Get the Popcorn ready…

How Long Until Schism?
The Vatican II Sect on the Brink of Chaos

The Synod on the Family had not even started yet, and already all hell was breaking loose: Francis’ endless tyranny against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate over their slight drift towards traditionalism; The Remnant’s much-hyped Petition to Stop the Synod’s embarrassing failure to get even 1,400 unverified signatures; Novus Ordo cardinals being at each other’s throats over what the Synod is and isn’t permitted to change; Francis’ invitation of Belgium’s scandal-ridden “Cardinal” Daneels to participate in the synod while showing conservative-minded “bishops” the door (he did once work as a bouncer, you know); and on top of all this, a respected Italian journalist’s well-timed release of a book making the case that Francis isn’t even a valid Pope!… READ MORE

Symbolism that speaks volumes…

Hiding Christ from the Jews? Francis’ Pectoral Cross is covered during part of Meeting with Chief Rabbis

One of the many stops during Francis’ brief visit to the Holy Land was a meeting with the two Chief Rabbis of Israel. The Vatican posted the text of Francis’ address to the two rabbis here, and also made available this video.

In keeping with his program of refusing to ever actually evangelize the Jews (or any other non-Catholics, for that matter), and of mocking Christ our Lord, the false “Pope” Francis wore his pectoral cross behind his sash, so that it was at various times either covered partially or not visible at all.… READ MORE

Make popcorn, folks…

Comedy Hour with John Salza:

A Critical Review of his Interview on Papal Authority on Voice of Catholic Radio 

It is really scary to see what is marketed as “traditional Catholicism” by the false traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camp these days. Their stubborn unwillingness to concede that the Vatican II Church cannot be the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that its “popes” cannot be true Catholic Popes, is driving them to twist and distort genuine traditional Catholic doctrine regarding the nature, authority, and infallibility of the papacy and the Church’s Magisterium.

On March 30, 2014, the Long-Island-based program Voice of Catholic Radio featured a 40-minute interview with “Resistance” apologist John Salza, conducted by host Joe Bagnoli (click here to listen or download).


The “Gospel” according to Bergoglio…

Francis Again Confirms Muslim Refugees in Unbelief, says their “Faith” will help them to “Move On”

Antipope Francis never misses an opportunity to hide the Gospel from those who need it most: the unbelievers. Whether they be Jews, Muslims, Pagans, or atheists, Francis never tires of telling people to do anything other than embrace the only true religion, the Catholic Faith; he thus deliberately impedes any potential conversion.

His latest attack on the Gospel in the presence of hapless unbelievers was perpetrated on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014, when His Hereticalness attended a meeting with foreign refugees in the Roman parish of the Sacred Heart (see video above).… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Rev. Sylvester Berry in The Apocalypse of St. John:


“The Papacy will be Attacked by all the Powers of Hell… the Church will suffer great Trials … in securing a Successor upon the Throne of Peter… The Church [will be] deprived of her Chief Pastor…”

In 1921, Fr. E. Sylvester Berry (1879-1954) published a wonderful commentary on the scriptural book of the Apocalypse (also known as the book of Revelation). With careful analysis and gifted insight, Fr. Berry comments on every passage found in the last book of the Bible.

In view of what has transpired in the 20th century in the Roman Catholic Church, and the counterfeit “Catholic” church that was set up after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 (which the same Fr.… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Fr. Sylvester Berry in The Church of Christ:


“Satan will imitate the Church of Christ to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ”

In 1927, Fr. E. Sylvester Berry, professor of apologetics at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Maryland, wrote the following in his apologetic and dogmatic treatise on the Catholic Church:

The prophecies of the Apocalypse [book of Revelation] show that Satan will imitate the Church of Christ to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ.


A Timely Reminder from 1861:

Fr. Frederick W. Faber

Fr. Frederick Faber on the Deception of the Antichrist

We must remember that if all the manifestly good men were on one side and all the manifestly bad men on the other, there would be no danger of anyone, least of all the elect, being deceived by lying wonders. It is the good men, good once, we must hope good still, who are to do the work of Anti-Christ and so sadly to crucify the Lord afresh…. Bear in mind this feature of the last days, that this deceitfulness arises from good men being on the wrong side.