedia Entry). We will spare you a link to the lewd event.
To make people aware of this horrific scandal, we have created the following meme, which we are also posting on Facebook and Twitter — feel free to spread it:
Secular news outlets have since picked up on this curious occurrence, such as The Hollywood Reporter and NBC New York. A conservative Novus Ordo blog clarifies that Rocca was listed in the official program brochure for the “Mass” as the lector, so this was not spontaneous but planned (imagine that — planning who the lector will be at the “Pope’s Mass”!).
We can expect the typical damage control routine from the Novus Ordo Church’s most intrepid defenders. Expect Mark Shea, Patrick Madrid, Dave Armstrong, Tim Haines, and the other usual suspects to jump into action soon. But while Jimmy Akin prepares “nine things to know and share” in yet another effort at excusing his “Pope”, we would like to let our readers know that this latest scandal fits perfectly into the pattern already traced by Francis and his Modernist sect:
- At World Youth Day in 2013, the lead dancer was a homosexual who had posed nude for a gay porn magazine
- Just a few weeks ago Francis gave his “blessing” to a lesbian woman and her “wife” for authoring a children’s book that introduces innocent little souls to such ideas as same-sex “parents”
- In January 2015, Francis privately received a woman who had undergone sex reassignment surgery and now poses as a man — not to tell her to convert, mind you, but to listen to her sob story of “discrimination” and to encourage her and her (female) fiancee in “moving forward”
- In November 2013, Francis’ Vatican honored an open Sodomite for a cancer research discovery
- In July 2013, Francis appointed a homosexual cleric with a sordid past to head the Vatican Bank
- In August 2012, under Francis’ watch (then “Cardinal” Bergoglio) the adopted children of a homosexual-transgender couple were baptized while the perverts were allowed to pose in front of the altar
- In February 2012, Francis (then “Cardinal” Bergoglio) used the terms “coprophilia” and “coprophagia” in an interview in reference to the work of journalists — if you do not know what these terms signify, consider yourself blessed; if you want/need to know anyway, keep a barf bag handy and read Randy Engel’s excellent “Open Letter to Pope Francis” excoriating him for his carefree attitude about the most perverse sins imaginable
….and more, ad nauseam!
The conclusion is obvious, folks. Ignore it at your own risk.
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