Absurdity on stilts…

Ecumenical Carnival Liturgy with Mock Communion Service in Swiss Catholic Church

Willisau is a tiny town in Switzerland, and we wouldn’t be talking about it were it not for the annual so-called “Fools’ Mass” that takes place at the ‘Catholic’ Church of Saints Peter and Paul there during the carnival season. (To see our report on last year’s shenanigans, click here.)

Although called a Mass, it was actually an ecumenical ‘Liturgy of the Word’ plus a grotesque ‘communion’ service that makes the average Novus Ordo Liturgy look like a Solemn Pontifical High Mass offered by Pope St. Pius X.

The latest such ‘Fools’ Mass’ in Willisau took place on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, at 7:00 pm. As the parish has no permanent Novus Ordo priest assigned to it, the ‘Catholic’ presider over this madness was going to be, like last year, ‘pastoral leader’ Andreas Wissmiller. However, he was unable to attend on account of illness and a woman substituted for him instead. Her name is Christine Demel, one of the pastoral counselors in the area (her entry in the region’s ‘Catholic’ directory can be found here). Demel was joined by Rev. Thomas Heim, the local Protestant pastor of the ‘Reformed Church’ of Willisau. Together they were assisted by Hanspeter Metz, who is the president of the regional fools’ guild. You can’t make this stuff up!

Before we share the whole video of this heretico-blasphemous sacrilege, here are some still shots to give you a preview of what you’re going to encounter:

The local Protestant pastor came dressed as a hippie. Notice the tabernacle on the high altar behind him.

Exotically-styled Christine Demel represented the ‘Catholic’ Novus Ordo religion

Yes, that’s a bread basket

Miss or Mrs. Demel holds up wine and grape juice

Finally, let’s eat and drink!

Loads of fun at ‘communion’ snack time!

And now, if you can stomach it, here is the full video:

Not surprisingly, the church chosen for the occasion was a beautiful traditional Catholic church building constructed in the early 1800s (defiling ugly Novus Ordo concrete monstrosities is no fun, after all). Photos of the inside and outside can be found here.

In place of a sermon, Demel, Heim, and Metz acted out a trialogue in which they glorified the 1970s as a time of great freedom and change. We’ll spare you the blasphemous details.

The high point of the scandalous farce was a mock communion service — passing out bread, wine, and grape juice after having said some prayers of thanksgiving. Heim offered his prayer for the bread first, then came Demel with the wine and the grape juice. What she prayed is so cringeworthy that we feel compelled to highlight it here:

Dear God, we thank you for the juice of the grape, for all who worked to make it; that we can share it with each other today. Bless us through this wine, this grape juice, so that we may receive new courage and joy for our lives. Bless us through every sip so that we will shape our lives with joy. Bless us through this wine, this grape juice, that they may inspire in us works of charity. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

(beginning at 38:50 min mark)

Words fail. But then, what is there to say anyway? This is madness wrapped in insanity — on stilts!

Lastly, we might add that this parish church in Willisau is part of the diocese of Basel, where the ‘Catholic bishop’ in charge is 58-year-old progressive Mr. Felix Gmür, who was appointed to the post by ‘Pope’ Benedict XVI in 2010.

Ultimately, the message here is clear: Don’t be a fool — flee the Vatican II Sect and be a real Catholic before it’s too late.

Image source: YouTube (screenshots)
License: fair use

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