Jorge hits it out of the park…
Buddha, Shekinah, Jesus, Allah:

Francis boldly promotes One-World Religion in new “Pope Video”
Chaos Frank has done it again! He just never disappoints. He is the best advertisement for the Catholic theological position of Sedevacantism we have ever had.
Timed perfectly — by divine providence — to coincide with the official release of the new anti-sedevacantist book, True Or False Pope?, the indeed very false “pope” currently occupying the Vatican (Jorge Bergoglio) has released an official so-called “Pope Video”, the first in a series of monthly clips in which the “Holy Father” personally announces his prayer intentions for the universal church. A special web site has been set up for publishing this content every month, at
In this first video, we see Bergoglio’s false one-world religion in all its glory. The clip is so blunt in its apostasy as to be shocking. At under 2:00 minutes in length, it is best we not attempt to describe it but simply ask you to watch it yourself. Make sure you suffer through it in its entirety, because the worst comes at the end:

CAUTION! This is a “Pope Francis” Production
Hey, even the Son of God, Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity and Creator of the world, got a mention! You know, the One who said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me” (Jn 14:6); “If you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin” (Jn 8:24); “He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned” (Mk 16:16); “He that believeth in the Son, hath life everlasting; but he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (Jn 3:36); and “without me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). We should probably be grateful that the Lord Jesus Christ was represented at all — some time soon this will probably be seen as “conservative”!
This is the same God, by the way, who in the Old Testament was rather clear about His own status: “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me” (Ex 20:3); “Be converted to me, and you shall be saved, all ye ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is no other” (Is 45:22); “And go not after strange gods to serve them, and adore them: nor provoke me to wrath by the works of your hands, and I will not afflict you” (Jer 25:6); “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens” (Ps 95:5).
This abominable, anti-Catholic spectacle is straight from hell. It is a blasphemy of the highest order to put the True God — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost — on a level with false deities! This cannot be justified by saying that Francis is trying to promote peace and cooperation among people of different religions, for this too is not permitted at the expense of truth and the honor of Almighty God. One does not know where to start to list all the traditional Catholic teaching that condemns this apostasy unequivocally. Here’s a small selection (all underlining added):
Catholic Reality Check
In 1925, Pope Pius XI reflected on his inaugural encyclical Ubi Arcano from three years prior and summarized the Catholic teaching on true peace:
In the first Encyclical Letter which We addressed at the beginning of Our Pontificate to the Bishops of the universal Church, We referred to the chief causes of the difficulties under which mankind was laboring. And We remember saying that these manifold evils in the world were due to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics: and we said further, that as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations. Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ; and that We promised to do as far as lay in Our power. In the Kingdom of Christ, that is, it seemed to Us that peace could not be more effectually restored nor fixed upon a firmer basis than through the restoration of the Empire of Our Lord.
(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Quas Primas, n. 1)
His predecessor Pope Leo XIII had identified as “the great error of this age” the plague of indifferentism, which is the error “that a regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter, and that all religions are alike. This manner of reasoning”, the same Pope warned, “is calculated to bring about the ruin of all forms of religion, and especially of the Catholic religion, which, as it is the only one that is true, cannot, without great injustice, be regarded as merely equal to other religions” (Leo XIII, Encyclical Humanum Genus, n. 16).
In his landmark encyclical on true religious unity and the errors of ecumenism, Pope Pius XI hit the nail on the head:
Never perhaps in the past have we seen, as we see in these our own times, the minds of men so occupied by the desire both of strengthening and of extending to the common welfare of human society that fraternal relationship which binds and unites us together, and which is a consequence of our common origin and nature. For since the nations do not yet fully enjoy the fruits of peace — indeed rather do old and new disagreements in various places break forth into sedition and civic strife — and since on the other hand many disputes which concern the tranquillity and prosperity of nations cannot be settled without the active concurrence and help of those who rule the states and promote their interests, it is easily understood, and the more so because none now dispute the unity of the human race, why many desire that the various nations, inspired by this universal kinship, should daily be more closely united one to another.
A similar object is aimed at by some, in those matters which concern the New Law promulgated by Christ our Lord. For since they hold it for certain that men destitute of all religious sense are very rarely to be found, they seem to have founded on that belief a hope that the nations, although they differ among themselves in certain religious matters, will without much difficulty come to agree as brethren in professing certain doctrines, which form as it were a common basis of the spiritual life. For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission. Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little, turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion.
(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos, nn. 1-2)
His predecessor Saint Pius X had already condemned in clear terms the errors of the Sillonist movement in France, which was similarly trying to achieve a just, humane, peaceful, and fraternal society divorced from Catholic truth. Pius X made clear that such errors could not be tolerated:
…the City cannot be built otherwise than as God has built it; society cannot be setup unless the Church lays the foundations and supervises the work; no, civilization is not something yet to be found, nor is the New City to be built on hazy notions; it has been in existence and still is: it is Christian civilization, it is the Catholic City. It has only to be set up and restored continually against the unremitting attacks of insane dreamers, rebels and miscreants. OMNIA INSTAURARE IN CHRISTO [TO RESTORE ALL THINGS IN CHRIST].
The same applies to the notion of Fraternity which [the Sillonists] found on the love of common interest or, beyond all philosophies and religions, on the mere notion of humanity, thus embracing with an equal love and tolerance all human beings and their miseries, whether these are intellectual, moral, or physical and temporal. But Catholic doctrine tells us that the primary duty of charity does not lie in the toleration of false ideas, however sincere they may be, nor in the theoretical or practical indifference towards the errors and vices in which we see our brethren plunged, but in the zeal for their intellectual and moral improvement as well as for their material well-being. Catholic doctrine further tells us that love for our neighbor flows from our love for God, Who is Father to all, and goal of the whole human family; and in Jesus Christ whose members we are, to the point that in doing good to others we are doing good to Jesus Christ Himself. Any other kind of love is sheer illusion, sterile and fleeting.
Indeed, we have the human experience of pagan and secular societies of ages past to show that concern for common interests or affinities of nature weigh very little against the passions and wild desires of the heart. No, Venerable Brethren, there is no genuine fraternity outside Christian charity. Through the love of God and His Son Jesus Christ Our Saviour, Christian charity embraces all men, comforts all, and leads all to the same faith and same heavenly happiness.
And now, overwhelmed with the deepest sadness, We ask Ourselves, Venerable Brethren, what has become of the Catholicism of the Sillon? Alas! this organization which formerly afforded such promising expectations, this limpid and impetuous stream, has been harnessed in its course by the modern enemies of the Church, and is now no more than a miserable affluent of the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer.
We wish to draw your attention, Venerable Brethren, to this distortion of the Gospel and to the sacred character of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God and man, prevailing within the Sillon and elsewhere. As soon as the social question is being approached, it is the fashion in some quarters to first put aside the divinity of Jesus Christ, and then to mention only His unlimited clemency, His compassion for all human miseries, and His pressing exhortations to the love of our neighbor and to the brotherhood of men. True, Jesus has loved us with an immense, infinite love, and He came on earth to suffer and die so that, gathered around Him in justice and love, motivated by the same sentiments of mutual charity, all men might live in peace and happiness.
But for the realization of this temporal and eternal happiness, He has laid down with supreme authority the condition that we must belong to His Flock, that we must accept His doctrine, that we must practice virtue, and that we must accept the teaching and guidance of Peter and his successors.
Further, whilst Jesus was kind to sinners and to those who went astray, He did not respect their false ideas, however sincere they might have appeared. He loved them all, but He instructed them in order to convert them and save them. Whilst He called to Himself in order to comfort them, those who toiled and suffered, it was not to preach to them the jealousy of a chimerical equality. Whilst He lifted up the lowly, it was not to instill in them the sentiment of a dignity independent from, and rebellious against, the duty of obedience. Whilst His heart overflowed with gentleness for the souls of good-will, He could also arm Himself with holy indignation against the profaners of the House of God, against the wretched men who scandalized the little ones, against the authorities who crush the people with the weight of heavy burdens without putting out a hand to lift them.
He was as strong as He was gentle. He reproved, threatened, chastised, knowing, and teaching us that fear is the beginning of wisdom, and that it is sometimes proper for a man to cut off an offending limb to save his body.
Finally, He did not announce for future society the reign of an ideal happiness from which suffering would be banished; but, by His lessons and by His example, He traced the path of the happiness which is possible on earth and of the perfect happiness in heaven: the royal way of the Cross. These are teachings that it would be wrong to apply only to one’s personal life in order to win eternal salvation; these are eminently social teachings, and they show in Our Lord Jesus Christ something quite different from an inconsistent and impotent humanitarianism.
(Pope St. Pius X, Apostolic Letter Notre Charge Apostolique)
At the beginning of his glorious and saintly pontificate, the same Pope Pius X had already lamented and warned:
For in truth, “The nations have raged and the peoples imagined vain things” (Ps. ii., 1.) against their Creator, so frequent is the cry of the enemies of God: “Depart from us” (Job. xxi., 14). And as might be expected we find extinguished among the majority of men all respect for the Eternal God, and no regard paid in the manifestations of public and private life to the Supreme Will — nay, every effort and every artifice is used to destroy utterly the memory and the knowledge of [the true] God. When all this is considered there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days; and that there may be already in the world the “Son of Perdition” of whom the Apostle speaks (2 Thess. ii., 3). Such, in truth, is the audacity and the wrath employed everywhere in persecuting [the true] religion, in combating the dogmas of the faith, in brazen effort to uproot and destroy all relations between man and the Divinity! While, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned God’s majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored. “He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God” (II. Thess. ii., 2).
(Pope St. Pius X, Encyclical E Supremi, nn. 4-5)
Under a guise of promoting “peace”, the Antichrist will seek to bring about the merging of all religions, which will be said to be mere different manifestations of the same religious core doctrine, which each believer has received according to his own “tradition”, but which does not differ in essence from that of other religions — such will be the claim. And thus a “reconciliation” will be proposed between all religions, and our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost is the only true God, will be reduced to the status of “good teacher”, at best, and placed alongside Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, and others.
Are you shocked that Francis would promote such interreligious indifferentism? If so, you haven’t been paying attention. Perhaps you are longing for the “good old days” of John Paul II or Benedict XVI, but then too you are simply not informed. It was Francis who declared as a “saint” the very same John Paul II who praised the Satanic Voodoo religion, who began the apostasy-promoting Assisi interreligious prayer meetings, who had himself anointed with the Hindu Mark of Shiva in India, etc. Here is a video analysis of the latter:
More on the apostasy of Karol Wojtyla can be found on our John Paul II page. His immediate successor, Joseph Ratzinger, was no different in essence, he just dressed better and dusted off a few pre-Vatican II externals to help feign a “traditionalism” that most people actually fell for. But he was a Modernist through and through, with his own Assisi interfaith abomination, as our Benedict XVI page demonstrates.
If you’ve had enough of the Modernist Sect that has been waging war against the Catholic Church since its inception by John XXIII in 1958, while falsely claiming to be that very Church, we invite you to embrace genuine Roman Catholicism:
- Escape from the Novus Ordo: Fr. Michael Oswalt explains (9-part interview series)
- Now What? How to be Catholic Today
St. Paul rebuked the Galatians using words that are entirely applicable to our own time:
I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. Which is not another, only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.
(Gal 1:6-9)
Whoever still isn’t awake now, is dead.
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