Like clockwork…
SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis extends Faculties for Confession beyond ‘Year of Mercy’
Looks like everything is going according to plan. Just as we predicted, as Francis opens a huge door for the “divorced-and-remarried” — unfortunately, it’s the door to hell — he is likewise being very “merciful” to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X. Gotta keep those traditionalists happy in the face of such a big whopper as the “Apostolic Exhortation” just released.
On April 10, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, announced during a sermon (full audio here) in Puy-en-Velay (France) that “Pope” Francis had told him at a recent meeting in the Vatican that he would extend the faculties he had given the SSPX to hear confessions validly, beyond the “Jubilee Year of Mercy”, which ends on November 20 of this year.
This was reported on two traditional-leaning French web sites, Riposte Catholique and Le Salon Beige, from which the following two short articles are taken (our translation):
The Pope Will Extend SSPX Priests’ Faculties for Confession
April 10, 2016
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (SSPX) organized a two-day pilgrimage in Puy-en-Velay on the occasion of the jubilee connected with this Marian shrine (the 31st jubilee since the year 992 A.D.). Four thousand faithful were able to benefit from the indulgences in Notre Dame Cathedral. In the morning, Bishop Bernard Fellay gave the sermon for the mass of Good Shepherd Sunday before the 4000 faithful and revealed to the congregation what Francis granted him the past week. “The faculty for confessions,” the pope said, “will of course continue after” the end of the year of mercy. It seems the Sovereign Pontiff is quite determined to regularize the SSPX, regardless of the opposition.
The day after the audience, Bishop Bernard Fellay met Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei, who specified to him what Rome was expecting of the SSPX: “We only think to ask of you that which is asked—that which is necessary—of every Catholic, and nothing more.” That is consistent with what the Italian prelate confided this week to our colleagues from La Croixwhen speaking of degrees of adherence to the Council’s texts. To Bishop Fellay, he specified, according to the latter’s statements: “You have the right to defend your opinions [!] on religious liberty, on ecumenism, on relations with other religions.” At the same time, these opinions [!] were those of popes for centuries. It is encouraging to see that the Holy See recognizes the thinking of its own predecessors as “Catholic,” and it is reassuring to see in the past years that the passions have died down. What well-disposed soul would rejoice to see endless divisions prolonged?
(“Le pape va proroger le pouvoir de confesser des prêtres de la FSSPX”, Riposte Catholique, April 10, 2016; underlining added.)
SSPX: The Pope Will Extend the Validity of Its Priests’ Confessions Beyond the Year of Mercy
April 10, 2016
Several thousand people assembled in Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) during the pilgrimage the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (SSPX) organized this weekend on the occasion of the jubilee year tied to this distinguished place of Christianity [This is not the Novus Ordo Jubilee Year of Mercy. —NOW]. Abbé Christian Bouchacourt, Superior of the District of France, recalled during the mass celebrated Saturday in Saint-Paulien (Haute-Loire) that this pilgrimage consisted in praying for our country. He recalled that numerous saints were tied to this blessed place (Joan of Arc, Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort, John Francis Regis, etc.) and encouraged the faithful to recite the Angelus each day for the intentions of Muslims, so that they come to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.
During the two days, it was necessary to control the access of pilgrims into the cathedral according to strict time slots, so that everyone could benefit from the graces of the plenary indulgence granted during this jubilee, the oldest in our history.
Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, celebrated, in the presence of his two general assistants, the mass of Good Shepherd Sunday.
Some days before, he had met Pope Francis in the course of a very positive meeting, which has strengthened the ties between the Holy See and the fraternity founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Despite the publication of the post-synodal exhortation, which “makes us weep,” he revealed some “joys” coming from this meeting:
- The pope confirmed that the SSPX was Catholic in his eyes.
- He confirmed that he would never condemn them.
- He confided wanting to extend the faculties of the SSPX, beginning with the faculty of its priests to hear confessions.
Finally, in the course of his meetings in Rome, Bishop Fellay was encouraged to establish a seminary in Italy.
(Michel Janva, “FSSPX: le pape étendra la validité de confessions de ses prêtres au-delà de l’année de la miséricorde”, Le Salon Beige, April 10, 2016; underlining added.)
All of this comes as no surprise. In fact, when on September 1, 2015, we reported on Francis’ generous “concession” to grant jurisdiction to SSPX priests to give valid absolution to their penitents during the “Year of Mercy”, we said right then and there that it could be expected that this concession would continue indefinitely:
In our opinion, this is the first step to an official reconciliation between the Modernist Vatican and the Lefebvrists. Francis himself hints at this, writing: “I trust that in the near future solutions may be found to recover full communion with the priests and superiors of the Fraternity”. Recall also that the SSPX Superior, Bp. Bernard Fellay, was already appointed by the Vatican as a judge of the first instance for the Society. So, it is quite possible that the plan is to have the SSPX substantially united with Rome by the end of the jubilee year (Nov. 20, 2016). After all, envision the alternative: For one year the SSPX has been absolving with permission from Rome, and then, all of a sudden, we are to imagine that they are to stop because, “Hey, you! Mercy is over! You’re back to being naughty now!” What kind of a “mercy” is that, that comes with an expiration date?
Not going to happen. Expect this to be the beginning of the full regularization of the SSPX as just another indult order — like the Institute of Christ the King or the Fraternity of St. Peter — of the Modernist Vatican II Church.
(“Francis Grants Jurisdiction to SSPX Priests to Hear Confessions & Grant Absolution during ‘Holy Year of Mercy’”, Novus Ordo Wire, Sep. 1, 2015; underlining added.)
Anyone who is not totally blinded by some euphoric desire to be united under a man who just essentially abolished the sin of adultery, can see what is going on here. Bp. Fellay — who recently proved himself to be a laughable pushover in a non-scripted interview the SSPX has been hoping you will never hear about — is clearly being played, and it is inconceivable that he cannot see that. Look at the absurd “assurances” a sobbing Fellay gives about Francis: (1) He believes the SSPX is Catholic; (2) He will never condemn the SSPX; (3) He will extend SSPX faculties.
Now let’s think about this for a minute, even just from a classic SSPX standpoint:
(1) Yay! The most flagrant anti-Catholic Modernist to ever occupy the Vatican, who daily spouts the most outrageous blasphemies and heresies, agrees that we are real Catholics! If that doesn’t prove we’re Catholic!
(2) Yay! He assured us he will never condemn us. Even though his daily homilies are full of insults and condemnations against those “rigid neo-pelagians” who wade in “certainties” and prefer the “law” over “mercy”, who count Rosaries and “exclude” others, we know he will never condemn us! Why? Because… well, see (1) above! Even though he’s been harming the entire church every single day, he will never harm us!
(3) Yay! He will extend the very faculties we’ve been arguing for decades we don’t even need! See all the wonderful things he’s doing for us!
You cannot make this stuff up! The absurdity is really staggering. Who can fall for this nonsense?
A few days ago we had already reported on the perfectly-timed announcement from the Vatican’s head of the Ecclesia Dei commission in charge of dealing with the SSPX, “Mgr.” Guido Pozzo, that it was not necessary that the SSPX accept all of Vatican II in order to fully reconcile with the “Holy See”:
Funny — did this never come up in the last 10 years of “negotiations”?
And Francis is doing all of this at the same time as he is gleefully smashing the last remnants of Catholicism in the Novus Ordo Church to pieces. Pity the soul that cannot see what is going on here.
UPDATE: The mainstream “Catholic” press is starting to cover this:

Blind or just closing his eyes?
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