011 TRADCAST (15 JAN 2016)
- The release of True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe — Francis’ blasphemous and indifferentist Interfaith Video — Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza’s “Sedevacantism, Fatima, and Freemasonry” program of Oct. 24, 2015 (Part 2)
- [no further segments]
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Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information
- Novus Ordo Watch, Sedevacantism Vindicated against John Salza, Robert Siscoe, and Others (TrueOrFalsePopes.com)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “True or False Pope: On that alleged ‘Irrational Response’ by Sedevacantists” (Jan. 6, 2016)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “Francis boldly promotes One-World Religion in New Video” (Jan. 7, 2016)
- Book: Rev. Eric F. MacKenzie, The Delict of Heresy in its Commission, Penalization, Absolution (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1932) — available electronically through Apple iBooks
- Book: Henry Denzinger, Enchiridion Symbolorum: The Sources of Catholic Dogma, (30th ed., 1954) trans. by Roy Deferrari (Loreto Publications, 2002) — available electronically free at Patristica.net
- Article: Canon George Smith, “Must I Believe it?”, The Clergy Review, Vol. 6 (April, 1936)
- Church Document: Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Humani Generis (1950)
- Article: Thomas Droleskey, “If It Is In The Acta Apostolicae Sedis, It Is Official Teaching”, Christ or Chaos (Dec. 30, 2015)
- Book: Walter M. Abbot, ed., trans., The Documents of Vatican II (New York: The America Press, 1966)
- Article: John S. Daly, “Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly? The Ordinary and Universal Magisterium” (2nd ed., 2014)
- YouTube Video: “Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed?” (Dec. 18, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “Sedevacantism: Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed against the Catholic Church?” (Dec. 27, 2015)
- Church Document: Pope Leo XIII, Apostolic Letter Annum Ingressi (March 19, 1902)
- Church Document: Pope Pius IX, Encyclical Inter Multiplices (March 21, 1853)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “John Vennari: ‘I would never allow Pope Francis to Teach Religion to my Children’” (June 16, 2013)
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- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “Why do so many Fear Sedevacantism?” (Jan. 3, 2016)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “The Eagle Has Crashed: Eric Gajewski’s TradCatKnight Deception” (Oct. 23, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Blog Post, “EXCLUSIVE! Michael Davies — An Evaluation by John Daly” (Dec. 6, 2015)
- Novus Ordo Watch Article, “Now What?” — Being a Real Catholic Today
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