Turning dogma on its head…

“The Mystery of the Lord made Bread for us” – Archlayman of Lima redefines Transubstantiation

“Pope” Francis isn’t the only South American Modernist who believes that in the Holy Eucharist Jesus Christ changes Himself into bread. The individual he appointed Archlayman of Lima, Mr. Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, is another one.

On Jan. 7, 2020, the 69-year-old false Catholic bishop proclaimed: “It is essential for us to maintain a level of entering and contemplating the mystery of the Lord made bread for us, the mystery of the transubstantiation as we call it more technically, which means the real presence of the Lord“, according to a report by Catholic News Agency (underlining added).

While Mr. Castillo Mattasoglio correctly remembered the Catholic term for the dogma of the Real Presence — Transubstantiation — his definition couldn’t be more wrong. He got it exactly backwards: It is not Christ who becomes bread — it is bread that becomes Christ, literally. (Well, in the “New Mass” that actually doesn’t happen, but in the real Catholic Mass it does.)

Francis, however, will be pleased, for he himself holds the Lutheran heresy of Consubstantiation, also called Impanation, according to which “the substance of Christ’s Body exists together with the substance of bread, and in like manner the substance of His Blood together with the substance of wine” (Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v. “Consubstantiation”; cf. Denz. 883-884).

In a sermon given last year for the Feast of Corpus Christi, of all occasions, the fake “Vicar of Christ” declared:

In the presence of the Eucharist, Jesus who becomes bread, this simple bread that contains the entire reality of the Church, let us learn to bless all that we have, to praise God, to bless and not curse all that has led us to this moment, and to speak words of encouragement to others.

…The Lord does great things with our littleness, as he did with the five loaves. He does not work spectacular miracles [!], but uses simple things, breaking bread in his hands, giving, distributing and sharing it. God’s omnipotence is lowly, made up of love alone. And love can accomplish great things with little. The Eucharist teaches us this: for there we find God himself contained in a piece of bread. Being simple and essential, bread broken and shared, the Eucharist we receive allows us to see things as God does.

(Antipope Francis, Homily for Corpus Christi, Zenit, June 23, 2019; italics removed; underlining added.)

This is not at all unusual for Francis.

Recall that during the Angelus address of Aug. 23, 2015, he managed to “explain” Christ’s Bread of Life Discourse in Chapter 6 of St. John’s Gospel without mentioning the Real Presence — much less Transubstantiation!

Recall also that in 2016 in Lund, Sweden, for the occasion of the joint commemoration (!) of the Protestant Revolution, Francis listened docilely and without objecting when the Rev. Martin Junge, Secretary General of the Lutheran World Federation, expressed his hope that God would “find us building bridges so that we can draw closer to each other, houses where we can meet together, and tables — yes, tables — where we can share the bread and the wine, the presence of Christ, who has never left us and who calls us to abide in him so that the world may believe” (source). Yes, after five decades of “ecumenical dialogue”, the Lutherans still want to share bread and wine with Catholics.

Naturally, there are always those who will argue that saying that in the Holy Eucharist, Jesus Christ becomes bread is an acceptable and orthodox way of speaking and in no way a denial of Transubstantiation. Last year, Novus Ordo apologist Dave Armstrong tried that defense in order to get his beloved Francis off the hook. We mopped the floor with him:

To most people it will probably not be too much of a surprise to hear that “Abp.” Castillo Mattasoglio was appointed to his post in Lima by Francis himself, just last year. He is a man after Bergoglio’s Modernist heart, one who has an affinity for liberation theology and is greatly concerned about ecology. No wonder he was appointed within mere weeks after his predecessor turned 75 years old, as Life Site has reported:

What’s amusingly ironic about Mattasoglio’s heretical definition of Transubstantiation on Jan. 7 is that it comes as part of what were meant to be “clarifying” remarks about something he had said earlier the same day, which people rightly took offense at. Lima’s new Archlayman had spoken impiously about Eucharistic adoration. As Catholic News Agency reported:

Archbishop Castillo’s remarks came after he told Lima’s synodal assembly Jan. 7 that “no one is converted with the tabernacle.” At that meeting, Archbishop Castillo said that while Pope Francis has mentioned contemplation of the Eucharist as a source of spiritual growth, “no one is converted with the tabernacle. We are all converted from meeting people who ask us questions and who are human dramas where the possibility of encountering the Lord arises.”

“I can later sit before the tabernacle and pray and all that, and surely; but it is very rare that I have illumination in a passive state…Contemplation is extremely important but to the extent the faith has been transmitted, somebody communicated the faith to me,” Archbishop Castillo added.

“We are all believers because someone announced the Gospel to us, from our mother who made the sign of the cross, the grandma, the dad, the aunt, classmates at school, the Christian community or the singing group…It’s in human relationships where the Lord is hidden, that his presence appears and we welcome him,” Castillo added.

(“Lima archbishop offers ‘clarification’ on controversial Eucharist remarks”, Catholic News Agency, Jan. 13, 2020)

For these Modernist apostates, every type of presence of Christ is the same and therefore they are all equal: His presence in Sacred Scripture (see Jn 1:1); His presence in an assembly of the faithful (see Mt 18:20); His presence in the sick and the needy (see Mt 25:31-46); and His True and Substantial Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist (see Jn 6:52).

For these people, kneeling in front of the Tabernacle and kneeling before the poor are essentially the same thing — the difference being only that Francis actually does kneel before people and refuses to kneel before what he claims to believe is God.

Who is so blind as not to see what’s going on here?

Image source: youtube.com (screenshot)
License: fair use

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