Making the Amazon a better place…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia
“Beloved Amazon”
February 2, 2020

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

The Vatican has released the text of the new exhortation in sundry languages, of which we make the following two available via direct links:

If one had to pick one single word to summarize the lengthy document, perhaps the most fitting word would be “inculturation.”… READ MORE

Making the Amazon great again…

FULL COVERAGE: Release of Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Amazon Region, Querida Amazonia

May 27, 2019: Francis receives Raoni Metuktire, chief of the Kayapo, in the Vatican.
Francis is eager to learn from this environmentalist defender of the Amazon.

Vatican Press Conference

Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia (with English sound):
Click Player to begin stream

Post-Synodal Exhortation Querida Amazonia: Full Text, Official Documents