“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

When Novus Ordos build a Church…

Source: youtube.com (Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart; screenshot)

One of the most annoying Novus Ordo hymns in the United States is “Sing a New Church”, the lyrics to which were created by Sr. Delores Dufner, OSB. If your ears will tolerate it, this train wreck of a church song can be listened to here. That Dufner has since received a Lutheran award comes as no real surprise.

But while there are those who try to sing a new church into being, others get busy actually building one.

The most recent case in point: St. Peter’s church in Bad Cannstatt, a city district of Stuttgart, Germany. It is part of the notorious perversion-promoting diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Why would this diocese need to build a church rather than tear a few down for lack of attendance? Simple: This new one is replacing an old building that had become too large for the few people who still show up, and it was so dilapidated that it made more sense to tear it down and build a new one instead. At the same time, and quite ironically, the parish’s kindergarten had become too small, and so a single new building that combines church, kindergarten, and parish hall is what they decided on.

Here are a few pictures of the newly-built beauty, which took almost two years to complete:

Source: liebfrauen-badcannstatt.drs.de (Roland Wiehl)

Source: cannstatter-zeitung.de

Source: liebfrauen-badcannstatt.drs.de (M. Wörle)

Source: kath-kirche-stuttgart.de

An initial glimpse into the almost-finished new “church” is also given in the following brief clip released by the diocese weeks ago:

As the presbyter explains in the video, the black “altar” is made of heavy rolled steel, which he claims is meant to symbolize durability; but it is peppered with pieces of cracked calcined clay — that’s the colored vertical “bars” that you see all around it. The designer of this occultish garbage is the German sculptor Madeleine Dietz, who has continually impressed the world with such edifying works of “art” as this one, this one, and that one. Not only did Dietz design the altar and lectern, she is responsible for all of the “sacred” interior design. Even the ugly wall cross has a steel frame filled with clay.

In case you’re wondering what the “tabernacle” looks like, that would be this monster:

Source: madeleinedietz.de

This past Sunday, the Second of Advent, “Bishop” Gebhard Fürst led the dedication ceremony, highlights of which can be viewed in this clip:

According to a report in Stuttgarter Zeitung, the dedication ceremony ended with a “dance of lights” conducted by nine children.

The price tag for the new St. Peter’s is a whopping 6.3 million €, which is roughly $7.2 million. Of this, 1.4 million € the parish had to come up with on its own, Canstatter Zeitung reports. The balance was presumably paid by the diocese. Remember that money is not much of an issue for the Novus Ordo hierarchy in the country of Martin Luther, Karl Rahner, and Joseph Ratzinger, and that’s because of the infamous church tax imposed on anyone there who doesn’t officially revoke his membership in the Vatican II Church (the same goes for mainstream Lutherans, respectively).

As is quite evident in this example, Novus Ordo churches are a space for man, where God is at best a footnote. It’s all about encounter, tranquility, and subjective experience. The true primary purpose of a church — the worship of the Most Holy Trinity, in accordance with the divine demands — is entirely eclipsed. That’s why they always simply “invite” you to church, they never tell you that you have an obligation to come. Considering what the Novus Ordo Missae (“New Mass”) is, that’s naturally a good thing, though that is not intended.

By the way: Considering what the previous, old church looked like that the new St. Peter’s is replacing, one could say that it’s actually an improvement.

So now you know what it looks like when Novus Ordos build a church. By contrast, here’s what it looks like when Catholics build a church:

Source: stjosephschurch.net

Just saying.

And remember: Even if Novus Ordos should ever be left with no churches to go to, that will not be a real problem for them. As “Pope” Francis suggested last year, if need be, they can always go to the Anglicans.

Image licenses: Fair use

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