Reality check for Ratzinger admirers…

There’s Your New Evangelization: Vatican Translator dies a Lutheran because “Cardinal” Ratzinger had told her NOT to Convert

[UPDATE 2/6/14: Accuracy of story confirmed – Spath herself was source of this information]

This past Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, a lady by the name of Sigrid Spath passed away in Rome. Austrian by birth, Spath had worked for the Vatican as a translator of official church documents since the time of Paul VI. She translated Italian, Latin, French, English, Spanish, and Polish texts into German.

Now that she has passed, Vatican Radio has released a brief article on her life and work, and it contains a veritable bombshell.… READ MORE

Bergoglio the Apostate Speaks Again…

“There Is No Catholic God” – “Proselytism is Nonsense”:


“Pope” Francis gives Interview
to Italian La Repubblica

If you thought that the interview the Rev. Antonio Spadaro conducted with “Pope” Francis in August and published in September 2013 was a royal mess, get ready for more of the same, but this time, with a bit more bluntness and less diplomacy. On October 1, the Italian paper La Repubblica published yet another interview with His Phoniness (Francis’third in total, if you’re keeping track) under the title “The Pope: How the Church will Change”, and this one elaborates on Francis’ own aversion to the Catholic Faith and his plans to advance the Modernist apostasy at work in the Vatican since the election of “Pope” John XXIII in 1958.… READ MORE