Italian Novus Ordo Priest slams Francis, says not even “Cardinal” Martini would have voted for Bergoglio in Conclave
The long-time Vatican reporter Marco Tosatti has published on his blog a letter that he received from a conservative Italian Novus Ordo priest, one “Fr.” Ariel Levi di Gualdo, in response to his July 20 post, “Martini did not want Bergoglio as Pope”. Tosatti publishes di Gualdo’s letter without commentary, which, indeed, would be superfluous since the contents of the letter speak for themselves.
The main thrust of di Gualdo’s missive is that not even the notorious über-liberal “Cardinal” Carlo Martini (1927-2012) — an advocate of women’s ordination and homosexual civil unions, for example — would have liked to see Jorge Bergoglio as Pope (which is saying quite a lot, considering the theological overlap between Martini and Bergoglio).… READ MORE